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Pecky pocky picky




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Learned yesterday that I'm not supposed to talk with my father-in-law. He wanted me to go down and drag some brush up out of the fence line he cut. I went to it. After a little he come down with the pickup.

I spoke to him, at first saying I was not angry, upset. Told him I recalled doing that kind of work as a very young man and it seemed I never grew any farther. Said it was alright work but it just didn't help on bills and i felt bad due to not getting any further along in life than teen boy.

Well, I suppose that set him off on a fit. He went back up to his place and told everyone there, my wife included that I was saying awful stuff. He asked her if it made me mad that he asked me to do something? Swore then he would not ever ask again. This isn't the first time he has pulled such a thing either, it was the first my wife immediately saw it though.

She and I spoke here at the house. Her conclusion was that he's grumpy anytime he starts running low on money, takes it out on whoever is handy. This whole bullshit of being broke ass poor has gotten sickening, all the way around. So, now I cannot talk with someone who might actually have experience in life, get some advice. I already avoid talking to my nephews, her sister and sister's husband as much as possible.

Seems they have all colluded in the notion that I'm something like Bob, alien and it's all fine and well to get the hate on for me. So much for family then. What I was trying to convey to him was having a sense of being about half useless, or seeming so. I was having a down on myself as it seems 95% of jobs, work outside a farm / home require driving, driver's license and well, I don't drive.

As I told him, it seems like it'll be what it'll be regardless any effort I put forward, so long as i don't drive. I'm left to wonder why that couldn't be seen as a disability. Aw, well the government has already told me fuck you, that explains it. *sigh* This morning I'm pondering why I lack a cup of :coffee: at the moment. Bah, if anybody sees my mind wander by, don't engage it, I think it is armed with a copy of a quantum physics and nuclear energy text book. The last I need is a Chernobyl on my conscious from my mind making fizzy drinks.


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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That is the only way to fly if ya gotta blow your nose

I get the Kroger brand with lotion; cheaper than both Puffs and the walmart brand, and also softer than Walmart's, and more absorbent than Puffs. But, I have to get the Kroger brand without lotion for when my eyes are bothering me and tearing up, because the lotion kind leaves all kinds of crap around my eyes, it flakes and gets in my eyes and makes the problem even worse.



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"Yeah?" ... "Well, fuck Monday and the dead horse it rode in on, too! We don't need no stinking home security systems, call another day and 'Peanuts to you!'."

Yep, someone trying to cold call us to sell home security systems. "Does this sound like something you're interested in?" ... "No. mam, got plent o' dogs 'round the house, too many. Thanks." ... "oh, erm, well have a pleasant day sir."

*chuckling & shaking my head* Then turn around and cold call my wife next. *chuckles*


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Well, I don't really have anything against Monday, especially when it's payday. :D Then we have 3 hrs of TV starting at 8, so I kinda like today. :)

They keep calling my husband's cell phone trying to sell him a home security system. "We already have a nice ADT, so take me off your list, and DON'T CALL THIS NUMBER AGAIN."


The Cromwell

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So tell me, what RDTA did you get, why do you hate it and why did you listen to reviewers you hate so much?
The Serpent RDTA. 2 reasons I got it. 22mm and V1ck and others said it was great.
They seemed to not mention the problem that all RDTA's must have.
I figured surely they were not like a stardust clearo... Butt they are!

And I even used the coils that came with it.

And I did not hate the reviewers before I got it.
Still don't hate them just don't take what they say very seriously now.


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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The Serpent RDTA. 2 reasons I got it. 22mm and V1ck and others said it was great.
They seemed to not mention the problem that all RDTA's must have.
I figured surely they were not like a stardust clearo... Butt they are!

And I even used the coils that came with it.

And I did not hate the reviewers before I got it.
Still don't hate them just don't take what they say very seriously now.

You must mean the inescapable problem with ALL tanks: vacuum! If you lose it, or it's compromised in ANY way, a) it won't vape worth a crap, and b) it leaks. Just another reason I was really glad to move entirely to RDAs. When I started using the Achilles, I was like... AHHHHHHHHHHH. None of those fussy details to fuck with! and I can fill it from the top!!!!!!!!



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You must mean the inescapable problem with ALL tanks: vacuum! If you lose it, or it's compromised in ANY way, a) it won't vape worth a crap, and b) it leaks. Just another reason I was really glad to move entirely to RDAs. When I started using the Achilles, I was like... AHHHHHHHHHHH. None of those fussy details to fuck with! and I can fill it from the top!!!!!!!!

Andria All tanks do not have that problem. THe tobecco supertanks that I use a lot have RBA decks as well as the factory coils are very easy to rebuild. They dont leak a drop with the cap removed, even with the tank full. The OBS I have has yet to leak a drop, even with the fill port wide open. A couple years ago I would fully agree with you, but things have come a long way in the design of tanks.


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Morning fugee's and happy Tuesday to yall.

Looks like its going to be another beautiful day today. What is keeping me down is breathing issues. The slightest activity and I am gasping for breath. At times walking from the living room to the kitchen has me winded. Yet it kills me to be incative. It is so damn nice outside that I just have to be a part of it and when I walk outside I see all this stuff that needs to be taken care of. I been seeing these scrub trees growing up besides some persimmon trees that I have. These crap trees grow like weeds and they was getting pretty big and dwarfing my persimmon trees so yesterday i decided they needed cutting down. Grabbed my chainsaw and carried it out to the trees and started cutting. After the third or forth one I had to drop the chainsaw, walk to my car just to keep from falling down because I was gasping for breath and so damn light headed I wasnt sure if I was going to collapse or not.

I should be scared by that because it was pretty intense but I am not. Im actually pissed off from it. I am too damn young for this shit and I am not going to let it keep me down any longer. Today I am going to finish cutting down those crap trees, drag them to the burn pile and weed eat around my persimmon trees. I might only be able to do 5 minutes of work at a time and then have to take a 15 to 20 minute break but damnit. I am tired of sitting around and not being able to do anything.


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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Morning fugee's and happy Tuesday to yall.

Looks like its going to be another beautiful day today. What is keeping me down is breathing issues. The slightest activity and I am gasping for breath. At times walking from the living room to the kitchen has me winded. Yet it kills me to be incative. It is so damn nice outside that I just have to be a part of it and when I walk outside I see all this stuff that needs to be taken care of. I been seeing these scrub trees growing up besides some persimmon trees that I have. These crap trees grow like weeds and they was getting pretty big and dwarfing my persimmon trees so yesterday i decided they needed cutting down. Grabbed my chainsaw and carried it out to the trees and started cutting. After the third or forth one I had to drop the chainsaw, walk to my car just to keep from falling down because I was gasping for breath and so damn light headed I wasnt sure if I was going to collapse or not.

I should be scared by that because it was pretty intense but I am not. Im actually pissed off from it. I am too damn young for this shit and I am not going to let it keep me down any longer. Today I am going to finish cutting down those crap trees, drag them to the burn pile and weed eat around my persimmon trees. I might only be able to do 5 minutes of work at a time and then have to take a 15 to 20 minute break but damnit. I am tired of sitting around and not being able to do anything.

This is so alarming I don't know where to begin!


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The Serpent RDTA. 2 reasons I got it. 22mm and V1ck and others said it was great.
They seemed to not mention the problem that all RDTA's must have.
I figured surely they were not like a stardust clearo... Butt they are!

And I even used the coils that came with it.

And I did not hate the reviewers before I got it.
Still don't hate them just don't take what they say very seriously now.
What's the problem with the Serpent RDTA? I have one that lives on the Pico using a 3mm fused SS316L Clapton (28g*2/34g), vapes like a champ with the wicks trimmed at the edge of the glass tank.

It's noisy because of the airflow design, the hard 90 degree turn is the problem. It would have been better with side air on a postless deck. :)


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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What's the problem with the Serpent RDTA? I have one that lives on the Pico using a 3mm fused SS316L Clapton (28g*2/34g), vapes like a champ with the wicks trimmed at the edge of the glass tank.

It's noisy because of the airflow design, the hard 90 degree turn is the problem. It would have been better with side air on a postless deck. :)

Well hey Trolly, long time no type! Where ya been?!?!?!?!


The Cromwell

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What's the problem with the Serpent RDTA? I have one that lives on the Pico using a 3mm fused SS316L Clapton (28g*2/34g), vapes like a champ with the wicks trimmed at the edge of the glass tank.

It's noisy because of the airflow design, the hard 90 degree turn is the problem. It would have been better with side air on a postless deck. :)
If your tank is not totally full and has juice against the wicks and it sits for a while on my desk. When I pick it up and vape I get a far less than stellar vape...
Must be tipped like an old topcoil clearo and then given a bit of time for the wicking before vaping.

I do not think it is just the Serpent RDTA but ALL RDTA's.

also I vape 50/50 which may impact RDTA performance. Higher VG may hang around in the wicks longer?


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it has been dream vacations on the call list for me lately...
Tell them not interested and they do not even slow down so I hang up.
Tried to be nice....
I never try to be nice with telemarketers. As soon as I know they are one, I hang up. Without saying anything.
Morning fugee's and happy Tuesday to yall.

Looks like its going to be another beautiful day today. What is keeping me down is breathing issues. The slightest activity and I am gasping for breath. At times walking from the living room to the kitchen has me winded. Yet it kills me to be incative. It is so damn nice outside that I just have to be a part of it and when I walk outside I see all this stuff that needs to be taken care of. I been seeing these scrub trees growing up besides some persimmon trees that I have. These crap trees grow like weeds and they was getting pretty big and dwarfing my persimmon trees so yesterday i decided they needed cutting down. Grabbed my chainsaw and carried it out to the trees and started cutting. After the third or forth one I had to drop the chainsaw, walk to my car just to keep from falling down because I was gasping for breath and so damn light headed I wasnt sure if I was going to collapse or not.

I should be scared by that because it was pretty intense but I am not. Im actually pissed off from it. I am too damn young for this shit and I am not going to let it keep me down any longer. Today I am going to finish cutting down those crap trees, drag them to the burn pile and weed eat around my persimmon trees. I might only be able to do 5 minutes of work at a time and then have to take a 15 to 20 minute break but damnit. I am tired of sitting around and not being able to do anything.
You really are too young for all the crap you're going through. I would seriously find another doctor.


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Well hey Trolly, long time no type! Where ya been?!?!?!?!

Long time no chat Andria, I'm always lurking around here and there in the threads. ;)
I see you are still rocking the Achilles. :cheers: I never did pick one up, and probably couldn't use one today due to the airflow.

Expanding my stable of Aromamizer's is the name of the game these days. I have an Aromamizer V2 inbound and waiting for STS to get stock of the Supreme V2's...
I really enjoy the hell out of the two 30mm Plus tanks on the left. :bliss:
Mizer Collection.jpg

I also dabble with a little squonking on some inexpensive RDAs and regulated squonkers.:D


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If your tank is not totally full and has juice against the wicks and it sits for a while on my desk. When I pick it up and vape I get a far less than stellar vape...
Must be tipped like an old topcoil clearo and then given a bit of time for the wicking before vaping.

I do not think it is just the Serpent RDTA but ALL RDTA's.

also I vape 50/50 which may impact RDTA performance. Higher VG may hang around in the wicks longer?
Yes I use a max VG in it and never have any issue with the wick going dry. Rayon with the tails well fluffed stays quite saturated with every tilt.
Just run the cotton to the bottom of the tank, you'll loose a little capacity but it will reduce the wait time.

It's not a stellar RDTA. It does what it's supposed to do, but I wouldn't order another one to use.


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Long time no chat Andria, I'm always lurking around here and there in the threads. ;)
I see you are still rocking the Achilles. :cheers: I never did pick one up, and probably couldn't use one today due to the airflow.

Yeah, the Achilles ONLY suits those of us who want the tightest possible draw, while still having STUPENDOUS flavor. I did finally pick up an authentic KFL+, and I did actually manage to get some flavor out of it, but I have to a) increase flavoring, and b) increase wattage to about 11-12 watts, rather than the 9.5w-ish I usually prefer with my Achilles. And it takes an ungodly long time to really break-in a new coil and wick, compared to an Achilles. But at least I found that I *could* still vape a KFL+, if I really had to, which is good to know, since I have just the 2 clone Achilles and 1 authentic Achilles II which leaks. That guy at totally fucked up the Achilles, trying to make it more acceptable to those who want a looser draw. He should have stuck with his MtL customers, rather than fucking them that way! Basically, 98 fucking dollars, WASTED!


The Cromwell

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Who you calling old?

eh, I live at the end of a dirt road 14 miles from a town of 3500 people

Anchorage is loud

But you all GFY - gotta run :wave:
OH! Major urban area for AK?

sounds just about like where I grew up in Eastern KY. Although the town only had around 1800 at that time.

And I said older.
Getting older is a good thing.
When you stop getting older.......


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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OH! Major urban area for AK?

sounds just about like where I grew up in Eastern KY. Although the town only had around 1800 at that time.

And I said older.
Getting older is a good thing.
When you stop getting older.......

As my mom once told me... "it sure beats the alternative." :)

I started the day on the phone with my son. Now, I love him dearly, he's my 2nd-most fave person EVER (right next to my most fave, my husband!)... but I don't wanna talk to ANYBODY till I've been up for a few hours, and definitely NOT while I'm trying to cook breakfast. And he KNOWS that, so I have no clue why he was bothering me so early (just after 11am).

Had more Windoze problems this AM, no clue why. There weren't any updates, and Immunet still didn't find anything that shouldn't be there. Maybe I need to just start turning the thing off at night.



Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Powering down a windoze machine at least once a day is a good way to dissipate the toxins in there.

I *guess*. For years and years, I've just let it run all the time, and this one has been doing a bangup job since Mar 2015, but all of a sudden in the last couple weeks, it's been acting like Win ME. :facepalm:



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Rayon with the tails well fluffed stays quite saturated with every tilt.

Praise baby Jebus & pass the rayon! I enjoy using it because there's no wick taste. Do need to try cotton though ... sometime. Did use Readi-X for a while until I thought about ceramic enter my lungs. I'm sure it is probably fairly safe. Also sure I'd rather not be the dunce to find it unsafe.

Had more Windoze problems this AM, no clue why. There weren't any updates, and Immunet still didn't find anything that shouldn't be there. Maybe I need to just start turning the thing off at night.

Try the latest version of Ubuntu. It can be set up to very much emulate everything you do in Windows. You can even keep most of your Windows data, pictures, music, videos, most documents. Also, if you need to use any extra Windows only programs Wine will allow for setting up a Windows virtual machine of sorts which allows running Windows in Linux.

I am presently running Debian. That is Ubuntu's granddaddy if you will. Currently my computer is having fits of running *ahem* like Windows. to some degree I understand why though. I erm, well I do things that deliberately foul things up, or strip programs down and put them together backwards *coughs* I white room *coughs*. At times, i also delve into virus coding, decoding. So yeah, my computer gets fairly fickle fast for free fuck's sake. (Sorry, I was on an F thing for a minute, trying to note a hex bit in memory.)

And no, i am not a full on pro programmer pretending not to be. I genuinely am merely a polymath what enjoys various hobbies. Tend being a Jack 'O ManyHats but Master 'O NoHats. I am a boring droll generalist that lives in obscure mediocrity. "I'm just some dumb hick with too many guns livin' in the hills." :) Mind you, guns in this context is a very relative to perspective term.

Besides, you can try out Ubuntu and I know either me or chop can help you through any rough patches. I have used Ubuntu before. My boyfriend kept bringing me fresh copies as he surely had nothing better to do at his job than quickly cut live install cds. He used Ubuntu to root into other operating systems, as a crash cart tool kit, repair someone's issues and suggest they try Ubuntu. Think he caught on that I do seedy type of stuff at times what bend the color of legalities, just to amuse myself, he quit trying to fix my issues.

I never try to be nice with telemarketers. As soon as I know they are one, I hang up. Without saying anything.

*chuckling & grinning* Me and wife got a cold caller the other day. She was hawking off free home security systems with even free upgrades to existing ones. I let her rattle on with the spiel. "Does that sound like something you'd be interested in sir?"

"Nope, got plenty o' dawgs roaming on patrol at our home."

About five minutes later she called my wife. My wife interjected crassly, "You just spoke to my husband, now I tell you to have a nice day" *click*.

Guess the DNC (Do Not Call) registry, well, sure it works just peachy great! *wry grin* La la la! Jeff Done Ham dot com!

Oh what the hay, just because.

Now, in our town/area we got folks what put up a sign with red text "Jesus". I keep telling my wife, "jus wait, one o' deese days you be seein dem sign, dey read "Jesus" all little likes on first one, bit bigger on next one, last one it be all supa BIG "JESUS" and i puts 'em in a mile o' each other." We crack up. Both of us doubt anyone in this area would understand the joke.


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Try the latest version of Ubuntu. It can be set up to very much emulate everything you do in Windows. You can even keep most of your Windows data, pictures, music, videos, most documents. Also, if you need to use any extra Windows only programs Wine will allow for setting up a Windows virtual machine of sorts which allows running Windows in Linux.

I am presently running Debian. That is Ubuntu's granddaddy if you will. Currently my computer is having fits of running *ahem* like Windows. to some degree I understand why though. I erm, well I do things that deliberately foul things up, or strip programs down and put them together backwards *coughs* I white room *coughs*. At times, i also delve into virus coding, decoding. So yeah, my computer gets fairly fickle fast for free fuck's sake. (Sorry, I was on an F thing for a minute, trying to note a hex bit in memory.)

And no, i am not a full on pro programmer pretending not to be. I genuinely am merely a polymath what enjoys various hobbies. Tend being a Jack 'O ManyHats but Master 'O NoHats. I am a boring droll generalist that lives in obscure mediocrity. "I'm just some dumb hick with too many guns livin' in the hills." :) Mind you, guns in this context is a very relative to perspective term.

Besides, you can try out Ubuntu and I know either me or chop can help you through any rough patches. I have used Ubuntu before. My boyfriend kept bringing me fresh copies as he surely had nothing better to do at his job than quickly cut live install cds. He used Ubuntu to root into other operating systems, as a crash cart tool kit, repair someone's issues and suggest they try Ubuntu. Think he caught on that I do seedy type of stuff at times what bend the color of legalities, just to amuse myself, he quit trying to fix my issues.

I'm just not up for a full-on switch of operating system. I used to get my jollies on shit like that, but nowadays... I'm just too tired. :giggle: I'll endure Winblows because it's what I know, it doesn't take any special effort except to give it a reboot sometimes when misbehaving... and photoshop works in it... and no, I didn't pay for my photoshop, and I'm sure as shit not up for buying a $700 program just so I can run it in Linux.

Now, in our town/area we got folks what put up a sign with red text "Jesus". I keep telling my wife, "jus wait, one o' deese days you be seein dem sign, dey read "Jesus" all little likes on first one, bit bigger on next one, last one it be all supa BIG "JESUS" and i puts 'em in a mile o' each other." We crack up. Both of us doubt anyone in this area would understand the joke.

Lawrenceville has this BIG ASS sign that says JESUS. It would *almost* be worth it to me to pay the fine, to crawl up that billboard's ladder and spraypaint: HE'S DEAD, JIM. :giggle:



Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Hey gang. How's thangs for all you lervely fuggers?

I finally got a bluetooth speaker last night, part of my birthday present, so I can listen to music in the kitchen even though my PC is now in my bedroom. :) It's not *terribly* loud, but a hell of a lot better than the tiny lil speaker on my phone. So now I have terrific incentive to get all my music copied to my phone's SD card. :)



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Hey gang. How's thangs for all you lervely fuggers?

I finally got a bluetooth speaker last night, part of my birthday present, so I can listen to music in the kitchen even though my PC is now in my bedroom. :) It's not *terribly* loud, but a hell of a lot better than the tiny lil speaker on my phone. So now I have terrific incentive to get all my music copied to my phone's SD card. :)

That's awesome!

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