I would live like that. Where ya find the plans at, I like that style house!
I searched google using "mid-century modern", and there were several possibilities that popped up, including homes, furniture, design, and even clothing. I selected "homes" and then "images", and just browsed thru the results.
You can also find some at
Here is the original image that I modified my own plan from; you can see it's from an old book or magazine; it's a Pinterest post, so I really have no clue where it came from originally: (right-click it to see a much bigger image)
A lot of these "mid-century modern" designs have flat roofs, and if you've ever read anything about Wright's "Falling Water" house, you'll know that flat roofs are ONLY suitable for a desert climate that gets very little precip, otherwise that "falling water" will be indoors.
Here, we hardly ever get winter precip, so no need to worry about the weight of snow, so a gently-inclined roof is quite suitable; the worst thing we have to deal with is pine straw, and with a single level and gently-pitched roof, it's quite safe and easy to get up there to remove the pine straw.