Yeah my son and his wife are giving their cat (that I captured when 4 weeks old feral) to a friend. Since their dog died, it howls constantly and wakes the new baby up.Yeah we put diapers on our longhaired dachshund when she had her first heat. Apparently with dogs, it's necessary to let them have that first heat to make sure they're sexually mature before spaying them. We got surprised by Tuxie's first heat, since she was only about 8-9 mos old, I didn't think it would happen till she was around a year old. But I remembered my stepsister's cat and how oddly she behaved while in heat, so when Tuxie started acting odd, I asked the mate if he thought she might be in heat.... He's had several cats, so he thought about it for a minute, and said he thought I was right, that might be what was happening. Cats don't like being confined. Cats in heat especially dislike being confined for SIX FUCKING WEEKS. And cats in heat make the most ungodly yowling, howling, yodelling noises.
The puppy I'm getting is a male and I have to wait 2 years to have him neutered. omg! It's because they are big boned and need the hormones for proper growth and not getting hip dysplasia. I pick him up Saturday. I'm sure my family will give me hell for not adopting another dog. But that's all I've done is take in pets people couldn't keep. This will be my last and I've always wanted a rottie.