Well, remind me, because I'm old, I fergit.
I know you like DtL vaping most of the time, but it's not at super-low resistance is it? By which I mean, 'stupid low'... you know what I mean.
If they're still holding a good charge and you're not doing anything inadvisable with 'em, then I wouldn't worry too much. I really only consider my own sometimes because the Aegis just doesn't get as much oomph out of an 18650 as my Minibooks do; the 30Q's (I like best!) are 3000mAh, but in the Aegis they act a lot like the 2000mAh internal CF4 batteries. But my oldest 25Rs are about 3 yrs old, and the spawn uses them in his 2 2-batt mods, and doesn't seem to have any problem, though he does sometimes vape at fairly low resistance (those Mesh Pro coils). However a couple of our HE2s are gonna need recycling soon, because he's as big a klutz as I am, and has dropped his mod more than once, and now the flat-tops of one set of the HE2's are looking a bit concave. But xmas is soon.
Given his recent love of the low-resistance Mesh Pro coils, I think I'll probably get him some 30 amp batts for xmas, to use with those... just because I'm Mom and I worry about the fruit of my loins.
But doncha know you're supposed to label those puppies.
For a while I didn't have my 30Q's labelled, because one set were re-wrapped, and though the pink wraps are really close in color, they're not identical... plus, the 2nd set still have their original paper labels on the outside of the pink plastic wrappers, so it was easy to tell 'em apart -- but I had to rewrap one from that 2nd set last week, due to a nick I spotted -- so now the originals are "a" set, and the 2nd set are "b" set.