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ECF Refugees!


Member For 4 Years
Wow..... It keeps getting better and better. Good to see you in print again..LOL. I havent been to a Vape shop in a very long time. Probably since Ive seen you there last. Heres to hoping this forum takes a foot hold. Seems like it will.

You will need to check out the DIY section. Some really good and knowlegdable folks I see over there already. Nice to hear from you Margie !!
The DIY section was where I headed as soon as I joined up. I am always on the lookout for new recipes. My recipes are much better than the ones you tasted almost a year ago. Funny thing, I just made some Red vs Blue for my sister and thought of you.
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Silver Contributor
Member For 5 Years
I like this place. From my experience in the DIY forum, it will be a bevy of great information and creativity. I followed a bunch of folks from my favorite ECF thread over here, and I'm happy I did. TBH, that PureVapes thread over on ECF was the first cohesive, open, and friendly place to be on ALL OF ECF. Filled with people expressing their creativity and sharing ideas. Now they're all over here, and it's like a free-for-all of DIY and vaping gloriousness. Cheers, to a great new home for all of us. Thanks, Joe for putting this together.


Under Ground Hustler
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Well, did you ever get that Provari ? ;)
Fuck no! Maybe I'll win one! :) I have like 0 chance of winning because I am #1 on the thread list. What are the chances of them calling number 1?


Under Ground Hustler
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I have learned early on with ECF. It is awesome if you are a newbie and you have some questions but you are way better off searching first.
9 times out of 10 someone else already asked the question, got bashed by 20 people and 1 nice person had come along and answered the question. Probably well after the first newbie got pissed off by all of the "what are you stupid" and "because its not a provari" messages and left the thread without the info they were looking for.


Member For 4 Years
Hi all! I still hang out on ECF in a couple of vendor/mfr groups but I will admit I only lurked there from 2009-2012 without even setting up an account just because of all the flaming and elitist BS. There's still some good people and good threads there, but more and more we hear the "I've stopped checking out any other threads because of the assholes out there" bit so we all just hang in our little corners.
Glad I could finally take some time to check out VU. Looks like this is gonna take off big time!


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I too am a BANNED ECF REFUGEE! I was banned after more than a year with zero infractions because my wife who does not vape wanted to learn about my hobby, she introduced herself and then they banned us both no questions. .. multiple user same ip, and still have not replied to emails explaining she was just wanting to support my hobby!
I will express my thoughts on ECF...
From the top down admin wise they are known to pick and choose friends and ideology they agree with, they then cover up what they dont agree with. I created the name "the kiddie pool crew" for the outside group since they acted as if being their 3 years and becoming admins they could say what ever they wanted and ban anyone who disagreed. ... kinda like adults taking over the kiddie pool at Disney world and telling everyone to get lost just so they could swim in each others piss. I dont care for politics or religion based arguments but, they all are far left atheists and would flock like a group of kids to anyone that disagreed with their thoughts. Since class wife was their best friend and admin they would just cry to her and she would erase your post and not theirs. It got a bit tiring when they all did the same crap constantly like surf monkey and vidi, I am a firm gun owner and I fight for those rights. Dont you dare say pro-gun/pro-freedom anything their or you are attacked by the "KPC", dont get me wrong we can all disagree and I might not agree with what you say, but I will fight to the death for your right to say it. Keep in mind I know this is a vaping forum but we were in the outside/non vape related section.
I hope after how they have become they lose many members and most of my friends are or already here because of there ways and trying to silence peoples voices on anything that does not fit their agenda.


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I'm not a refugee, but it sure looks like I missed a lot over there. I to learned of this site from the daily deals. I still have a lot to learn, so any new info is good for me.

Tapin on my S5


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You got banned. For What. I linked to the Hana Law Suit here and didn't get banned ???
Oh, no. I didn't, not yet anyway! Lol. I have a few friends that have, just making a thread for the ones that did.


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Good to see some familier faces! I was banned from ECF last year for being mean to a troll. They have recently reinstated my account....not sure why. This seems like a cool place....grats VJ!

Oh Shit....... Asbestos. This guy chased one serious troll across two continents and 4 countries. I think that troll ended up in a mental ward and wouldnt ever go to his keyboard again.

Oh yeah, nice to see you Asbestos.....:cool:


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Oh Shit....... Asbestos. This guy chased one serious troll across two continents and 4 countries. I think that troll ended up in a mental ward and wouldnt ever go to his keyboard again.

Oh yeah, nice to see you Asbestos.....:cool:
Haha, I like that trolls can be called out and don't have to worry about being banned or deletion of your posts because the troll is friends with a mod.


Vapemail Stalker
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Haha, I like that trolls can be called out and don't have to worry about being banned or deletion of your posts because the troll is friends with a mod.
Agreed....the worst thing that might happen here is that if it becomes a tedious, poo slinging thread and runs it's course they might close it which is pretty reasonable...


Silver Contributor
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I'm not an ECF refugee, in fact I didn't know what the fuss was all about until I read most of the threads in here. I come here now far more then ECF as the people here seem more relaxed. Same great info with the option to swear.


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I'm here and hello! o_O


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ECF Refugee
I guess maybe it was the sections I frequented. But I never once experienced a holier-than-thou attitude from anyone on ECF. For the most part everyone was pretty helpful when I asked a question. Of course I have been around forums for a long time so I know to search before asking a question that might have been asked 20 times before. So I didn't ask redundant questions.

The only issue I had is one time someone was asking about a specific item and I stated that I was getting to post said item in the classifieds if they were interested. A freaking mod jumped right on that and deleted my post accusing me of trying to sell in the open forum. Of course I am sure someone reported it.

But all in all I like it here much more. You don't feel like you have to tip-toe around and proof read twenty times before hitting post as to not piss off the powers that be.
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Not a refugee, still visit occasionally. I have gleaned much valuable information from that site.
I am happy to be here as well!

The Ocelot

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I'm not banned, but I get infractions. My humor and taste in videos is sometimes unappreciated.

A couple of points:

There are some cool mods on ECF. It's true that the power hungry and idiots often have more presence (why are you giving me an infraction because your vocabulary is too small to comprehend satire?), but it's not fair to knock all of them.

May we please not have this forum turn into another ProVari bashing venue. I don't give a flying fruitbat what other people like to vape and I doubt anyone else does either. Hot Toys come and go - this time last year it was get a vamo/protank and now it's an RBA (even if the new vaper doesn't know a watt from a wallaby, they're being told that RBAs are the only way to really vape). The allegation that ProVari owners answer every question with Just Get a ProVari has lasted longer than people actually said it. There is still the occasional nimrod who posts about a ProVari when it has no relation to the OP's inquiry, but they are less common than trolls trying to get a reaction from ProVari owners by posting disparaging remarks.

Now that I can swear freely, if I start reading threads accusing ProVari owners of being status-seekers, sucked in by hype, who only say they like it because they need to justify spending too much money - blah, blah, blah - I might just let loose.

I have ProVaris, Reos, Phidiases, a Bobo (basically a Sigelei Z-Max), a Vamo, a variety of other little devices and I'm trying to decide which Poldiac I want. I vape all sorts of mods, I just happen to really like my ProVaris. Bottom line, there is no one-size-fits-all mod and we are lucky to have so many good choices in different price ranges.

And for those with unresolved ProVari issues...


{Jumps off of soapbox to post the video I got my last infraction for just LINKING to}


Chip Chipperson

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I think everyone who has ECF accounts still should just spam VU related threads and call them out for being cowards - all at the same time .. mods wont be able to keep up :)


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
ECF Refugee
I think everyone who has ECF accounts still should just spam VU related threads and call them out for being cowards - all at the same time .. mods wont be able to keep up :)

All that does is make the forum and the members look like asses that can't be taken seriously. If we are trying to build a credible vaping community we need to act as such. Not saying we need to be straight laced stuffed shirts. But if we do things like that we will not be taken seriously and be written off as a goof.


Vapid Vapetress
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I'm not banned, but I get infractions. My humor and taste in videos is sometimes unappreciated.

i often feel like my sense of humor (warped, dark, and sometimes just plain wrong) goes unappreciated over there, especially by a few of the mods who seem to have NO sense of humor whatsoever. i even offered to buy them one. they didn't appreciate that either. i have the infractions to prove it.



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i often feel like my sense of humor (warped, dark, and sometimes just plain wrong) goes unappreciated over there, especially by a few of the mods who seem to have NO sense of humor whatsoever. i even offered to buy them one. they didn't appreciate that either. i have the infractions to prove it.

I have the same problem I have a dark sense of humor I have had issues over there and just no longer participate I may look but I just gave up I remember the good ole days of the Internet when all conversation was valid now some think we need to be punished called out etc... its funny and sad

Chip Chipperson

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All that does is make the forum and the members look like asses that can't be taken seriously. If we are trying to build a credible vaping community we need to act as such. Not saying we need to be straight laced stuffed shirts. But if we do things like that we will not be taken seriously and be written off as a goof.

LOL I wasn't serious...


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Holy smokes... It's taken me filling out 2 forms on the ECF forum, 2 confirmation emails that bounced, 1 additional email to reiterate my request, and the whole of 5 days to finally get my ECF account closed.

I was almost to the point of logging back in and posting a post entitled "Fucking close my account already" and filled with "VaporJoes" and "Vaping Underground" links, to get them to close it - yes, there are easy ways around their filter. But I've just checked, and they've finally done it. Gosh that was annoying.

They're a lot more unresponsive when honoring simple requests like that than for playing the thought police...


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I asked that my account be closed here earlier today and I'm sure they will get to it in due time. I just stopped by to see if it was closed yet.


Silver Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I'm not a refugee so to speak, but seeing folks get slapped down, banned, and scolded for minor issues gets old after a while. I saw what happened to Will, and I thought it was ridiculous. I'll be hanging out here more often because this forum seems to allow much more freedom of expression. I've been reading the threads on here for a couple of hours now, and it is truly a breath of fresh air.


Bronze Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I don't think I am a refugee, exactly. I was active on "the other" forums to the point of spending too much time there. Eventually I weaned myself off of them. I learned a lot and usually found the answers I was looking for, but after staying away for several months, I revisited and everything had changed, A lot of bashing, b.s. and unhappy vapers. So I decided to just pop in very occasionally and stop wasting so much time there and on the computer in general. Then Vaping Underground came to life so I guess I am back at it. In moderation of course!


Vapid Vapetress
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I don't think I am a refugee, exactly. I was active on "the other" forums to the point of spending too much time there. Eventually I weaned myself off of them. I learned a lot and usually found the answers I was looking for, but after staying away for several months, I revisited and everything had changed, A lot of bashing, b.s. and unhappy vapers. So I decided to just pop in very occasionally and stop wasting so much time there and on the computer in general. Then Vaping Underground came to life so I guess I am back at it. In moderation of course!

good luck with that project ;)


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I'm not a refugee so to speak, but seeing folks get slapped down, banned, and scolded for minor issues gets old after a while. I saw what happened to Will, and I thought it was ridiculous. I'll be hanging out here more often because this forum seems to allow much more freedom of expression. I've been reading the threads on here for a couple of hours now, and it is truly a breath of fresh air.

MD_Boater..... Good to see you here. I could tell when you "weaned" yourself off the other forum. I missed your posts. I guess I did the same. It can be addictive, these forums. Its really great to see so many familiar faces joining here everyday.

Ocelot....we said hello the other day, Wasnt sure if you were posting or lurking....... Glad to see you in the fray !! There are just too many good folks that keep joining.

As I said before, Im not a refugee either, but after I pitched my tent in this newly opened campground, I cant seem to stop building a log cabin and planting seeds all over the place here.


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Member For 4 Years
Question to any ECF members that know this.... If I paid to be a supporting member last year, Will they automatically renew it and take money from whatever account or credit card I used ?.......or can I simply let it lapse ?

Sorry if thism is off topic a bit..


VU Donator
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Member For 5 Years
Question to any ECF members that know this.... If I paid to be a supporting member last year, Will they automatically renew it and take money from whatever account or credit card I used ?.......or can I simply let it lapse ?

Sorry if thism is off topic a bit..

Yes it is automatic, you have to go into your paypal account and cancel in there.


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Thank you both !!

I didnt realize it was re occuring. I just canceled that. Whether I wanted to support them again or not, I didnt like that set up to pay automatically.

learn something new everyday
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Silver Contributor
Member For 4 Years
ECF Refugee
I too am a BANNED ECF REFUGEE! I was banned after more than a year with zero infractions because my wife who does not vape wanted to learn about my hobby, she introduced herself and then they banned us both no questions. .. multiple user same ip, and still have not replied to emails explaining she was just wanting to support my hobby!
I will express my thoughts on ECF...
From the top down admin wise they are known to pick and choose friends and ideology they agree with, they then cover up what they dont agree with. I created the name "the kiddie pool crew" for the outside group since they acted as if being their 3 years and becoming admins they could say what ever they wanted and ban anyone who disagreed. ... kinda like adults taking over the kiddie pool at Disney world and telling everyone to get lost just so they could swim in each others piss. I dont care for politics or religion based arguments but, they all are far left atheists and would flock like a group of kids to anyone that disagreed with their thoughts. Since class wife was their best friend and admin they would just cry to her and she would erase your post and not theirs. It got a bit tiring when they all did the same crap constantly like surf monkey and vidi, I am a firm gun owner and I fight for those rights. Dont you dare say pro-gun/pro-freedom anything their or you are attacked by the "KPC", dont get me wrong we can all disagree and I might not agree with what you say, but I will fight to the death for your right to say it. Keep in mind I know this is a vaping forum but we were in the outside/non vape related section.
I hope after how they have become they lose many members and most of my friends are or already here because of there ways and trying to silence peoples voices on anything that does not fit their agenda.

Yeah, I used to go on the "outside" and I agree. I was banned permanently from the ECF just recently for a post almost exactly like one I have here. (See link Below). I am glad VU is here now so I never have to go back to that NAZI camp they call the ECF. I understand not everyone is going to agree, that is human nature. But I do think censorship and favoring one side in an OPEN forum is WRONG! If both sides cannot be heard, than I do not think either side should be heard. If you even mention anything about guns, abortion, or homosexuality that does not align with their thoughts of tolerance you will be shot down, called a bigot, and be banned! I used the word tolerance purposely to emphasize that they have none of what they preach! I will not debate any of this here, I am done doing that on forums. I am just venting my frustration with ECF for being one sided and close minded.

Chainvapor :)

Link to post that got me banned from ECF --->>>


Bronze Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Lots of info over at ECF to be sure.

But I really don't like to ask a question and be called out because I did not read post #9 out of 900 that was posted 5 months ago.
And saying use the search gets annoying.
Sometimes the answers are in posts where everyone used different wording than what I searched for.
I always thought...just answer the question or not but I don't need a damn lecture about searching!


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Yeah, I used to go on the "outside" and I agree. I was banned permanently from the ECF just recently for a post almost exactly like one I have here. (See link Below). I am glad VU is here now so I never have to go back to that NAZI camp they call the ECF. I understand not everyone is going to agree, that is human nature. But I do think censorship and favoring one side in an OPEN forum is WRONG! If both sides cannot be heard, than I do not think either side should be heard. If you even mention anything about guns, abortion, or homosexuality that does not align with their thoughts of tolerance you will be shot down, called a bigot, and be banned! I used the word tolerance purposely to emphasize that they have none of what they preach! I will not debate any of this here, I am done doing that on forums. I am just venting my frustration with ECF for being one sided and close minded.

Chainvapor :)

Link to post that got me banned from ECF --->>>

OMG... the "outside".... Grrrr.

Edit: I just erased my post. I dont want to get into that either. We will just leave it as Grrrr.


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They didn't have any fun with me on the outside. I will argue politics / religion with anyone, but I refuse to respond to personal attacks, baiting, nonsensical statements of any kind, or anything just plain hateful. I tried to engage them in a serious point / counter point discussion, but that was like playing table tennis with a man with no arms. Every point goes right off the end of the table, and the counterpoint comes back in in the form of verbal diarrhea.

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