I'm not banned, but I get infractions. My humor and taste in videos is sometimes unappreciated.
A couple of points:
There are some cool mods on ECF. It's true that the power hungry and idiots often have more presence (why are you giving me an infraction because your vocabulary is too small to comprehend satire?), but it's not fair to knock all of them.
May we please not have this forum turn into another ProVari bashing venue. I don't give a flying fruitbat what other people like to vape and I doubt anyone else does either. Hot Toys come and go - this time last year it was get a vamo/protank and now it's an RBA (even if the new vaper doesn't know a watt from a wallaby, they're being told that RBAs are the
only way to really vape). The allegation that ProVari owners answer every question with
Just Get a ProVari has lasted longer than people actually said it. There is still the occasional nimrod who posts about a ProVari when it has no relation to the OP's inquiry, but they are less common than trolls trying to get a reaction from ProVari owners by posting disparaging remarks.
Now that I can swear freely, if I start reading threads accusing ProVari owners of being status-seekers, sucked in by hype, who only say they like it because they need to justify spending too much money - blah, blah, blah - I might just let loose.
I have ProVaris, Reos, Phidiases, a Bobo (basically a Sigelei Z-Max), a Vamo, a variety of other little devices and I'm trying to decide which Poldiac I want. I vape all sorts of mods, I just happen to really like my ProVaris. Bottom line, there is no one-size-fits-all mod and we are lucky to have so many good choices in different price ranges.
And for those with unresolved ProVari issues...
{Jumps off of soapbox to post the video I got my last infraction for just LINKING to}