@VapeOn86 ! I'm back from my medical leave and hard drive crash... just wish that OS X Yosemite's color schemes and lack of customizability didn't suck so I didn't have to scorch it and rebuild is using OS X Mavericks so I can see everything properly
Been enjoying the Coffee Cafe myself. Also have tried the Porn Star too, and it is good but I wish it had a bit more strawberry punch to it cause I like strong flavors
Glad I picked up some more 710 also, cause 12:50 has been irritating my mouth for some reason lately. Don't know if it is a side effect of my medicine issues recently or what, but it's annoying because it is one of my favorite vapes

Been mixing it with some other stuff though and it has been a really nice mixer

Even with Menthol
Here's a contest idea to put in your back pocket...
Contest has 2 ways to win.
Rules: The person who makes the first post after a mystery time wins the "Day A" prize.
The winning time and post will be announced on "Day B".
After the winner of Day A is announced, the first person who posts a response that answers the question "Which juice has the number of letter's in it's name that adds up to the same number as the digits from the winning time. Example, if the winning time is 9:20 the answer could be "Bartlett Bay" you could limit this to a specific line to make it easier given the number of juices that probably have the same number of total letters. So...
Day A: People post throughout the day.
Day B: At a pre-announced time you post up the winner and then everyone goes off to figure out which juice is the right answer.
To make it more complicated you could pick another juice from a different line and have it be the time that you want the answer posted so that more people have a chance to win and the person with the first post after that time wins.
@VaporWatch might enjoy that since it involves thread traffic, site traffic and TIME
Bonus is that facebook and twitter posts can be used to drive more traffic to this thread too