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Ha ha I saw some of that while scrolling through.


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About to place this order, 30 ML of Clockwerks Custard, 30 ML of Porn Star, and I'm torn between Hand Check and Glen Coco for a third bottle, I CAN"T DECIDE!!!!!!!


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Do for someone who hasn't had any of their juice what would you recommend to be the one to try


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Lol, My inner squirrel kicked in and I ordered a 30 of Hand check, 30 of Porn Star and 15 of clockwerks custard


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If you like Tobacco vapes, any of the Riverbottom Fog Sauce juices are good ( I've heard good things about Dagwood's wife is trippin, haven't tried it yet though ) Custards, there are a few on the site, depending on what other flavors you like in a custard , for banana-Monkey Spunk ( I can't try this one, banana flavoring makes me gag ) StraightVanilla custard- Clockwerks Custard is rumored to be amazing, I'll be able to tell you firsthand sometime early next week. So far I have yet to have any juice from Watch that is short of phenominal, so pick one that interests you, and just ask, someone in here is sure to have tried it already and will give you their opinion on it.


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Wow sorry for the typos. Havnt really had a lot of vendor juice been making my own for most of the time I have had my rig. There is a mom and pop shop by me and I enjoy their line. Ordered a sample back from a vendor in here. Been vaping allot of Irish cream and coffees but have been wanting a good fruity juice


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Banana flavored anything had never appealed to me. The clockwork sounds good


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Wow sorry for the typos. Havnt really had a lot of vendor juice been making my own for most of the time I have had my rig. There is a mom and pop shop by me and I enjoy their line. Ordered a sample back from a vendor in here. Been vaping allot of Irish cream and coffees but have been wanting a good fruity juice
Then I'd suggest looking at the refuge line for something fruity, though if you want to try something different and surprisingly good, my first floral vape was Katana from the Wacky Vapes line, it's an amazing cherry blossom vape, but it's either a love or hate one, I love it, just not an ADV, more like a relax and wind down kind of vape.


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I just got into DIY, to save money since I vape ALOT of juice since starting to drip, but I still love to try new juices as a treat to myself, and there are very few places that I know I'm gonna get something I like sight unseen just based on the description. Watch is one of those few. Plus this thread here is just proof of how generous he is.


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Yea I have seen from reading through some. I usually go through about 10ml a day and buying juice got expensive. Now that I diy buying flavors it's almost more expensive. Hasn't had a actual juice in a while have to look into it


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I got lucky and a shop by me sells everything you need to do it. It is fun making your own but it makes you miss the ease of picking up a bottle once in a while


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I have 3 within a couple miles of my house mostly big chains. Usually only go to the family run place little more pricey but like helping the little guy


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And with DIY you never have enough flavors you will get an order and within 5 minutes find 10 more you want


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And with DIY you never have enough flavors you will get an order and within 5 minutes find 10 more you want
yep, first DIY order was 7 flavors, got them in, mixed up a couple ideas I had floating in my head ( I haven't even begun to look at DIY section recipies yet ) and now I want to order a crapton more flavorings.


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Have 20 flavors and realized yesterday this involve 5 creams. 5 strawberry rest are. Coffee and add ons


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I usually give myself a20 dollar limit a week lol


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I'm on a $40- $50 a month budget, supplemented by my sister who will be buying juice from me now ( Maybe if I work it right, her juice habit will pay for mine as well )


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Trying to perfect a couple flavors first. Brother and friend usually but some off of me


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Wife is currently out of work So my allowance is not what out could be


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~^. .^~


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Lol I got the regular Atlantis usually fill it between 2 to 3 tonnes a day


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Lol I got the regular Atlantis usually fill it between 2 to 3 tonnes a day


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Lol I got the regular Atlantis usually fill it between 2 to 3 tonnes a day


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Whoa phone flipped out there sorry


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Just woke up. Had an appointment with a new primary doc because mine is moving into IT of all things. Sucks because she was the most knowledgeable doctor I have ever met, but she gave me a personal recommendation and he seems pretty good, so I'm happy for now.
Started having spasms midway through the appointment though so took a muscle relaxer when I got home and been out for about 8 hours and just waking up.


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Banana flavored anything had never appealed to me. The clockwork sounds good
Look at Mad Murdock's Agent Orange - It's a tart orange with a bit of rind reminiscent of cooked orange peel from the Chinese Orange Chicken dish.
The Refuge Porn Star - Has a light strawberry flavor


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