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ePIFany Box


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Member For 4 Years
well after doing the math against the rest of their prices this $150 bottle would cost $400 to get the same amount of juice from them in 30ml bottles at $16 a pop so it really is one hell of a deal.


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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well after doing the math against the rest of their prices this $150 bottle would cost $400 to get the same amount of juice from them in 30ml bottles at $16 a pop so it really is one hell of a deal.

Free is even better:D


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My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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Member For 5 Years
Right now I have a narda on mine and it's a perfect vape!
But I do have another one on the way so I'll need a second atty lol

I can never find the BF Narda when I have the bucks. They always turn up when I'm dry :(


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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Member For 5 Years
The good is an amazing atty. When I picked up mine I thought it would be more of a cloud atty, but I was pleasantly surprised by the amazing flavor I get from it

Yeah, I'm not a cloud chaser at all. I got it mainly for experimenting with fat coils sometime in the future, but I'm using it now with just a regular SS build. The flavor is outstanding.


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Good morning everyone how's goes this beautiful sunny day

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Busy LOL, but getting my drill and some 32g wire for making my first handmade claptons.

I'm not crazy, my mother had me tested.
Sweet sounds like a good day

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Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Good morning everyone how's goes this beautiful sunny day

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Been busy so far. I still have to go out and meet with the financial planner at my bank. Second trip there today. I closed the shop yesterday, everything is out and gone. Got my TFV8's on the way (should be here tomorrow) and may go buy a Busy day.


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Talk about busy! Yesterday, I worked with Stepdot until noon, then put on a 30 minute cowboy poetry performance, then worked solo until 5. After 5, we went 30 miles away, loaded 40 square bales on the truck, drove home, and while The Wife and Stepdot started chores and dinner, I unloaded and stacked they hay onto the 80 bales that had moved between 1 and 5. Then, we had dinner with the In-Laws before heading out to do chores... I filled all the troughs, watered the garden, counted and locked in the chickens (18, which is of because we only own 17, and one if 'em had a mask, no comb, and a ringed tail...), collected eggs, and headed in. I managed to tuck a new build into my aromamizer, order a VT75, watch a vlog, and take a shower before collapsing.


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