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Hobby Kid

Brighton Boy
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hey @TBCAmor ive got a couple of hours before today's workout.
hmm, tough call that. it really poured down the other week whilst running outdoors. i don't need to wear my glasses when i train so it wasn't a problem. i guess if the snow doesn't make it slippery then yeah it's less annoying. seriously sorry to hear about your sleep pattern. that really sucks. i don't think i could train if i didn't sleep well. i normally cook two dinners when i cook so that i can just reheat on workout days but i have to cook tonight after training because i took the weekend off. so i gotta wait an hour when i get in before eating lol oh well


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@Hobby Kid post workout/recovery replenishment is critical. There is a faddish kick going on here about drinking chocolate milk after workout.
It makes me cringe.

Disrupted sleep could be a few factors, the seratonin could be out of whack causing a disruption of the sleep wake cycle. Melatonin can help with that, if more natural route is taken bitter cherry or even bing cherry juice is supposed to help.
If I can sleep it is so disrupted I wake up tons during the evening, but it is normally through adjusting to get off old injuries.

Cloudy Peak Vapes

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@TBCAmor wait I am confused.
I thought ice constricted the capillaries, reduces swelling, helps moves blood and fluid to reduce the inflammation and dulls the pain receptors.
I was always taught ice for pain/injury when it happens and to reduce swelling after injury.

But then again I always iced, the heat then ice if need be.
You are correct, it's vasoconstriction, which is as you described. It constricts them, and reduces swelling and pain. I know why I do it, but got it backwards... Whoops. RICE, rest , ice, compression, elevate, is the typical recommendation.

Cloudy Peak Vapes

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I cook everyday @Hobby Kid , I'm cooking some veggies ATM, to accompany my chicken I'll eat around 2:00. I can't do the cook re heat thing, but my schedule affords me time to cook daily. I basically refuse to eat out, I am really picky about what I put in my body. I also just beat the rain today, WHOO! It's off and on now and not bad, but I traded a run in the dark for no rain. I saw three deer again today, I said hello... Lol.

@BigNasy you are very correct about post workout food. I immediately get hydrolized whey protein isolate, and some form of carbs in me after my run. I eat very high on the protein side, but it is essential to take in carbs with protein after a workout. Gotta replenish the glycogen stores, and also, I believe my reading showed that if you don't take carbs in with protein after cardio, especially, your body will try to process some of the protein as carbs, so to speak. It naturally needs to replenish glycogen, so you also are wasting protein, along with inhibiting glycogen replenishment. Plus, whey, and especially hydrolized whey isolate is key, since it breaks down within 30 minutes or so.

Conversely, I eat casein proteins and healthy fats as my nighttime snack, since it processes over about 5-6 hours. The fats slow it down further, and when you actually sleep, which I used to until summer hit pretty much, you produce the majority of your HGH when sleeping. Thus, casein protein is key to keep your body from feasting on itself. This all prevents going into a catabolic state, and keeps you anabolic. I'm a scrawny ass runner, so if I don't feed my body properly, it'll eat at my muscle, since there's not much else to go at.

It's seasonal for me. I've dealt with insomnia for years, and taken medicine for it, but when the time change hit, my body got way fucked up sleep-wise. I still can fall asleep, I just can't stay asleep, sounds like you understand that. It sucks. I don't know how I'm still functioning let alone exercising at this point. I don't even remember the last time I slept. I just take naps, and get sleep when I can. I've been working with my doctor for months now, I'll figure it out.

Also, @BigNasy , the chocolate milk thing does have some merit. They say it's ideal to get a 4:1 ratio of carbs to protein, and milk I believe is about 70% whey. I'm pretty sure it's a thing because, though I'd have to look it up, the ratios are ideal. I don't do added sugars, though, so I wouldn't touch it.

Hobby Kid

Brighton Boy
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I cook everyday @Hobby Kid , I'm cooking some veggies ATM, to accompany my chicken I'll eat around 2:00. I can't do the cook re heat thing, but my schedule affords me time to cook daily. I basically refuse to eat out, I am really picky about what I put in my body. I also just beat the rain today, WHOO! It's off and on now and not bad, but I traded a run in the dark for no rain. I saw three deer again today, I said hello... Lol.

I'm a scrawny ass runner, so if I don't feed my body properly, it'll eat at my muscle, since there's not much else to go at.
Hi @TBCAmor , I just eat bucket loads of veg and lentils with my chicken and fish. I've got a thing for lentils atm. I bought 5kg of them the other day lol

I'm logging off now for a bit but thought I'd drop a quick line. Nice that you see wildlife. We only get seagulls round here. I think we are two very different types of runners. You get to learn your own course and what works for you, you know? I'm totally beat. 48hrs rest now. Ah you know you said you can't do recooking/reheating, when I've trained all day I love having that meal prepared and ready to microwave. You're right about the takeaway crap. I can't bring myself to eat it very often - hardly ever. It makes me feel I'm undoing all the hard work I've put in. Plus I'm never gonna allow a hanging over gut. It's a sign a hospital appointment is on it's way. Vaping only saved part of my life. Had to cook tonight but it's done now. I don't really get too meticulous about protein levels and metabolic state and all that. I try to keep things simple.

Do you listen to music when you run? I have a nano and a shuffle. The EU regulates and restricts the volume decibels on mobile devices, so for me the sound level is pretty dire. I need my music loud! The electrical products are built exactly the same as what you get in the US but the software in the chips is different. We used to be able to flash the chips and install american software to unrestric it but I haven't been able to do that with Apple products. So I use a micro amplifier called the FiiO E6. Check it out. It's about the same size of the nano and powerful. Anyway my dinner's done and I've rambled on a lot.


Diamond Contributor
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TBC check out cherry juice.. I know sounds bad but there are some promising results with it aiding in staying asleep.

The only thing I shy fro in the whey meal replacement is the added fillers and soy a bunch have.

Just diet change alone have lost 85 lbs and keeping it off. Mom is the new work out junky and trying to get her to eat when not hungry post work out is a challenge.. often times by the time she gets home I shove a hard boiled cage free brown egg at her.

Ever looked into increasing or using turmeric and ginger in your daily intake to aide in the swelling?

Cloudy Peak Vapes

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TBC check out cherry juice.. I know sounds bad but there are some promising results with it aiding in staying asleep.

The only thing I shy fro in the whey meal replacement is the added fillers and soy a bunch have.

Just diet change alone have lost 85 lbs and keeping it off. Mom is the new work out junky and trying to get her to eat when not hungry post work out is a challenge.. often times by the time she gets home I shove a hard boiled cage free brown egg at her

Ever looked into increasing or using turmeric and ginger in your daily intake to aide in the swelling?
I cook with ginger sometimes, never checked out turmeric. Will have to read some. Thanks. Will have to look into the cherry juice, too, though I don't really do juice.

Good for you with the weight loss... Diet change accounted for easily 80%+ of mine, I only started really running once I'd lost quite a bit. It's awesome to take control and lose the weight, good for you man. And good for you for keeping it off. That's funny with your mom, but you gotta get something in her, lol. And for whey protein, check out dymatize ISO 100. It does have artificial sweeteners and such, but a 30 gram scoop is 28 grams of protein if I remember correctly. That's pretty efficient, and it's tasty as shit. You can make this stuff called fluff, basically you turn frozen mashed berries, protein powder, and about 200ml of milk, almond for me, into a gigantic bowl of what looks and tastes like flavored whipped cream. You need a high speed bowl mixer, and it takes some experimenting, but once you nail it, it's glorious.

@Hobby Kid I eat close to two pounds of veggies with 30 oz. of chicken typically for my mid day "dinner". I haven't had lentils in ages, not since I got healthy, I'll have to try em out. I love green beans, cabbage, bok choy, collards, really anything green. And fucking asparagus is glorious. When it's in season it drops from $4 a pound to about .99 cents to $1.50, and I go nuts. I make up for the rest of the year when I can't afford it and tend to eat a good two pounds a day. Lol.

You may take 48hrs rest man, but your workouts are definitely more intensive than mine. When I'm healthy I knock out my 10k in 45 minutes or less, and long runs are 2 hours or less. You run longer, and do training after, so that would kick my ass I bet, too.

And yes, gotta have the music when I run. The right tunes help me out, and a change in music can change my runs, too. Sometimes it is nice to just go out in the quiet if it's early, though. That's fucked about the EU, or U.K., whichever about neutering your decibel levels. If you wanna blow up your ear drums you should be allowed to. Just send me a cashiers check for 3000 dollars and I will buy you a U.S. Spec iPod, and send you the iPod and the difference...;)


Diamond Contributor
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I cook with ginger sometimes, never checked out turmeric. Will have to read some. Thanks. Will have to look into the cherry juice, too, though I don't really do juice.

Good for you with the weight loss... Diet change accounted for easily 80%+ of mine, I only started really running once I'd lost quite a bit. It's awesome to take control and lose the weight, good for you man. And good for you for keeping it off. That's funny with your mom, but you gotta get something in her, lol. And for whey protein, check out dymatize ISO 100. It does have artificial sweeteners and such, but a 30 gram scoop is 28 grams of protein if I remember correctly. That's pretty efficient, and it's tasty as shit. You can make this stuff called fluff, basically you turn frozen mashed berries, protein powder, and about 200ml of milk, almond for me, into a gigantic bowl of what looks and tastes like flavored whipped cream. You need a high speed bowl mixer, and it takes some experimenting, but once you nail it, it's glorious.

@Hobby Kid I eat close to two pounds of veggies with 30 oz. of chicken typically for my mid day "dinner". I haven't had lentils in ages, not since I got healthy, I'll have to try em out. I love green beans, cabbage, bok choy, collards, really anything green. And fucking asparagus is glorious. When it's in season it drops from $4 a pound to about .99 cents to $1.50, and I go nuts. I make up for the rest of the year when I can't afford it and tend to eat a good two pounds a day. Lol.

You may take 48hrs rest man, but your workouts are definitely more intensive than mine. When I'm healthy I knock out my 10k in 45 minutes or less, and long runs are 2 hours or less. You run longer, and do training after, so that would kick my ass I bet, too.

And yes, gotta have the music when I run. The right tunes help me out, and a change in music can change my runs, too. Sometimes it is nice to just go out in the quiet if it's early, though. That's fucked about the EU, or U.K., whichever about neutering your decibel levels. If you wanna blow up your ear drums you should be allowed to. Just send me a cashiers check for 3000 dollars and I will buy you a U.S. Spec iPod, and send you the iPod and the difference...;)

I make tons of soups, easier to digest easier to make a pot if broth and add veg as you go after a light tossing in some mono saturated fat like coconut oil or olive oil.

Cloudy Peak Vapes

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I make tons of soups, easier to digest easier to make a pot if broth and add veg as you go after a light tossing in some mono saturated fat like coconut oil or olive oil.
Yeah, that works well. I kinda cook a bowl meal of my veggies, and cook my boneless skinless in a pan with a bit of olive oil, then mix it all up. I eat so much man, I think it might be another sleep side affect but I've been struggling to maintain weight lately. I'd never believe I'd say that 4 years ago when I was 300 pounds. I've stabilized, but I'm up to 3300 calories a day roughly, and it's difficult to eat that much if you're not eating shit. That could be a burger fries and a milkshake in one meal, but I won't eat that way, so at least I enjoy what I eat, and I get to stuff myself absurdly, lol.

I see a dr for my sleep, and were working on tons of things. Melatonin has been brought up, but as I said, I get affected by seasons, and this stuff started with the time change, so I have a feeling once we "fall back" I might reset. Conversely, then I lose my daylight, which I need, but that's why I wake and work days. I spent so many years in pizza working 50-80 hour weeks until up to 4 in the morning, and it taught me that my mental state is greatly benefited by being a day creature. It helps me a ton. I might invest in some of those lights to replicate sunlight this winter.


Vapid Vapetress
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I cook with ginger sometimes, never checked out turmeric. Will have to read some. Thanks. Will have to look into the cherry juice, too, though I don't really do juice.

did someone say ginger?

Hobby Kid

Brighton Boy
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Member For 4 Years
@Hobby Kid
And yes, gotta have the music when I run. The right tunes help me out, and a change in music can change my runs, too. Sometimes it is nice to just go out in the quiet if it's early, though. That's fucked about the EU, or U.K., whichever about neutering your decibel levels. If you wanna blow up your ear drums you should be allowed to. Just send me a cashiers check for 3000 dollars and I will buy you a U.S. Spec iPod, and send you the iPod and the difference...;)
I think I can order an Apple MP3 player off ebay usa but I'm unclear if they'll ship it out the country. I mixed up a trance playlist a few years ago which lasts 59.53. So if I'm doing an hour run I listen to that. Works every time. I've added a bunch of rap at the beginning now for longer runs. I really need to update it.
As for the food thing I use lentils because after cooking, once you let it settle it thickens. So it's better than using something like corn starch. Short replies tonight as I'm out atm.

Cloudy Peak Vapes

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did someone say ginger?

I took today off, I need to stop paying attention to the weather reports, those fuckers are always wrong. It's been bright and sunny all day, a bit cool, but no rain. Was supposed to be nasty today...

Yesterday we had a hail storm that was fucking insane. Glad i ran early. I was napping, and first the wind noise woke me, then was a good 15 minutes of golf balls flying horizontally. Dented the roofs of two of our cars all over, and shattered one of the mirrors, too. Mine was in the garage, so I lucked out. Also blew open the mailbox, thankfully no vape mail was damaged :). It was crazy shit. I've never seen anything like it. Destroyed our tree, dented the garage door, too. We have to sell one of the cars soon, and of course it has dimples all over the roof now. Oh well...

I suppose had I ran today thee trail would've been washed out anyway. I cross a small river, and am flanked by marshland for a few miles, so it probably was a good off day, it's just so beautiful out.

Cloudy Peak Vapes

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Ohhh, I get it, eating a ginger? Or am I just that sick? I am that sick, actually. Confident in that one.

Stove is on, pans are heating, spices are prepped... I'm gonna feast, nap, then rebuild. Need to re build three tanks, we shall see if I actually do all of em.


Diamond Contributor
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I thought gingers were red hot from the get go.....
It is one of those spices over looked, while I prefer raw ginger since I use it in a ton of recipes I also use it in my go juice.
2-3 good sized carrots, a kale leaf, half an apple and a thumb length piece of ginger.
Or my pear juice which is 1 pear, half an apple, a carrot and a thumb length piece of ginger.
I used it instead of OTC pain relief.. easier on the stomach and kidneys.

I need to get this socket healed up and get back to the 4-8 mile hikes. Prep work for doing the PCT.
Besides motivation the diet aspect gets so over looked and is the weakest link in the chain.

If you really want to get shocked check out Dwayne Johnson's daily work outs, yes plural. Then laugh at his once a week diet free day, not really funny but it does get inventive and costly.
While I miss power lifting I do not miss the food intake to make gains and maintain that size.
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Cloudy Peak Vapes

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I thought gingers were red hot from the get go.....
It is one of those spices over looked, while I prefer raw ginger since I use it in a ton of recipes I also use it in my go juice.
2-3 good sized carrots, a kale leaf, half an apple and a thumb length piece of ginger.
Or my pear juice which is 1 pear, half an apple, a carrot and a thumb length piece of ginger.
I used it instead of OTC pain relief.. easier on the stomach and kidneys.

I need to get this socket healed up and get back to the 4-8 mile hikes. Prep work for doing the PCT.
Pickled ginger is the shit, too, the sushi kind. I can just eat that straight up. And I avoid pain relievers, too. They're bad for your kidneys and stomach as you said, and it's never good to mask pain. You need to know what is going on.

Hobby Kid

Brighton Boy
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Pickled ginger is the shit, too, the sushi kind. I can just eat that straight up. And I avoid pain relievers, too. They're bad for your kidneys and stomach as you said, and it's never good to mask pain. You need to know what is going on.
i think i said something like that, yes. as for ginger, i saw some powdered ginder i'm thinking of trying but i'm not sure about pickled ginger. if they list the ingredients and it states they haven't used sugar to sweeten it then yeah, deffo


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Pickled ginger is the shit, too, the sushi kind. I can just eat that straight up. And I avoid pain relievers, too. They're bad for your kidneys and stomach as you said, and it's never good to mask pain. You need to know what is going on.

Hey I am all about fermented food to aide in digestion.. I got some home made kimichi in the fridge.
Have done pickled ginger in the past, the best way to do it is young ginger...
Asian markets with produce sections are the best place to pick it up and at a cheaper prices. 1.50 to 2 bucks a pound on young ginger (easier to work with and thin slice with little to no extra fiber) vs. 3.49-10 bucks a pound at the other places.. and it is old and often times going moldy, and thin slicing it is no bueno. I shred it and pickle it.
Also a great source for turmeric root, another amazing antioxident and anti inflammatory spice, a bit shredded does good things to dishes.
If you are into peppers also giant bags of thai chili for a couple bucks.
And cheap green tea.

Also agree with @Hobby Kid about lentils, great thickening agent. I have used red lentils with great success when they break down.
I was out of Garbonzo beans and used red and green lentils to make a hummus... I could not get my brains around the texture and the lentil flavor tho and the tahini was from raw sesame seeds, the whole thing tasted green.

Powdered is fine for flavor but loosing a ton of the good stuff. The pickled should be ginger and rice vinegar for the most part, EASY to do at home the trick shredding or thin slicing the ginger.
Oh forgot and staying the hell out of while it does it's thing, which is tougher than it sounds.
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Cloudy Peak Vapes

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@Hobby Kid I don't do added sugars at all,I even consider juice as bad as soda, I'll eat an orange, but won't drink orange juice... Back to the ginger, it doesn't have sugar, however it does have artificial sweeteners. I try to stick to polyol's such as xylitol, but I've given up avoiding artificial sweeteners. I understand if that's a no no for you, though. The polyol's are plant based sugar alcohols, and aside form some digestive trouble, most are fine, xylitol is actually great for your teeth. The chemical ones definitely are a bit sketchy. The story of how they were passed in the us by the FDA is a great example of our corruption. That's another thread, but it's a trip.

@BigNasy I fucking love Garbanzo beans. I'm a low sodium type and never use salt, and If you have a sprouts market near you, they have cans of extremely low sodium garbanzos. I make hummus with a can of beans, garlic, paprika, maybe a touch of olive oil, but usually I use about 1/4 cup of unsweetened almond milk instead. It's fucking awesome. Great complex carb snack.


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@Hobby Kid I don't do added sugars at all,I even consider juice as bad as soda, I'll eat an orange, but won't drink orange juice... Back to the ginger, it doesn't have sugar, however it does have artificial sweeteners. I try to stick to polyol's such as xylitol, but I've given up avoiding artificial sweeteners. I understand if that's a no no for you, though. The polyol's are plant based sugar alcohols, and aside form some digestive trouble, most are fine, xylitol is actually great for your teeth. The chemical ones definitely are a bit sketchy. The story of how they were passed in the us by the FDA is a great example of our corruption. That's another thread, but it's a trip.

@BigNasy I fucking love Garbanzo beans. I'm a low sodium type and never use salt, and If you have a sprouts market near you, they have cans of extremely low sodium garbanzos. I make hummus with a can of beans, garlic, paprika, maybe a touch of olive oil, but usually I use about 1/4 cup of unsweetened almond milk instead. It's fucking awesome. Great complex carb snack.
The only juice I do is only from my breville juicer.
I have used almond butter in place of the tahini and avoid the canned beans like the plauge. Just easier to get them in bulk for .85 a pound and soak em for 24 hours... 45 minute cook time and bingo.

Cloudy Peak Vapes

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The only juice I do is only from my breville juicer.
I have used almond butter in place of the tahini and avoid the canned beans like the plauge. Just easier to get them in bulk for .85 a pound and soak em for 24 hours... 45 minute cook time and bingo.
That's understandable. I am very discriminating of my canned beans. The ones I'm referring to have around 150 mg I n the entire can. They're organic, which doesn't truly mean shit health wise, but they're quality. It's next to impossible to find canned anything not chock full of sodium. I need to get some bulk garbanzos and roast em. I read a recipe a while back that sounded great.


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That's understandable. I am very discriminating of my canned beans. The ones I'm referring to have around 150 mg I n the entire can. They're organic, which doesn't truly mean shit health wise, but they're quality. It's next to impossible to find canned anything not chock full of sodium. I need to get some bulk garbanzos and roast em. I read a recipe a while back that sounded great.
Ive done em in the oven on a sheet sheet. you can do them with canned but you need to let them drain off.
Bulk you need to cook em first and let them drain and cool.

Cloudy Peak Vapes

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Ive done em in the oven on a sheet sheet. you can do them with canned but you need to let them drain off.
Bulk you need to cook em first and let them drain and cool.
That's about what I read. I'd buy bulk at sprouts for that recipe. Sounds tasty.


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OK after you roast em and they are still warm and slightly oily you can season them.
I did some dried sweet basil, pink salt, paprika and ground turmeric and pepper.

Cloudy Peak Vapes

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I think I can order an Apple MP3 player off ebay usa but I'm unclear if they'll ship it out the country. I mixed up a trance playlist a few years ago which lasts 59.53. So if I'm doing an hour run I listen to that. Works every time. I've added a bunch of rap at the beginning now for longer runs. I really need to update it.
As for the food thing I use lentils because after cooking, once you let it settle it thickens. So it's better than using something like corn starch. Short replies tonight as I'm out atm.
I will listen to live house music, specifically a band called the New Deal when I'm pushing it. They're a Canadian group, bass drums and keys, and they play live techno, I don't really know the terms. You should check out there live stuff, they're incredible. The keyboard player doesn't loop anything or use computers, and it's unbelievable what he can do. I've seen them live and it was a blast.

I get stuck on playlists when I run, too. Lately it's been more subdued, I've been on a Brit pop binge, with older Keane, and Two Door Cinema Club, though they're Irish. They have some really driving beats, four on the floor. I love Outkast for the rap, just hate how you have to go through albums and take out the interlude, skits, they do. Almost all rap has those, and it's annoying IMO. I can't get enough Outkast, though. I've got all their albums, good running music.

I got a run in today, and the trail was still washed out enough that if I went yesterday I'd have been running in water, so it was a good decision. We're supposed to get hit this afternoon through the night again, though. Said hi to more deer today. I love it.

Where in England are you @Hobby Kid , if you don't mind me asking? Don't think you've mentioned it any where I've read. I was there for a week or so in March of 2000, so a while ago, but I went all around the country, I dug it. It was during the mad cow outbreak, though, and that was pretty awful. I stayed away from beef the entire trip. I watch so much British television, I really wanna go back again sometime. I dig the culture, but the weather would be rough on me. I'd love to do a year there if I ever could.

Edit: checked your info and you're in Brighton, lol. I'm a bozo. I didn't go there.

Hobby Kid

Brighton Boy
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Where in England are you @Hobby Kid , if you don't mind me asking? Don't think you've mentioned it any where I've read. I was there for a week or so in March of 2000, so a while ago, but I went all around the country, I dug it. It was during the mad cow outbreak, though, and that was pretty awful. I stayed away from beef the entire trip. I watch so much British television, I really wanna go back again sometime. I dig the culture, but the weather would be rough on me. I'd love to do a year there if I ever could.

Edit: checked your info and you're in Brighton, lol. I'm a bozo. I didn't go there.
You'd be amazed how many members have ask me that question. Brighton's less than an hour from London so it's quite busy and handy for popping into the city. It was difficult running in London when I lived there as it's crowded. I ran all round London, checking out new places. I'd run all day. I found places there I never knew existed.

Have you or do you ever use crampons for running in ice and snow? I've never used them myself. So you're starting to get the rain season hey. It hasn't happened here yet. It's been a strange year. It began with terrible storms and then went hot and it's still quite warm. I'm not complaining though lol. I didn't see any deer at the gym :) but I did see plenty of nice looking girls and that kind of like a nature thing isn't it..

Cloudy Peak Vapes

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You'd be amazed how many members have ask me that question. Brighton's less than an hour from London so it's quite busy and handy for popping into the city. It was difficult running in London when I lived there as it's crowded. I ran all round London, checking out new places. I'd run all day. I found places there I never knew existed.

Have you or do you ever use crampons for running in ice and snow? I've never used them myself. So you're starting to get the rain season hey. It hasn't happened here yet. It's been a strange year. It began with terrible storms and then went hot and it's still quite warm. I'm not complaining though lol. I didn't see any deer at the gym :) but I did see plenty of nice looking girls and that kind of like a nature thing isn't it..
I'll take the girls... I get them and the dear, though, so I win... Lol. I wouldn't say it's the rain season, but rather it's gearing up for snow season. It's dry in Colorado, and we get a bit of rain in the fall, but October is usually when the first snow hits, and for some reason it tends to be a big one usually. The thing that's great is, I'm pretty sure we have the most days of sunshine in the U.S. So, it'll snow like mad all day,then be bright and sunny and fairly warm the next. The weather is usually pretty beautiful here, we've just had some strange storms. It went nuts again today, minus the hail, and it's raining now, so probably another day off tomorrow, will fit the runs in Friday through Sunday.

I've never used anything on my shoes, especially if they're newish, I'm good. I know my routes well, and just take extreme care in the typically bad areas. I've only fallen twice, both times ice under snow pack through turns, but I managed to come unscathed out of them both. I just take it slow.

I'm sure running is nuts in London, not to mention breathing in exhaust fumes. It's a cool city, but I think it sounds preferable to be in a place such as Brighton. An hour out is nothing, and I assume you have most of the amenities, and you're still close to London. Here, an hour out is a bit far, but almost a suburb. I live about 25 miles south of Denver, a 15-20 minute drive with no traffic. Our city and metropolitan areas tend to be very differently structured than most European ones. We spread out, and drive way too much, but though gas, I mean petrol, ;) is crazy expensive now, you'd laugh at me for saying that since it's dirt cheap compared to the U.K. Cars are a necessity here, though public transportation is greatly improving.

I'm gearing up for the snow... Gotta mentally prepare. I've been able to see my breath the past few mornings, so I know winter's coming.


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I left this in the suggestion box at my gym - I wish they would put the monitors somewhere inconspicuous. People basically go to my gym to watch the Food Network.

Cloudy Peak Vapes

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@Carla that is great! What kinda exercise you into? And yes, the eye is looking better.

I planned on not running, but I woke and it's cold, see my breath, but appears clear. Weather peeps wrong once again... I'm gonna drag my ass out there, since this probably means it's gonna pour, or snow, tomorrow. I hope the trails not washed out from yesterday/last night. I got plenty of newspaper to stuff in my shoes if needed post run... That's the best way to dry shoes btw. The carbon I think it is, in the paper, also makes em not stink. See you all later.

Fuzzy Bruce

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@Carla I got plenty of newspaper to stuff in my shoes if needed post run... That's the best way to dry shoes btw. The carbon I think it is, in the paper, also makes em not stink. See you all later.

I usually do this after any extended walk. I truly believe this extend the life of my boots. This and alternating between at least two pairs.

I am not a runner but I do walk/hike every day. Old knees,and hips prevent the running. I have tried to get back into the longer hikes (10+) miles but health issues have limited that for the near future.

I do get to vape as I walk!

Cloudy Peak Vapes

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I usually do this after any extended walk. I truly believe this extend the life of my boots. This and alternating between at least two pairs.

I am not a runner but I do walk/hike every day. Old knees,and hips prevent the running. I have tried to get back into the longer hikes (10+) miles but health issues have limited that for the near future.

I do get to vape as I walk!
Nice, but bummer you have the health issues. That terrifies me that it might happen in my future. Hiking is awesome, though.

So I errored in judgement. About a mile in, the trail had ducks swimming on it... Yeah, kinda washed out, and my dumbass decided to attempt to run off the trail around it. I quickly was at least ankle deep in freezing water. Whoops... Oh well, I found another trail I don't run usually that was mostly dry, and just ran about 5.5 miles barely able to feel my feet. I suppose I got a head start on icing them, lol. I'm a hard headed idiot when it comes to my runs.


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Cardio of various forms - at least 6 times a week. I basically like pushing myself to near exhaustion once a week - clears my head.

And to maintain the 20lbs I've keep off in the last 15 years. (Which requires twice as much effort for half the pay off now that I'm almost 38 - fun!)


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I avoid activities that build upper body strength cuz I'm sort of jacked and get self-conscious about my arms and shoulders image.jpg

Hobby Kid

Brighton Boy
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I avoid activities that build upper body strength cuz I'm sort of jacked and get self-conscious about my arms and shoulders View attachment 6659
my trainer says i need to build upper body strength and start doing weights but it really feels like too much effort and i don't like the idea of carrying unnecessary weight.

i had to see that pic a second time before i realised you weren't holding a cat in your arms lol

Cloudy Peak Vapes

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Cardio of various forms - at least 6 times a week. I basically like pushing myself to near exhaustion once a week - clears my head.

And to maintain the 20lbs I've keep off in the last 15 years. (Which requires twice as much effort for half the pay off now that I'm almost 38 - fun!)
Well, you don't need to be self conscious, you look great. Good for you keeping off those pounds, it's a rewarding process, but a never ending one.

I dig that you do the push to exhaustion once a week thing, and I totally get the feeling of clearing the head. I envy your ability to go 6 times a week. Every time I've tried my body says no. 5 days is all it let's me do.

Cloudy Peak Vapes

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my trainer says i need to build upper body strength and start doing weights but it really feels like too much effort and i don't like the idea of carrying unnecessary weight.

i had to see that pic a second time before i realised you weren't holding a cat in your arms lol
Minus the trainer part, I'm the same with weights and upper body. I'm defined enough, and don't want the extra weight. I do need to do more core work, though. Been a bit lazy there lately.

And I thought @Carla , you were holding a cat too, lol.

Hobby Kid

Brighton Boy
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Minus the trainer part, I'm the same with weights and upper body. I'm defined enough, and don't want the extra weight. I do need to do more core work, though. Been a bit lazy there lately.

And I thought @Carla , you were holding a cat too, lol.
it's not really for definition, it's just for strength. i've kind of neglected that end of things in favour of using what energy i have to run. can't help it. i turn up at the gym, they've got a hundred different types of machines and stuff and i think to myself i could put in extra time running instead. tbh even though i know it's important to maintain all of your body i just love the feeling and buzz i get from pushing myself that bit further on a run.. you know it..

i boiled a big pot of erm, the usual tonight with enough to reheat after tmrw's session, and i've added some corn on the cobs to it :)

Cloudy Peak Vapes

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it's not really for definition, it's just for strength. i've kind of neglected that end of things in favour of using what energy i have to run. can't help it. i turn up at the gym, they've got a hundred different types of machines and stuff and i think to myself i could put in extra time running instead. tbh even though i know it's important to maintain all of your body i just love the feeling and buzz i get from pushing myself that bit further on a run.. you know it..

i boiled a big pot of erm, the usual tonight with enough to reheat after tmrw's session, and i've added some corn on the cobs to it :)
Lol. I ate a big pot veggies and a bunch of, you guessed it, chicken, then tried to nap... ;)

I hear ya on the extra running. I did a ton of push-ups and crunches for a long time, then I just started running longer. It's way more fun, and I love that buzz. I do know it.

Hobby Kid

Brighton Boy
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Lol. I ate a big pot veggies and a bunch of, you guessed it, chicken, then tried to nap... ;)

I hear ya on the extra running. I did a ton of push-ups and crunches for a long time, then I just started running longer. It's way more fun, and I love that buzz. I do know it.
i'm really terrible at push-ups currently. that's why she suggested doing some upper body stuff. does there come a time when you can just say 'to hell with it. i'll just do what i want?' idk, i haven't lived long enough

Cloudy Peak Vapes

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i'm really terrible at push-ups currently. that's why she suggested doing some upper body stuff. does there come a time when you can just say 'to hell with it. i'll just do what i want?' idk, i haven't lived long enough
I hear ya. There's a lot you can do resistance wise with nothing but your body, handy for someone such as me who has no gym membership. I used to do 3 sets of 100 push-ups, normal, angled down, and angled up, if that makes sense. Then 100 on each obliques, and regular crunches. As you said, running started taking up more time, and I like it more. To hell with it I say. We are both certainly doing our part to keep healthy, and then some.


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I need to dust off my old divers work out I used to do.. some of the exercises are just brutal on my knees.
Never have been much of a runner but the work out room has a stair machine and more than a few bikes... I think it is time to get some cardio action going.

Antibiotics are the damned devil... 36 hours off them my guts are still not happy, running a candida cleanse, pro biotic load.
Slid way off the diet the last 24 hours but needed the extra caloric input I was feeling a tad thin. On the menu tonight is veg loaded low sodium chicken noodle soup.


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Prior colon removal i was 210. Im cleared to lift again only two years later and down to 140. Going to run depoxy-t at 75mg every other day, ipamorelin 800mcg a day broken into 4 pins, and throw in 2 month cycle of sust 250 ph after i get to 175 and around 4k calories a day. I started out in 2004 using the two year full body plan from After years of trial and error i know what to take and eat. Personally i dont use protein shakes and all those other bs supplements except animal pak and some ph's. Eating is best....not too much cardio as i had my tailbone and left glute removed rebuilt 7 years ago. I do every other day but I kill calves n forarms daily. Hopefully in few months i can fit back into my old shirts

Hobby Kid

Brighton Boy
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Watched a brilliant documentary tonight on Netflix really worth checking out. You see how these guys turned their lives around. One truck driver was massive! and could barely walk 5 minutes. And he got it all off real quick. It's called 'Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead'


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Watched a brilliant documentary tonight on Netflix really worth checking out. You see how these guys turned their lives around. One truck driver was massive! and could barely walk 5 minutes. And he got it all off real quick. It's called 'Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead'
Pretty good flick, only problem is MOST people don't finish but if they do its amazing. Even dropping 1 soda a day a snack etc can do wonders but most wont. Please do not get caught up in the gimmicky diets though. Just figure out your carb/protien ratios to gain, lose or maintain as with body your body its 25% diet, 5% supplementation, 70% DIET

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