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FA vs. TFA Sweet Cream & Bavarian Creams?


Bronze Contributor
Member For 2 Years
Member For 1 Year
Just wondering, (because I try my best and really enjoy using Flavour Art products) is there anything FA makes that tastes really similar to TFA Sweet Cream and Bavarian Creams? Or is there a concentrate that FA makes like those two?

I find that TFA nails it when It comes to those two flavors. But when I use, let's say FA fresh cream, I get a different taste that I often find difficult to match with those two.

So in using Sweet Cream in a recipe, and try and replace my recipe with Fresh Cream, it just doesn't taste the same. So is there anything else out there that I can add to my mixes to get the same results as those two creams?

Just curious to see if others have checked this out, and experimented with this so I can try the same.

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