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Feedback for The First Purchase

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Silver Contributor
Member For 5 Years
This was my first shopping on VU and quite honestly was a bit hesitant but, when I saw a post from @Vash I thought let's try. This is my pleasure that I bought Billow V3, Herakles Plus and Smok Mini. Great communication, Fast shipping and most important excellent packaging. Arrived quickly, What else I want :bliss:

@Vash reply anything to this thread so we can leave each other feedback.

Thanks for a smooth transaction.

One more point, I really want to thank to the Vaping Underground family and especially the management / moderators / administrators for providing this great place "VU" so that we will not only enjoy our vaping experience but also keep away from smoking.
I am very happy as part of this family of :bingo:

Thank you all,



Bronze Contributor
Member For 3 Years
Member For 2 Years
Member For 1 Year
ECF Refugee
Cute dog, @Vash

a quality member!

PS. sorry to thread-jack but ive been so busy i havent got around to trying more than just the shamrock flavor (it was nice)
So ill just say ive been letting them steep;)
ill let you know how i like them soon, thanks for that again.
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