I agree with the above. I've rewicked it three times now successfully. The only problem is that my AFC is a bit loose so it doesn't seal down all of the way, and since I wicked loosely to get good wicking, every other time I fill it I get a little stream of juice down the side of my mod. It's not intolerable for me, but it's something to keep in mind.
For me, I can easily drive two hours or more a day so having a 5ml tank that I can run dual claptons in while taking long pulls at 80 watts is worth the slight inconvenience of making sure I have a napkin with me when I refill.
The design for the V2 is right. The manufacturing is a little shoddy in places. 10/10 for the design. 7/10 for the manufacturing quality. I'm sure the second run will be better. IIRC, Cthulhu Mods has only been around for about six or seven month. Give them some time. They have a lot of potential. I also have their Hastur atty. While the deck is just a bit too small for me the design is awesome, and it just doesn't leak. At all. No ring on the mod even.
Thank you!