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Flavor Artists flavors Reviewed by SessionDrummer


Bronze Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I think it was @robrrt1 that first mentioned these flavors, and having never heard of them, and there not being much information about them, I thought we should correct that.

They seem to be either partnered with or part of EC Blends, and have a very interesting Creme Collection.

Because there was SOO little good intel available on them, trying to figure out where to start testing them was a challenge, and I finalized it at 3%. All are just mixed, and will be steeping for at least 1.5 weeks. As always, they will be tested in a 70v/30p/3mg base, on the SteamCrave RDTA v.1 with dual Kanthal vertical coils, and fresh KGD cotton.

Stay tuned ..............

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**Bavarian Cream (Flavor Artists) 3.0% / 4.0% (10-5-24)** -- FIRST ONE on deck with this new (to me) MFG. I started out at 3.0%, and I wanted to see if increasing it to 4.0% saturated it any more, and it did, but only somewhat, so 3.0-3.5% might be the upper SFT range on this one. This one was really good, and interestingly so. It tasted like a very smooth, clean Bavarian Cream, with no burnt overtones that I get from a few of the other BC's. Very creamy, with some custard elements, but sans any heavy egg notes. The smoothness was harder to define but it was obvious from beginning to end. I also got hints of a light whipped cream thrown in as well.

At the higher weight it was very creamy, and had some good mouthfeel. There was also an interesting caramel-y undertone that seemed to bridge all of the notes together. After 3 testers, I couldn't nit pick any complaints out of it, and actually blew through all of the bottle before I realized it. If your current BC has left you wanting, this smooth, caramel-y one might just work out for you. Rating it very high, at a **9.6/10**.

**Blueberry Cheesecake Flavor Artists) 3.0% (10-6-24)** -- My first thought on this one was, "Wow, this is the WHOLE package". Yes, it was. Most times one of the big three always seems to be missing, i.e. Blueberries, Crust, Filling. This one was surprisingly rich and full at 3% with no need to increase. The blueberry was nice and jammy, with some nice tart pectin notes. The filling was very tasty, creamy, and leaned towards the "sweet and smooth" as opposed to the "tart and sour" side, but with just enough sour lower in the mix to sell it. The crust finished out the flavor, and had some nice bakery weight to it, and it was graham centered.

All in, it really did cover ALL the bases, and did it well. At 3.0% it was damned good, strong, creamy, and delicious. No off-notes to be found, and sweetness was just below mid-level. FA did a good job of contructing this as you could really taste all of the elements, instead of being blurred together. The crust and cheesecake filling were about even in strength, with the blueberry falling slightly behind. It wasn't lacking the blueberries, but if you wanted it more in the front, you could easily spike it up. It was so well put together, I couldn't pick a favorite part. Only slight "wish" would have been for a smidge more BB, but, only a smidge. Rating it high (again), as it was too good not to, and leaving it at a solid **9.0/10**.

**Brandy (Flavor Artists) 3.0% (10-13-24)** -- Having had good brandy before, I could try and compare this with that, even though it's been a while. After 3 testers I was no closer to figuring out what "type" of brandy it was, or whether it was grape based, or fruit based, BUT, hehe, it was good. It had some light(er) alcohol notes which gave it a little bite, but maybe only a 4/10 on the strength scale for the alcohol portion. Still good, and added to the authenticity of it. It had a moderately rich body to it, which carried over after the vape, which was nice. Sweetness was pretty close to authentic, at a tick or two below mid-level, but after my third tester, I decided it might have been just a TOUCH too sweet, but only a little.

At 3.0% it was perfect strength wise, with no needs for more. No off-notes, sour-ness, or bitter, and about my only want, would have been maybe a little more of the alcohol, just to "spice" it up another notch. All in, having never vape tested a brandy, this one was a good one to start with, and with only one small complaint, I left it fairly high at a **9.1/10**.

**Butterscotch Apple Pie (Flavor Artists) (CC) 3.0% (10-6-24)** -- This flavor was the FIRST from the Creme Collection (CC) that I tested, so I did want to see what was what with it. My first thought on this one was, "Did they try and do TOO much with this one". OK, sounds dire, but not really, as it was a GREAT apple pie flavor, with just about everything you would want, great tart-ish apple pie filling, and crust. Now I got SOME butterscotch, but not a lot, and there WAS indeed an overall very creamy-ness to this one. Was it too much in one flavor ?? Hard to say.

The creamy-ness was actually very good, and present, and worked to soften the overall flavor, and bathe it in, you guessed it, a nice creamery bath. I didn't get an ice cream, or a whipped cream, but more of a fairly neutral creamy carrier that the apple pie rode on. At 3.0% it was very good, and full, and there were no off-notes to complain about. My only wants would have been maybe a little more butterscotch, and possibly tamping down the cream just a smidge, to let the pie show through better. NOW, with that said, I DID buy it from the "Creme Collection", so keep that in mind. Sweetness was just at about mid-level, and it WAS hard to put down. For my tastes, the apple pie filling, and crust were the show stoppers here. I had to blow through 3 tanks before even trying to figure out a rating, as it was one of the better apple pies I've had, but with my two aforementioned wants. I finally decided to leave it JUST south of a 9, at an **8.9/10**, and that was ONLY for my wants, as this was one of the better flavors so far in this series.

**Caramel Macchiato (Flavor Artists) 3.0% (10-6-24)** -- I remembered @robrrt1 saying Flavor Artists Espressos were good, so I was anxious to get into this one, my FIRST coffee-ish flavor from FA. It smelled great in the bottle, and that DID continue when testing. The fairly dark Espresso notes were basically spot on, with a deep rich, dark roasted flavor, NOT to be confused for a coffee. It even had a touch of acidity that really authenticated it, even more. As with most macchiatos I did get a little vanilla cream from this one, hiding underneath the delicious layer of Caramel. The two were blended really well, and I couldn't fully pick them apart for deeper analysis. Underneath all of that, was a creamy milk undertone, which was the carrier for all of the aforementioned notes.

Very well designed, and ratio'd, with everything being about exactly where it needed to be in the mix. At 3.0% it was pretty full, and I did catch myself wondering if a little more, would BE more, but, hehe, I blew through all of the testers before I knew it (always a good sign), and never got to try a higher mix rate. Needless to say, it was damned tasty at 3.0%. No off-notes, and it did present as very natural and authentic, with sweetness coming in a few ticks below mid-level. As an added bonus, the espresso note lingered, which was nice. I could find no issues or complaints, with maybe wanting a smidge more, as my only want. Leaving this very high at a **9.6/10**.


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Bronze Contributor
Member For 4 Years
**Cherry Swirl (Flavor Artists) 3.0% (10-6-24)** -- To this day, every time I test a cherry, I prepare for the worst. Some are just bad, medicinal, soapy, and worse. The GREAT news was, this one, was NONE of them !!!! This one was great right out of the gate. I could tell from the first moment it was going to be a keeper, and that it had something special going on. Even at 3.0%, there were NO off-notes, or squirrel-y-ness with this one. OK, what it was, was a medley OF different cherries, which was VERY interesting. I wasn't sure what they meant by "Swirl", but apparently different cherries swirled together. I could def. pick out a Maraschino, Red, and White, yes, swirled together. Fresh, punchy, and very natural tasting. Again, NO medicinal, or soapy-ness to be found.

I couldn't pick the three cherries apart, but as a whole, they simply worked. Sweetness was just at about mid-level, and at 3.0% it was very good, and didn't feel like it needed more. The combinated profiles really worked together, and while still being able to pick them out, did created a unique Cherry experience. Because it straddled multiple cherries, it shold be able to be used in a lot of different mixes. Not only was the medley a surprise, there was a nice tart kicker on the finish that sealed the deal. If you like cherries, you may wan to check this little gem out. No wants, wishes, or complaints, leaving this VERY high (especially for a cherry), at a **9.8/10**.

**Coconut (Flavor Artists) 3.0% (10-7-24)** -- Coconuts always seem to fall into two categories for me, either dry, and acrid, or sweetened, and creamy. My tastes lean to the more sweetened and creamy, so keep that in mind. This one tasted like a very natural coconut, that actually seemed to straddle both of the aforementioned types. Because it did cover both, it could be used more easily than others that were one or the other. To expand, it was somewhat like a mix of semi dry, shredded coconut, with some creamy-ness mixed in to temper it a little. No off-notes, and NO suntan lotion for you coconut-heads out there. Sweetness was about 2 ticks below mid-level.

At 3.0% it was really good and with no wants to increase it. Now what I really liked about this one, was the finish was somewhat creamy, with hints of dry coconut, but with just a hint of bite. Not acrid, which I would describe as sharp and pungent, but it had just a little bite, which gave a little boost on the finish. Smelling it and tasting it was about identical, which is NOT always the case, and it smelled, and tasted very natural. About the only "ehhh" would be the ever so slight dryness on the finish, but that is fairl common in most coconuts I've tested. Taking off just a bit for that, and still leaving it high at a **9.0/10**. All in, a great natural coconut, that straddled a dry shredded, with some sweet and creamy thrown in.

**Coconut Cream Pie (Flavor Artists) 3.0% (10-8-24)** -- Well, as much as I loved FA's BS Apple Pie, and BB Cheesecake, I was LESS in love with this one. Alright, this one hit me out of the gate, as NOT what I had expected. It wasn't terrible, but it didn't scream Coconut Cream Pie. At times I didn't get much Coconut, and others I did. The creamy filling stayed fairly consistent, as did the crust, which was very good, but the coconut kind of wandered, in and out. There was a main note that I did keep getting, which was hard to identify, but seemed like a fairly vague creamy bakery note. Maybe increasing the coconut would have pushed this into good territory. No off-notes, and it was rich and full at the 3.0% testing weight, but just never totally sold me on a CCP.

No off-notes, and sweetness was a little higher, and at about mid-level. It wasn't a blank slate creamy pie, but might be able to be used like that, and far more as a base/r than a main top note in a mix. Good, just not great, and slightly jumbled. I finally decided to leave this one at a **6.0/10**.

**Coffee Liqueur and Irish Cream (Flavor Artists) 2.0%/3.0%/4.0% (10-9-24)** -- This one was another one that I'd heard some chatter about. I started this one out at 3.0% and after 1/4 of a tank I felt it needed more, and I bumped it to 4.0%, and it reduced. I then re-mixed, and dropped it to 2.0%, and that looks like the SFT weight for this one. Always nice when I can sort things like this out ON the fly. @robrrt1 was right, that this one was a super unique flavor. I literally got, exactly what it was called, half Coffee Liqueur, and half Irish Cream. Wow, what a great idea, great taste, and, hehe, unique. As far as I could tell, it really tasted like an even 50/50 split between the two main notes, and nicely done. The coffee liqueur, was very accurate, and tasty. The Irish Cream was also very accurate and tasty, and I did get a hint of boozy-ness in there, which really fit it well.

This was not the strongest coffee-ish flavor I've tried, and if I had to rate it on a 10 scale strength, I'd put it at about a 7 out of 10 strength wise, and clearly increasing to 3%, then 4% it started to reduce, so 2.0% seemed like it was at it's strongest. I didn't get a lot of dark coffee notes, bitterness, or anything close to an espresso, but really, a good coffee liqueur. No off-notes, or complaints, and I noticed interestingly enough, that when I did drop it to 2.0% I started to get a nice, almost light nutty-ness undertone, which added depth to the overall profile. There was a fairly present creamy-ness to it as well, which helped smooth it out a bit, and add texture to it. All in, a great idea, and showing from FA on this one. Leaving it high at a **9.5/10**.

**Dulce de Leche (Flavor Artists) 3.0% (10-10-24)** -- Starting this review off, like I've NEVER done before. OK, this was NOT a DDL. Read carefully, and keep that in mind regarding my scoring. OK, now that THAT is out of the way, DDL's are typically caramelized sugar and milk, or sweetened condensed milk, which typically tastes like a caramel, milk sweet flavor. Typically. This flavor was not even close to that, BUT, it was good. It tasted like a mix of coffee, light chocolate, with a smooth creamy-ness. The three main notes were perfectly balanced, i.e. 33.3% (roughly) of each, with none overpowering the others. Because they were so evenly matched they did almost meld into a somewhat unique NEW flavor, almost.

The creamy-ness was maybe possibly some milk and cream, but it stayed consistent throughout, providing a smooth carrier for the chocolate/coffee notes. No sharp edges, but really a smooth, and tasty mix. The coffee notes was fairly dark, but not an espresso, and the chocolate tasted like a mid to mid-dark chocolate. ZERO off-notes in this one, and it was fairly strong, and I would rate it at about a 7.5/10 strength wise, at 3.0%. All in, this was a DAMNED tasty mix, BUT, it wasn't a DDL. Scoring this was a challenge, as I score focusing on the name, and accuracy TO that name, so let's double score this one. As a DDL I would have to rate it low, at a **5.0/10**, but as a "Yeah, but did it taste good" rating, I would pump it up to an easy **9.5/10**. I would not recommend buying this for or as a DDL, BUT, I would def. recommend buying it anyway.


Bronze Contributor
Member For 4 Years
**Fruity Cereal (Flavor Artists) (Creme Collection) 3.0% (The Flavor Artists) 3.0% (10-12-24)** -- Another flavor from Flavor Artists Creme Collection. I think my initial thought on this one was it was the "Full Package". Many times when I test a flavor, mix, commercial juice I immediately think, "I would have added this or that", but not in this case. The more I tested it, the less I thought it needed anything. First things first, NO PLEDGE. It actually leaned more towards a Fruity Pebbles than a Fruit Loops, but it still had both in there. I'd ratio it at a 70% Pebbles, 30% Loops if that helps. The citrus seemed to be more Orange than Lemon, but again, both were there. One of the best aspects was the grainy-ness in the cereal, as it stayed front and center throughout. Sweetness was about 2 ticks above mid-level, but it wasn't cloying, and worked.

At 3.0% it was just about perfect, with no need to increase. Now being in the Creme Collection, I wasn't sure what to expect, and it did ride on a creamy, somewhat milky carrier, which was shockingly good, accurate and convincing, and worked to smooth out any rough edges, but without over-creaming the mix. All in, this one was good, and with no off-notes, complaints or issues, I won't be marking this down much at all. If I really had to ultra nit-pick, it could have been a touch less sweet, but even that is a ultra nit-pick. All in, a very good, accurate Pebbles/Loops in milk/cream, with some GREAT grains, and worth picking up. I finally decided to kick it all the way up to a **9.9/10**, with just a smidge off for the sweetness.

**Juicy Watermelon (Flavor Artists) 3.0% (10-12-24)** -- This one needed no break in time in the SteamCrave, and intrigued me right away. It presented as a part natural watermelon, part candied, and with an almost honey like (didn't taste like honey) sweet smoothness. The candied part was unique and I've not tasted one like it before. The ratio between natural / artificial was close to 60% natural, 40% candied. Most of the candied I've had always seemed to be sweet-tart-ish, and had a far amount of tart/sour whereas the candied part here did not really convey that, at least not in the common over the top way. There was some tart/sour, but just enough.

The natural side was pretty good, fairly strong, and seemed centered mostly around the red and white fleshy parts with very little rind. I could see why this was one of their top sellers, as it was pretty interesting the way it covered both bases (natural / artificial). The was a very distinct honey-like quality to it. It did not taste like honey, but it somehow had that quality, and seemed to present most on the finish. Almost like it was thick and sweet. At 3.0% it was about a 7.5/10 strength wise, and sweetness was just at mid-level. No off-notes, and no real complaints. Was it juicy ?? Kind of, or somewhat. Depending on your needs, this "combo" WM might or not depending if you needed solely a natural or artificial, as it WAS both. It seemed like it could be used fairly often, so I rated it higher because of that. Finalized it at a **9.1/10**.

**Peach (Flavor Artists) 3.0% (10-13-24)** -- This flavor presented as more of a Peach "with some other notes", rather than a straight juicy peach. The Peach that I did get, was the juicy yellow type, and I had a hard time trying to figure out what it tasted paired with. Maybe hints of Apricot, and hints of apple as well, but it was hard to 100% nail down the other notes. Not a bad flavor, and the peach that WAS there, was good, but it was competing with the two other notes I picked up on.

At 3.0% it was fairly strong, and no offensive off-notes could be found. Sweetness was about 2 ticks below mid level. Even though not the strongest flavor, it did have a somewhat thicky and jammy-ness to it, which actually helped it overall. Not terrible by any means, and it was tasty, but as a driving main peach note, I couldn't see it. As a baser for a jam, jelly, and yes a peach mix it would be fine, just not the main note. Marking down somewhat, and because the peach I did get was pretty good, finally decided on a **6.5/10**.

**Peaches and Pear (Flavor Artists) (CC) 2.0%/3.0%/4.0% (10-13-24)**
-- You may have noticed I tested this one across 3 different strengths. I started out at 3.0%, and it tasted great, but was somewhat weak, and shortlived then testing, meaning, the flavor came on fairly quickly, then was quickly gone. Thinking I had overflavored it, I re-mixed lower @ 2.0%, and it was roughly the same, only weaker. Finally I bumped it to 4.0% just to see, and it did get stronger, but was still had a very short half-life. This appears to be what it is/was. Tasting it from the bottle, it tasted REALLY good, but when testing, something just didn't translate as well, when atomizing, and that's a shame. To clarify, it was still good, just came on strong, then was gone, very quickly.

It tasted like a nice yellow peach, with some good juicy-ness, and a fresh pair. The two fruits tasted very natural, and quite juicy, with no candied, or artificial notes, which worked in this flavor. There was also a fairly present creamery note which the two fruits rode on, which did keep it creamy, but the fruits were still on top of the profile. With the fruits and cream, the 3 paired very well, and none felt overpowered, or weak in comparison. No off-notes, or complaints, except for the rapid onset, then dissolution. No all flavors vaporize the same. Assuming that was the case here, the saturation and flavor at 3.0%, and 4.0% was pretty damned good. After giving up trying to figure out why it dissipated so quickly, I decided to not take off too heavily for that, as the freshness and accuracy of the two fruits, WAS quite good, and accented by the creamery. Finally decided to leave it at a **8.5/10**.

**Strawberries and Coconut Flavor Artists) (Creme Collection) 3.0% (10-13-24)** -- This, the last one from the Creme Collection in this series with the SB and Coconut. My main take-away on this one was how the flavor wandered around when testing, with sometimes the SB's taking the lead, and others the coconut. VERY interesting. I've mixed up tons of tropical Strawberry and Coconut mixes, but have never achieved this result, so hats off to Flavor Artists for that. Strawberries, Coconuts, and Cream IS what you got with tis one. As stated, it interestingly meandered around, which really kept it interesting. The SB was juicy, red, and ripe, and the coconut was mostly natural, and more of a flake type, and the entire mix was riding on top of, you guessed it, and nice creamery cream.

I say creamery, because it wasn't a dense, rich cream, nor a milk, but more of a blending of the two. It worked to richen up the mix, but not overly dull some of the bright punchy notes of the SB's. The coconut seemed to blend INTO the cream a little more than the SB. Def. had a tropical vibe, but much more than a simple SB and Cream mix. Surprising how good 3 simple elements can be. At 3.0% if was perfectly strong, no off-notes, and about 3 ticks below mid-level sweet, and at times, I almost wanted it a little sweeter if you can believe it, but kudos to them for not dosing this one too much. All in, an interesting SB, Coconut, Cream combo that almost (but not quite) took on a completely new overall profile. Nicely paired, and leaving it high at a **9.7/10**.

**Toasted Vanilla Marshmallow (Flavor Artists) 3.0% (10-13-24)** -- LAST ONE on deck in this, the first series from Flavor Artists. Being a huge Smore's lover, I'm always on the prowl for new Marshmallows. This one didn't disappoint. It presented as more of a dry marshmallow as opposed to a gooey, sticky one. Nice mallow flavor, with some hints of vanilla, and a nice toasted undertone. Mouthfeel was a little light, but still present. No burnt edges, but really more of a lightly toasted-ness. At 3.0% it was very full, and semi-rich, with no squirrel-y off-notes to complain about.

Sweetness was just below mid-level, and it worked here. All in, a pretty good toasted MM with hints of vanilla, and about my only "want" would have been some increased richness and added mouthfeel, to really seal the deal. As it stood, those were about the only issues. With the two minor wants, it felt good at an **8.75/10**.



Bronze Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Thanks for taking the time to read these reviews. It was a new flavor house for me, and with the ones I picked, they were pretty good. I either chose ones that were recommended, or the top sellers on the Flavor Artists website. I can see picking up some bigger bottles of the good ones, and I might even run a 2nd series on them.

Bavarian Cream (Flavor Artists) **9.6/10**
Blueberry Cheesecake (Flavor Artists) **9.0/10**
Brandy (Flavor Artists) **9.1/10**
Butterscotch Apple Pie (Flavor Artists)(CC) **8.9/10**
Caramel Macchiato (Flavor Artists) **9.6/10**
Cherry Swirl (Flavor Artists) **9.8/10**
Coconut (Flavor Artists) **9.0/10**
Coconut Cream Pie (Flavor Artists) **6.0/10**
Coffee Liqueur and Irish Cream (Flavor Artists) **9.5/10**
Dulce de Leche (Flavor Artists) **5.0/10**
Fruity Cereal (Flavor Artists)(CC) **9.9/10**
Juicy Watermelon (Flavor Artists) **9.1/10**
Peach (Flavor Artists) **6.5/10**
Peaches and Pear (Flavor Artists) **8.5/10**
Strawberries and Coconut (Flavor Artists)(CC) **9.7/10**
Toasted Vanilla Marshmallow (Flavor Artists) **8.75/10**


Bronze Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Really nice review! Definitely run the 2nd series you mentioned if you have time.
I just clicked on the link at the top of your review, but it said it was down for maintenance.
So, I wasn't able to figure this out. Is Flavor Artists the same as good old Flavor Art?


Cranky Old Fart
VU Donator
Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
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Really nice review! Definitely run the 2nd series you mentioned if you have time.
I just clicked on the link at the top of your review, but it said it was down for maintenance.
So, I wasn't able to figure this out. Is Flavor Artists the same as good old Flavor Art?
The link is working now @newyork13. I'm pretty sure they are not affiliated with FlavourArt.

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