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Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Breathwork in a blink​

Your weekly 5-minute dose of breathwork from Mike Maher​

Hey Jimi,

Welcome to August! I’ve spent a lot of time traveling this week and recovering from all my birthday celebrations, and I’m very grateful to have a restorative breathwork toolkit!

What Made My Week
We’re having some work done around the house and studio, and I’m geeking out about my new podcast studio background. I cannot wait to share it! Finally, I’ll have a place to display and store all my breathwork stuff, which will make my fiancée very happy as it won’t be lying around the house anymore.

Breathing Exercises Of The Week
This week's breathing exercise is the physiological sigh, also known as the double inhale, popularized by Andrew Huberman. We just dropped a new version on the channel, featuring lovely animation. Reported benefits include feeling more relaxed, calmer, and experiencing less stress and anxiety. Click here to watch the full breath exercise.

Study I've Been Reading This Week:
It would be rude not to reference Dr. Andrew Huberman’s paper on the double-inhale-exhale technique. This study compared various breathing techniques and found the double inhale-exhale particularly effective at helping us calm down. You can find his full paper here.

Podcast of the Week
This week's podcast is with Dr. Ella Gorman. This was a really interesting podcast for me because she explains that if you're doing breathwork and still feel stressed later on, it might not be the breath that's the problem. She discusses other potential causes like parasites, heavy metals, and mold that might be contributing to stress and anxiety. Breathwork might just be a band-aid. Watch the full podcast here and let me know your thoughts in the comments.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Do yourself a favor and watch this

As a treat for our community, we’re sharing an excerpt from a previous enlightening interview on "The Power of Breath: Transforming Your Physical, Emotional, and Spiritual State Through Breathing."

This session, led by a renowned breathwork expert, highlighted how simple breathing techniques can drastically improve your physical health, emotional balance, and spiritual awareness.​
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Cultivating Healing, Strength and Joy: Guided Meditation & Breathwork
Bring more healing, strength and joy into your life with this breathwork and meditation session led by HEAL Producer Adam Schomer, now available on our YouTube channel. This guided session is crafted to help you harness your inner strength while inviting a deeper sense of joy and well-being. You'll engage in practices designed to heal emotional wounds, enhance your resilience, and uplift your spirit. Whether you're looking to overcome obstacles, boost your mood, or simply infuse your life with more positivity, this meditation is a truly rejuvenating experience.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Breathing Exercises Of The Week

This week’s breathing exercise is the classic box breathing at a rate of five seconds inhale, five seconds exhale, and five seconds hold. I’m really proud of this version we’ve published on the channel—it’s so calm, the music is beautiful, and it’s wonderfully easy and relaxed. Click here to try it now.

Study I've Been Reading This Week:

A study in hospitals in India, found that box breathing significantly reduced pain levels in post-operative patients. Those who practiced this technique had much lower pain scores after surgery, proving box breathing to be an effective tool for pain management. You can read the full study by clicking here.

Podcast of the Week

In this week's podcast, I sat down with Katona Yoga instructor, Tiger Bai, where we discussed pranayamas, posture, breathing techniques, and much more. This is a really great conversation filled with lovely insights that you won't want to miss. Click here to watch the podcast.

Wild Card - Advanced Box Breathing

I’ve got an incredible two breaths per minute box breathing technique that’s perfect for those looking to dive deeper. Breathing at this slow rate can significantly enhance your lung capacity, lower stress levels, and promote a profound sense of calm and relaxation. So, take it easy, enjoy the process, and take your time with this one. Here’s the link

I wish you all a great weekend, and until next time, breathe well my friends.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
What if I told you there was a super simple way to gain extra energy, slow down aging, improve mental health, meet your fitness goals, enhance metabolism, and increase resilience?

And you can accomplish all this in just 10 minutes a day with a solution that’s completely free and available anywhere you go?

This isn’t another baseless health claim—it’s the well-researched work of my friend and energy expert, Ari Whitten, M.S.

Best of all, you now have the chance to put this knowledge into practice thanks to his new, free webinar!

Click here to save your spot in Breathing for Energy: How To Dramatically Increase Your Energy and Squash Anxiety In Just 10 Minutes A Day!

In this comprehensive but highly practical event, you’ll quickly learn:

  • The 10-minute morning practice that is the fastest way to increase your energy levels…the most effective method Ari’s discovered in over 25 years of studying health science!
  • Powerful breathing hacks to decrease anxiety (including a method to dramatically lower anxiety in seconds!)
  • How to reverse aging thanks to a staggering 50% increase in stem cell production…within minutes!
  • The fascinating history of this 1000-year-old practice and how it relates to our stressful, modern lives
Ari has paired his expertise with world-renowned breathing expert Patrick McKeown for this personalized event that will change your life, one breath at a time.

You’ll learn exactly how to breathe for longevity, balanced mood, boosted metabolism, and better fitness…plus, how to test your current respiratory function and reveal if it’s contributing to low energy and chronic disease.

Click here to be part of this exciting gathering. We can’t wait to see you there!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
“For breath is life, and if you breathe well you will live long on earth.”

– Sanskrit Proverb

Breathing Exercises Of The Week

We just released a lovely breathing exercise, its a slightly quicker coherence style at 9 breaths per min, super chilled, you can find it here.

Study I've Been Reading This Week:

This week's study is about how our breathing patterns constantly change and how these changes can reveal important information about our emotions and brain activity. For example, the study found that when people are anxious, their breathing becomes faster and more irregular, which can help doctors identify anxiety-related issues. By analyzing these patterns, scientists hope to find new ways to diagnose and treat health problems like anxiety and sleep disorders, and this research could also lead to better health monitoring technologies in the future. Click here to read the full paper.

Podcast of the Week

Dr. Eric Goodman is our guest this week, and his podcast has been incredibly popular. Eric shares insights on how important posture is in our daily lives, and as someone who often feels tight and tense, his advice really resonated with me. The episode is full of helpful tips, techniques, and advice. Click here to watch (P.S. There are several exercises demonstrated, so it’s definitely best to watch this one).

Breath Tip Of The Week

Move before you breathe! Often, when I work with clients, they tell me they can’t meditate or sit still. Just this week, I saw a mother yelling at her young son to sit still in the barber’s chair, but the truth is, we’re not meant to be still all the time. Movement is life, and we’re full of energy (or "full of beans," as we say in England). It’s important to release some of that energy, especially before focusing on your breath. So before your next breathing session, take a walk, dance to your favorite song, hit the gym—just get your body moving before lying down to focus on your breath. I wish I had known this years ago. – Mike


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
The Extraordinary Clarity Breathwork Experience: Heal, Transform & Rise into Your Magnificence!

When it comes to Breathwork there are no better teachers that I know of than Dana and Ashanna.

They are the co-founders and pioneers of Clarity Breathwork ~ a profound path of healing that has transformed thousands of lives. They are master teachers and trainers of Breathwork with over 7 decades of experience and lead with a gentle, feminine approach that allows their students to have extraordinary breakthroughs that are lasting and real.

They are sharing their amazing and effective tools to empower you to heal, transform, and rise into your magnificence in their FREE 5-Day LIVE Online Series The Extraordinary Clarity Breathwork Experience: Heal, Transform & Rise into Your Magnificence!

==> Click here to get your FREE ticket!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Guided Breathwork Healing Session with Gwen Dittmar
Explore the benefits of guided breathwork with Gwen Dittmar, now available on our YouTube channel. In this session, Gwen leads you through powerful breathwork techniques that not only promote relaxation and stress relief but also support trauma healing. Her calming guidance helps you connect deeply with your breath, release tension, and foster inner peace. Whether you're new to breathwork or looking to enhance your practice, this session offers valuable tools for emotional and physical well-being. Click the link below to experience Gwen Dittmar’s breathwork and start your journey towards balance and healing.
To learn more about Gwen's incredible work, be sure to watch the episode of the HEAL with Kelly Podcast featuring her by CLICKING HERE.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Breathing Exercise of the Week

Here is one of my favourites, its a guided breath meditation, its been rather popular on YouTube with over a million views, check it out for yourself and if you can, do it outside with your feet on the grass! click here to enjoy this one now...


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Hi Jimi,​

Just a quick heads-up, since you're already into breathwork…​

Would you be interested in accessing the world's largest library of specially-created breath-pacing music?

It comes recommended by James Nestor (Author of "Breath") and Patrick McKeown (creator of Oxygen Advantage)!

If you join now, you’ll get access to all the beautiful breathwork music (hundreds of original tracks), educational materials, and exclusive resources… this weekend! (Before official launch in January).
Not sure what we’re even talking about?
Click here to watch a short intro…

Why breathe in time with special music?​

Well for starters it's more fun. But that's just the beginning...

Learn the benefits of practicing:


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Hi Jimi!
Did you know all breathwork practices aren't created equal? Different types of breathwork have dramatically different uses and impacts on our mind and body.

Are you feeling overwhelmed, anxious, or stuck in the stress cycle? Our latest blog dives deep into the healing power of breathwork, especially for those of us who experience life a little more intensely.

Discover how 5 simple breathing techniques can help you calm your mind, regulate your nervous system, and support your journey to emotional resilience.
Whether you're new to breathwork or looking to deepen your practice, this guide offers practical tips and insights grounded in science to help you breathe your way to healing.

Read the full article and for more practical tips and support, join our Club Sensitive community to learn how to integrate these powerful tools into your daily life.

Breathe deeply, heal gently. 💗
Dr. Natasha F
Founder, Club Sensitive + The Sensitive Doctor

P.S. My favorite breathing technique is #4 on the list! 💙


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
I have some very worthwhile insights for you about an often-overlooked superfood, artichoke, but first...

Right after learning about artichokes here below, be sure you're signed up for Dr. Joel Fuhrman's free Sugar Reset Challenge for you right here.

It starts tomorrow, and you'll learn how to replace processed sugars with the best natural alternatives, top "tricks" to stop sugar cravings in their tracks, and more!

You're also getting the very useful gift you'll see when you sign up free today, so check that out after learning about...


You can easily find globe artichokes in most grocery stores.

They are a type of thistle plant originating in the Mediterranean that have been used medicinally for thousands of years.

In fact, they're a relative of milk thistle, which you may already know is outstanding for liver health.

(And don't confuse them with the Jerusalem artichoke, which is also very healthy but to which globe artichokes are not related!)

For starters, globe artichokes are very high in fiber. In fact, one medium artichoke provides about 25% of the RDI of fiber.

Most adults today don't get nearly enough fiber, which provides many benefits such as helping to detoxify your body, promoting healthy gut bacteria, and achieving healthy weight loss.

Artichokes are high in many essential nutrients, such as vitamin C -- which is also important for detox -- as well as folate, potassium, and magnesium (which many adults are also low in and has many benefits, such as fighting depression and boosting memory).

And artichokes provide among the highest levels of antioxidants of any vegetable!

Just one of those antioxidants, luteolin, is excellent for promoting healthy cholesterol levels.

And two antoxidants rich in artichoke leaf extract -- cynarin and silymarin -- may be the top reason it's so beneficial for liver health.

Artichoke leaf extract has been shown, for example, to increase bile production, which helps eliminate harmful toxins from your liver.

Yet another antioxidant rich in artichokes, chlorogenic acid, is exceptional for liver health -- and may also help lower the risk of certain cancers, improve glucose regulation, and fight inflammation!

In summary, research shows that Cynara cardunculus var. scolymus -- a.k.a. globe artichokes -- may be most beneficial for:

--> Improving liver health
--> Lowering "bad" LDL cholesterol and raising "good" HDL cholesterol
--> Improving digestive health
--> Detoxification
--> Lowering blood sugar
--> Helping to regulate blood pressure
--> Anti-cancer and anti-inflammation benefits
--> Overall immunity

Now, artichokes can be eaten cooked or even raw to get the many of the fiber and nutrient benefits.

HOWEVER, the leaves of the artichoke -- which have some tough-to-consume parts and are often discarded in cooking to get to the especially tasty artichoke heart -- are where the lion's share of the nutrition benefits are at.

For this reason, you may want to consider an artichoke leaf extract supplement.

Always talk to your healthcare provider before any new supplement, of course, and as always, do consider an organic artichoke leaf extract supplement (you can easily search online for "USDA Certified Organic artichoke leaf extract," for example.)


Be sure you're signed up for the free Sugar Reset Challenge that STARTS TOMORROW right here.

The average person now consumes a whopping half pound of sugar weekly.

And excess sugar is even "Enemy #1" for many healthy eaters...

...In large part because sugar is hidden in 75% of all packaged foods and goes by over 60 different names on ingredient labels.

In Dr. Fuhrman and Nathan Crane's free new Sugar Reset Challenge, you will:

--> Discover actionable and highly effective steps to reduce your sugar intake and manage sugar cravings

--> Learn how to replace sugar with healthier alternatives that support your skin's natural beauty

--> Experience a noticeable boost in your energy levels as you cut processed sugars (including those hiding in many foods!)

--> Find out how to fortify your immune defenses, making you less susceptible to illness and inflammation

--> Gain a deep understanding of the connection between sugar and diseases like cancer and diabetes, and take proactive steps to protect your health

--> And more!

Click here now for the free Sugar Reset Challenge that starts tomorrow

Consider some delicious globe artichokes for your dinner tonight, and enjoy your day!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Food Revolution Network
Hi Friend,
Do you eat corn? I’m all ears! (Sorry for the corny pun.)
You’ll find it in baked goods and breads, popped as a snack, grilled on the cob, and as the base ingredient for a huge range of processed foods and additives.
But is corn good for you?
Here’s what you need to know about corn.
Yours for a-maize-ing corn facts,
Ocean Robbins


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Did you have a chance to tune in for Episode 5 on Heart Health?

This one had a big impact on a lot of our viewers last night. Did you know that heart disease is the NUMBER ONE killer in the modern world? In the United States alone, 2 out of 3 people will die from heart-related illnesses!

We don’t often think of this one as the scariest health threat to us humans, but it certainly is. Fortunately, there are many proven ways to nourish and protect your heart using medicinal foods and the right herbs!

If you haven’t had a chance to see it yet, use the link below to watch the Replay of Episode 5 – it will be up until 9pm Eastern Time tonight!

Click here to watch Episode 5


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jim, would you like a VERY easy solution for when you are feeling anxious or fatigued?

Because research shows that simple breathing techniques may be the fastest, most effective way for you to quickly stop anxiety and boost your energy.

Head here now to find out the BEST easy breathing techniques to help you in this completely free one-time online class

If it do ever experience feelings of anxiety or feel more exhausted than you ought to, what you'll discover in this free class can truly be life-changing.

It's hosted by my good friend and energy expert, Ari Whitten...

...And it's entirely geared to help you dramatically increase your energy, stop stress, and even help your immune health in just 10 minutes a day.

Click here for a QUICK SUMMARY of what will be covered in this free event and to sign up if interested

As you will see, this online event happens NEXT WEEK and Ari is giving away the secrets on:

  • How to quickly rewire your nervous system out of stress mode and dramatically decrease anxiety levels
  • Why deep breathing is actually bad advice (and what the right approach is to increase your energy and decrease anxiety)
  • How to improve your health, energy, and mood by increasing oxygen delivery to your cells
  • The 4 keys to optimal breathing (and how to rewire your brain into doing it automatically)
  • Why dysfunctional breathing is a common cause of brain fog and anxiety (and why fixing your breathing is the hidden key to fixing your anxiety)
  • Specific breathing practices to calm your nervous system and open your airways to help you sleep deeper than you have since you were a kid
  • A specific 10-minute morning routine that resets your anxiety and dramatically increases energy levels
Find out more and register completely free right here


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,

Many of us struggle with anxiety and managing & releasing stress, myself included - and I have found that breathwork is the single most effective tool to help ground and come “back down” into your body.

It’s also a simple and natural way to boost your energy, slow the aging process, improve your mental health, reach your fitness goals, enhance your metabolism, and build resilience—all in just 10 minutes a day.

And the best part? It’s completely free and available to you anywhere, anytime.

This is backed by solid research from my friend and energy expert, Ari Whitten, M.S. and you can now dive into this knowledge and start applying it today through his free webinar.

Click here to save your spot in Breathing for Energy: How To Dramatically Increase Your Energy and Squash Anxiety In Just 10 Minutes A Day, kicking off on Thursday, September 26th @ 6:30pm CDT / 4:30pm PDT.
Breath For Energy - Free Webinar

In this comprehensive but highly practical event, you’ll quickly learn:

  • The 10-minute morning practice that is the fastest way to increase your energy levels… the most effective method Ari’s discovered in over 25 years of studying health science!
  • Powerful breathing hacks to decrease anxiety (including a method to dramatically lower anxiety in seconds)
  • How to reverse aging thanks to a staggering 50% increase in stem cell production… within minutes.
  • The fascinating history of this 1000-year-old practice and how it relates to our stressful, modern lives
Ari has teamed up with world-renowned breathing expert Patrick McKeown to create a truly life-changing experience, one breath at a time.

In this personalized event, you’ll discover how to breathe for longevity, balanced mood, a faster metabolism, and improved fitness. Plus, you’ll learn how to assess your own respiratory function and find out if it’s playing a role in your low energy or chronic health issues.

Click here to join this exciting event (remember to save the date for 9/26/2024 @ 6:30pm CDT), we can’t wait to see you there!

To your most vibrant, anxiety-free life,



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,
You’ve likely heard a lot about breathwork for stress reduction, but did you know it can also reset your nervous system, regulate blood pressure, aid in trauma recovery, boost your immune system, and enhance self-exploration?
Moreover, there are numerous breathwork techniques available, each designed to support various aspects of healing.
That’s why I’m pleased to extend an invitation to the upcoming Breathe the World Festival, a FREE online event featuring breathwork sessions aimed at helping you unlock your highest potential.

The event takes place September 27th - 29th, and is hosted by our friends at Alchemy of Breath to highlight the transformative effects of breathwork as demonstrated by program graduates and master facilitators, each offering their own unique and inspiring methods.
And I’m happy to share that I’ll be attending as a guest speaker. On September 28th, I’m giving a talk called, "How to Break free from Childhood Trauma,” and I’d love to see you there.
If you seek a powerful, gentle, and uplifting method to align your body, mind, and spirit, this event is a must-attend!
Sign up for this FREE 3-Day Festival here!
P.S. Each breathwork teacher at this festival has honed their unique strengths, themes, and techniques through an intensive 8-month training. This is an excellent opportunity to tailor your healing journey and discover the practices that resonate with you. I strongly recommend this event and encourage you to seize the chance! Save your FREE spot today!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Directly below ↓ in this email I have a simple and very powerful breathwork exercise for you, my favorite.

After you check it out below, Jim, be sure to sign up for free right here to learn ALL the best science-backed breathing techniques.

This takes place TOMORROW, it's hosted by energy and fatigue expert, Ari Whitten, and in it you will discover the specific best breathwork exercises for different outcomes, such as boosting heart health, increasing your energy, stopping anxiety, and more!

Alternate Nostril Breathing

I routinely do breathwork because it is free, easy, and can work fast wonders for you.

I want to make sure you are aware of what is called alternate nostril breathing and try this one for yourself!

This is actually an ancient yogic practice (known as "nadi shodhana"), and it's my favorite because of how quickly and extensively it can reduce stress and put me in a relaxed state.

Being a "research geek," I can also tell you that research shows alternate nostril breathing can have a very positive cardiovascular effect, such as significantly lowering your heart rate, blood pressure, and respiratory rate.

Here's how you do it:

1. Get seated in a comfortable position, ideally with your legs crossed and your left hand resting on your left knee, you won’t be using it.

2. Take a breathe in and exhale, and then, with the thumb on your right hand, close your right nostril.

3. Slowly inhale through your left nostril.

4. Next, close your left nostril with your right index finger, open your right nostril, and slowly exhale through it.

5. Then, slowly inhalf through your right nostril, close it, and exhale through your left nostril.

If that sounds confusing at all, here is the basic idea...

Inhale through one nostril, exhale through the other, then inhale through the one you just exhaled from, then exhale through the other. Back and forth, back and forth, that's all.

Now, the ideal is to do this for up to five minutes. However, you will likely find that even doing this for a minute can be very anxiety-relieving.

Of course, you can do alternate nostril breathing at any time, such as when you are feeling stressed.

I also make it part of my morning and evening ritual, right after I do my morning stretches and then also not too long before I go to bed, because it is so relaxing and good for the heart.

The bottom line is that it is very calming and centering, with science-based benefits for your heart and lungs, so I hope you will give it a try!

Okay, Jim, NEXT UP and speaking of simple steps that have big benefits for your health and longevity...

Check out Ari Whitten's FREE breathwork training for you right here and sign up if interested because this takes place TOMORROW

Just some of the secrets Ari will reveal include:

  • Top science-backed breathing techniques that optimize your brain function
  • The best breathing techniques for deep, restful sleep
  • The specific breathing technique that can "supercharge" your mitochondria and boost your energy
  • And much more
Find out more and register completely free right here for this very helpful online event that starts tomorrow!

FINALLY, with nostrils and noses in mind and because, like breathwork, smiles and laughter really are some of the "best medicine"...

Here's a cute dad joke my little kids love that is worth sharing with YOU:

What did one eye say to the other eye?

Between you and me, something smells!


Alright, please do strongly consider attending this free online breathwork training with Ari Whitten because you are certain to discover your own favorite techniques that work wonders for you personally! Enjoy the important learning, and enjoy your day.

To Living Long and Living Well,

Brian Vaszily

P.S. Ari's free training is NOT the typical "take deep abdominal breaths and relax" kind of advice.

This is next-generation breathing science to quickly rewire your brain and body for relaxation and energy... REALLY powerful stuff!

Click here now

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