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FUNFETTI Recipe and my new DIY website

Teresa P

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Teresa & KGuardian - are you sure you're not using the same recipe? It looks like the same one on both sites to me.
I think the percentages are a tad different - but it's good, that's for sure!


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I used his Strawberry Yogurts as a Base, but subbed out the 2 Strawberries for 5% CAP Peaches & Cream. (steeped for 5 days)
It's quite good IMO...

Had to order some TFA Berry Crunch so I can try out his Clapton Crunch too.


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@Teresa P I try to keep all my recipes updated as the same on all the forums and recipe sites. This was kind of the reason I made my own site, because it was hard to do, when you have so many recipes. Also it cuts down on recipe thieves. I'm glad you like Clapton Crunch, that recipe was actually from a first try to make my Cereal Milks recipe. I was like, you know what this tastes just like regular capn crunch, so I released it. I haven't had it in MONTHS though, maybe I'll whip up a batch now.

Teresa P

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@Teresa P I try to keep all my recipes updated as the same on all the forums and recipe sites. This was kind of the reason I made my own site, because it was hard to do, when you have so many recipes. Also it cuts down on recipe thieves. I'm glad you like Clapton Crunch, that recipe was actually from a first try to make my Cereal Milks recipe. I was like, you know what this tastes just like regular capn crunch, so I released it. I haven't had it in MONTHS though, maybe I'll whip up a batch now.
You should! Lol! I huffed about 8ml before I MADE myself stop. Can't wait to get my latest flavor order so I can try the Bronuts and Blackout! THANK YOU!!


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BTW... I've had this Funfetti steeping for 10 days now and I can't wait to try it. I'm going to go the full two week steep that you recommend . It's a tough one to wait on because this juice smells EXCELLENT!! :D


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In ya wreckle, aw.

In ya wreck law.

In y'all reh claw?


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You're vaping tequila again, aren't you.....;)
Did you get lucky or do you really know me that well? :oops:

I'm not vaping it but I did just finish another glass of Lunazul Silver. As a matter of cat, you have just inspired me to finish off the bottle. o_O

(I own FW Tequila but haven't tried to mix it yet)

I was just checking out @wayne.walkerr recipes on e-liquid-recipes and I just wanna know, how much does bigolbear mix (before ever fucking trying a recipe) and does he mix by weight? #biggestDIYstalker/trollever

Who the FUCK mixes 100ml of something they've never even tried before? I want to punch this dude in the throat and nuts at the same time. I haven't even got to the part where he proceeds to talk about how every single recipe isn't what he thought it was going to be. What a bag of decomposed dicks this guy is.

:harshes the mellow of the entire DIY section here:



#supersuspiciousofTeresaP :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:


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BTW... I've had this Funfetti steeping for 10 days now and I can't wait to try it. I'm going to go the full two week steep that you recommend . It's a tough one to wait on because this juice smells EXCELLENT!! :D

So on his site it ways 4-5 days?? I just made it and I am excited to try but not seeing the 2 weeks on there. Sooooo try it man I wanna know dammit:)

Teresa P

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Did you get lucky or do you really know me that well? :oops:

I'm not vaping it but I did just finish another glass of Lunazul Silver. As a matter of cat, you have just inspired me to finish off the bottle. o_O

(I own FW Tequila but haven't tried to mix it yet)

I was just checking out @wayne.walkerr recipes on e-liquid-recipes and I just wanna know, how much does bigolbear mix (before ever fucking trying a recipe) and does he mix by weight? #biggestDIYstalker/trollever

Who the FUCK mixes 100ml of something they've never even tried before? I want to punch this dude in the throat and nuts at the same time. I haven't even got to the part where he proceeds to talk about how every single recipe isn't what he thought it was going to be. What a bag of decomposed dicks this guy is.

:harshes the mellow of the entire DIY section here:



#supersuspiciousofTeresaP :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:
Some things just defy explanation.... now open another bottle and pass the vape.....:D


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So on his site it ways 4-5 days?? I just made it and I am excited to try but not seeing the 2 weeks on there. Sooooo try it man I wanna know dammit:)

In his video, he mentions two weeks ;) I did try it last night though on day 13 and I think my palette is sensitive to the joy because I seem be tasting a little too much of it. The Funfetti almost tastes like a flat beer to me which is kind of crazy, but that's the first thing that comes to mind. I tested a mix with a small amount of joy right after I bought it a little over a month ago and I wasn't that impressed with that particular flavoring at the time, but I thought maybe this Funfetti recipe would work well with the joy and it probably will for many people. I think joy is one of those flavors I just won't like much in any recipe :( Sort of like TFA Banana Cream... a lot of people seem to like that flavoring, but there's something about it that almost tastes metallic or medicinal to me. I'm going to try the Funfetti in a couple of different types of tanks and adjust wattages to see if it appeals to me at all. I vaped it in a Kanger sub-tank mini and played with wattages from 15-30 and I'm still getting the beer taste though it seems at 25-30 watts it isn't as pronounced. I do taste some good in the recipe lingering in the vape, but for me the joy is too prominent.


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Well shit, it could be the joy though, I have had a rough time doing anything with it but I'm not a pro by any means so might just be me, we'll do keep us updated on it I smelled mine last night and it smells fricken amazing:)


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Well shit, it could be the joy though, I have had a rough time doing anything with it but I'm not a pro by any means so might just be me, we'll do keep us updated on it I smelled mine last night and it smells fricken amazing:)

I will update here after I try some different tanks, etc and yeah, it does smell very nice. I'm also going to have my daughter try it when she comes by in a couple of days. She smelled it this past weekend and said it smelled like a delicious vanilla icing to her.

I tried vaping the recipe in a couple of other tanks at different wattages. I used an Atlantis 2, Innokin iSub tank, and a Nautilus. I was of course getting varying tastes in each tank, but generally the same with the FA Joy being prominent. Like I posted earlier, I think Joy is going to be one of those flavors that doesn't appeal to me, but others may like it just fine. I also mixed @returnity's Cinapple Fritter a couple of days ago that also has Joy in it that I will be trying in a couple of days so I'll see how that goes. I'm also going to let some of the Funfetti age for a couple more weeks and try it again. Maybe it just needs more time for me :)
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Hi! The recipe sounds interesting. Anyone mix this up at 70/30 Pg/vg ratio. I'm wondering if the flavor % would need decreasing.

I mixed it at 60vg 40pg as I do with everything I mix with the exception of RocketPuppy's RY4 that I mix at 50/50 because I vape it out of my nautilus tanks and 50/50 works well in those.


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I will update here after I try some different tanks, etc and yeah, it does smell very nice. I'm also going to have my daughter try it when she comes by in a couple of days. She smelled it this past weekend and said it smelled like a delicious vanilla icing to her.

I tried vaping the recipe in a couple of other tanks at different wattages. I used an Atlantis 2, Innokin iSub tank, and a Nautilus. I was of course getting varying tastes in each tank, but generally the same with the FA Joy being prominent. Like I posted earlier, I think Joy is going to be one of those flavors that doesn't appeal to me, but others may like it just fine. I also mixed @returnity's Cinapple Fritter a couple of days ago that also has Joy in it that I will be trying in a couple of days so I'll see how that goes. I'm also going to let some of the Funfetti age for a couple more weeks and try it again. Maybe it just needs more time for me :)
I feel like this is the hardest part of DIY - making a mix that tastes great in any atty, at any wattage.

I'm still on the fence about Joy as well.


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@KGuardian you might be one of those people who are super sensitive to certain flavorings. Which sucks because no matter what, you may not be tasting certain flavorings right. It's either that or one of your flavorings is bad. You definitely should not be getting a flat beer flavor from the recipe. Try just leaving the Joy out and tasting it to see if you get the notes from everything else. TheJoy really just lifts everything up a notch and makes the "sprinkles", it's not 100% crucial.

@KeyserSoze That Bigbear dude mixed up like 5 of my recipes and pretty much said none of them were good. It's all good though, his opinion. I also enjoy when people tell me what they DONT like from my recipes. Makes me a better mixer. Also, I enjoy it in a dripper the most, as I do everything really. I should note I make me recipes specifically for drippers...just cause that's what I use. Oh and, you can just call me Wayne.

@Discobob I would steep Funfetti at LEAST 4 days, but always best advised to wait the 2 weeks.


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@KGuardian you might be one of those people who are super sensitive to certain flavorings. Which sucks because no matter what, you may not be tasting certain flavorings right. It's either that or one of your flavorings is bad. You definitely should not be getting a flat beer flavor from the recipe. Try just leaving the Joy out and tasting it to see if you get the notes from everything else. TheJoy really just lifts everything up a notch and makes the "sprinkles", it's not 100% crucial.

I hope I'm not one that is super sensitive to certain flavors because yeah, that would SUCK! I will remix it without the Joy to see how that goes. If I'm still getting the same 'flat beer' taste, then it just may be that I have a bad flavoring. Thanks Wayne :)


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Eh no rush on this one I am enjoying the blackout at the moment and almost ready for the cereal and milk I'm gonna give it the full 2 weeks, gives me something exciting to look forward to anyway:)

Teresa P

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I hope I'm not one that is super sensitive to certain flavors because yeah, that would SUCK! I will remix it without the Joy to see how that goes. If I'm still getting the same 'flat beer' taste, then it just may be that I have a bad flavoring. Thanks Wayne :)
No, you don't have bad flavoring, that's what Joy tastes like. Just leave it out or cut it in half. ;)


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So I pretty much only use a veritas and find it bad for some flavors, like anise. Do your recipes work well in a veritas?


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@wayne.walkerr Thank you for posting! I have checked out your site and have even earmarked a few extra flavors (TFA,CAP,INW) from your recipes that I need to pick up in my next order. I will be checking our your channel when I get home from work.

Your Premium/Boutique vs DIY article ( is abso-fucking-lutely spot on! I know you say it is just your opinion, but you come by it honestly. I echo almost all of your points ON A DAILY BASIS having turned my nose up at 75% of all the 200+ "Premium" flavors available for sale at my local shop. The artificial-tasting, way-over-flavored, and ungodly-sweet MESS of juices that are shoved down the unwashed masses throats really give me pause... now that I have a handful of brilliant ADV's that I love from this DIY community! Apparently the bulk majority of vapors haven't tasted any of yours, @wllmc or @HeadInClouds mixes and don't know any better. Every time I go in to the shop, I share my latest HiC recipe or personal concoction with everyone. I also have the same pre-canned response at the ready, "No I won't sell it to you, but I'll share the recipe and show you how I make it." :)

I especially enjoy the flavor and pairing descriptions in your recipes. Having not even mixed one of your recipes yet, and between you and HiC, I feel I have a better understanding of the flavors you use and how they mix which in turn gets my own wheels turning.

Thank you for your love of the art of mixing and this DIY community! I appreciate what you do. Keep up the great work!


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@wayne.walkerr Thank you for posting! I have checked out your site and have even earmarked a few extra flavors (TFA,CAP,INW) from your recipes that I need to pick up in my next order. I will be checking our your channel when I get home from work.

Your Premium/Boutique vs DIY article ( is abso-fucking-lutely spot on! I know you say it is just your opinion, but you come by it honestly. I echo almost all of your points ON A DAILY BASIS having turned my nose up at 75% of all the 200+ "Premium" flavors available for sale at my local shop. The artificial-tasting, way-over-flavored, and ungodly-sweet MESS of juices that are shoved down the unwashed masses throats really give me pause... now that I have a handful of brilliant ADV's that I love from this DIY community! Apparently the bulk majority of vapors haven't tasted any of yours, @wllmc or @HeadInClouds mixes and don't know any better. Every time I go in to the shop, I share my latest HiC recipe or personal concoction with everyone. I also have the same pre-canned response at the ready, "No I won't sell it to you, but I'll share the recipe and show you how I make it." :)

I especially enjoy the flavor and pairing descriptions in your recipes. Having not even mixed one of your recipes yet, and between you and HiC, I feel I have a better understanding of the flavors you use and how they mix which in turn gets my own wheels turning.

Thank you for your love of the art of mixing and this DIY community! I appreciate what you do. Keep up the great work!
right on the money. wayne say it like it is.. :)


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No, you don't have bad flavoring, that's what Joy tastes like. Just leave it out or cut it in half. ;)

After reading your post, I googled about FA Joy tasting like flat beer and sure enough there are others that get the same thing. I think I'll just leave it out for now :)


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@KeyserSoze That Bigbear dude mixed up like 5 of my recipes and pretty much said none of them were good. It's all good though, his opinion. I also enjoy when people tell me what they DONT like from my recipes. Makes me a better mixer. Also, I enjoy it in a dripper the most, as I do everything really. I should note I make me recipes specifically for drippers...just cause that's what I use. Oh and, you can just call me Wayne.

Ok then, Wayne. I agree. I've started to get a little irritated when I give someone a bottle or let them try a mix and they just say "It's good". There's always something that can be better, especially taking into account different setups, much less different palettes.

PS - Wanna be my roommate? I'll give you tons of helpful feedback. I'm awesome at opinions.
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Pauly Walnuts

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Ok then, Wayne. I agree. I've started to get a little irritated when I give someone a bottle or let them try a mix and they just say "It's good". There's always something that can be better, especially taking into account different setups, much less different palettes.

PS - Wanna be my roommate? I'll give you tons of helpful feedback. I awesome at opinions.
My wife does that all the time. I make a recipe that I really really like, I let her taste it and "its good". In what way? Which part? How could it be better?
Could you please give me a more constructive answer?
I dont want to hear that its good, I want real feedback.


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Guess I'm kinda like that too, good, or real good, it just means I like it.
I don't mess around much if I get a "good" one it goes in that folder.
Also have a "fair" and a "bad" folder.
Too many new flavors to play with to get hung up on perfecting them, or trying to make a bad one good.
Easier for me to make a good one bad if I fiddle with it too much, lol.

Oh, and the Funfetti was quite good, that's another one in my good folder.
Only let it steep for a week tho, gonna go for 2 weeks next time:D.
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Too many new flavors to play with to get hung up on perfecting them, or trying to make a bad one good.
Easier for me to make a good one bad if I fiddle with it too much, lol.
Hey I do both of those! Start with a decent flavor, screw with it until I stumble onto a better one, screw with that one until I ruin it, then vape some FA White Peach at 3.5% standalone and wonder if I really have any business mixing juice.

Pauly Walnuts

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I hear your sarcasm. ;) Apparently my drunken ways precede me. :eek: : offtovapeand/orsmashsomeshit:

It's good for people to know who (and what) you are. Or something.
No sarcasm here, im serious!


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Has anyone tryed this recipe with sugar cookie v2? Or would you recommend v1??


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Has anyone tryed this recipe with sugar cookie v2? Or would you recommend v1??

I've got both and picked the v1 to make it.
I generally like all the v1 versions better.
But if you only have v2, try it...
That said, I've used the v2 in other things and it seemed to be fine.


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No sarcasm here, im serious!
Haha nice. We could at least start by mailing mixes to each other (hint hint). Meanwhile I'll start looking for a good neighborhood to invade. We should all have our own houses.

Damn I'm good at ideas.

I'm sorry Wayne, I'll stop fucking off your thread now. I've put the flavors I need for this recipe on the list and will order soon.


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Yeah il have the flavours for this tomorrow sound very good got a few of waynes lined up loving his style


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Any cereal vape lovers who haven't tried the Clapton Crunch....DO IT!!! OMG, it's spot on! Tastes just like I just ate a big bowl of the cereal! :D

Finally mixed this one up, and it's a winner for sure, (just mixed up another 30ml and 15ml).

Used CAP Bavarian Cream instead of TFA tho.
And replaced the TFA Hazelnut with FW.
Pretty Yummy!


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Trying the Cereal Milks out now, quite good considering I hate Strawberry:D.
Can't taste much Strawberry, but that's a good thing...
Funny thing is I forgot what went into the recipe until I looked after trying it out.


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Now mixed another one of these was lush and his rhodonite raspberry apple. Very nice!


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Hey I do both of those! Start with a decent flavor, screw with it until I stumble onto a better one, screw with that one until I ruin it, then vape some FA White Peach at 3.5% standalone and wonder if I really have any business mixing juice.
That's really funny haha.

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Next up is without joy....the beerish smell/flavor never went away. But this is just me by all means mix as recommended. I am trying to think of what I need joy for .......can't think of squat:(

The site is looking good as usual though hope all is well:)


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I dont get what the big deal with joy is i taste no joy what so everlol


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I dont get what the big deal with joy is i taste no joy what so everlol

I wish I didn't, but all I taste is flat beer also with joy. I tried another recipe using joy recently posted on VU and at first it was masked nicely by the other ingredients, but then a few days later the joy came through and over powered the juice with flat beer. Joy is just going to be one of those flavors I'll have to avoid.


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I wish I didn't, but all I taste is flat beer also with joy. I tried another recipe using joy recently posted on VU and at first it was masked nicely by the other ingredients, but then a few days later the joy came through and over powered the juice with flat beer. Joy is just going to be one of those flavors I'll have to avoid.
Thats a shame i like the taste but i dont taste it in funfetti :/ not good


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I made it, but had to use tfa sweet raspberry. its good, but i believe im missing something, namely the inw raspberry.
Omg! Rhodonite is the bomb! Can't put it down. That ina raspberry is delicious. Also Wayne, I am one who just cannot stand caps vanilla, custard, sweet creams. To me they have this funky taste I just don't like. I mixed your recipe as written and found my reaction the same with the tfa barvarian cream, but totally agree on why you use it here. I mixed up another bottle and subbed FA Vienna Cream for tfa barvarian cream. Definitely gives it a different taste, but is delicious, just doesn't have that custard type note I can't it's not the same, but I'm in love. That raspberry sugar is so good. I think any who love their custard notes will love this. Soo damn good. This is an absolutely amazing recipe...I wish I could handle the sweet cream. I understand why you use it over Vienna, I just can't and I am a big minority. Yes peeps, you so need this raspberry.


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Agree about Rhodonite and INW Raspberry. INW Raspberry is a good one to have. Very potent and you don't need much.

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