Out of curiosity ray - what is your favorite and why?
So far I have a few that I use everyday and I would consider them my favorites. I dont have a single RDA that I like more then then rest but the RDA's I like all share the same profile.
The TM², Double Vision, and PhentoypeL RDA's are my favorite hands down right now and the Stro Mini V1 is a Close 2nd to these, if it was slightly taller It would be just as nice on my list. Some RDA's I have purchased havent arrived yet and I am certain they will also join the favorite list, the Goon RDA, the Magma Reborn, and the Tsunami.
The profile is an easy reason to like them, 2 post design. It makes it easy to build on and makes the coils more symmetrical and sit in further on the RDA rather then off to the side or have you almost destroy a coil to get them centered. They just about always have a nice sized juice well, big post holes and you can build for anything on them.
You can use them for building Series, for Super Subohm builds, for Coilporn, Vertical, Horizontal, Double barrel, between the posts, stacked and caged...it doesnt matter.
Even the clones of each of these are high quality (even the cheapest FastTech version is decent for any of these). I have an Authentic and a handful of Clones of each and only a couple clones arent 1:1 but are just as nice.

The TM² Has a 2 Block design, its a 2 post with horizontally laid holes, which gives many mounting options. The Airflow is more open then before and can be closed down to a very restrictive lung inhale, there is no whistle like most would think using Square AFC Holes...The RDA is shorter then the V1 and somehow it feels bigger inside then the V1, I think its from where the holes are in comparison to the V1 so the coils are closer to the center of the deck. The AFC is tighter then before and I dont find it spinning like I did with the original. When the Clone comes out I highly suggest everyone and their friends pick one up if they cannot afford the Authentic, its a MUST OWN RDA.
Authentic only so far:$70

The Double Vision is the same deal as the TM² but instead of blocks it has the normal 2 post design with 2 elongated holes instead of 4 round holes. This lends more room for larger wire and thats a biggie if your a builder. Building on the RDA is one of the easiest experiences Ive had and the flathead grub screws are really nice to use and they dont strip out. The juice well is DEEP and you need to lift you coils a bit for the airflow so theres even more room for cotton and juice. The airflow is the same as the TM V1 and I find its a very nice draw. If you buy the Authentic you get a second deck for free...You can have 2 different builds, one for Series and one for lower resistance or you can have one in the Double Vision and one deck for another Compvape or other Topcaps that fit. This gives you a choice in using a Topcap you like but having a awesome base to work on, Im not a fan of the TM V1 deck and having a Double Vision deck replace it I find great bonus...but this is only with the Authentic.
The Clone does not come with a extra deck but it comes with a Drip tip extra and a 510 adapter, which the Authentic does not come with...
Authentic: $60, Clone is $9.

The Phenotype is just a great RDA to build on for the same reason the Double Vision is...
Authentic:$50-65, Clone:$8-$12
I hope this helps and if you want I will update you when I get time with the other RDA's I have coming in.