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Hello from an unflavored State

Hello everyone. I recently got back into vaping after having quit for a few months earlier in 2024, and started again in November - and this time around I searched around for a place with like-minded folk.

Unfortunately i was so confident that I threw away all my gear. So I started all over again. I first started vaping in 2015 - trying to quit smoking. A friend at the time who builds PCBs both for work and as a hobbyist convinced me to go the mech route. Turned out not being for me, which I knew at the time, but I let him talk me into it. He built a few coils for me but after that I didn't really know what I was doing and despite him teaching me, I was afraid to blow myself up. I totally understand the attraction to that sort of thing but I don't think I have the mind nor the patience for it.

When it comes to nicotine, I need it when I need it, and that time is right now. So on I smoked. Then came 2020. A friend had started vaping again a year before this after a hiatus, and told me "I don't know why you bother smoking still, just get a vape." So I did, in September. I started with a Uwell Crown IV, and moved on to other mods throughout the years. I quit smoking in November of 2020.

Last March I gave it up. I did so surprisingly without issue - I vape 3mg liquid - until a rough day at work in November (again with the Novembers) in which I decided to buy a pack of cigarettes so I could smoke one cigarette. After that, I would give it to a coworker who smoked. Next day, I found out she had quit. Should have tossed them, but I didn't want to "waste money" so eventually, I could not stop. So I bought a mod and this time I have no plans to quit.

Anywho I am getting long winded so I will say thanks for having me aboard and propose a question: What juice are you vaping right now? I am vaping Killer Kustard Honeydew by Vapetasia.

SnapDragon NY

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Hi and welcome to the VU forum and also welcome back to vaping. I just celebrated my 10th Vaperversary and not a single cigarette smoked, and hope you have better success with vaping this time.
The liquid I vape Is Jungle or Jungle King by Freeman Vape Juice co. those are my favorite all day vape flavors. I have been vaping those for years, love the tart flavor of this juice. I believe they ship everywhere in the US except California. A few weeks ago they had a buy one get one free sale so I stocked up.
The mods I use are Billet Boxes with the Pulse Boro RDA tanks.



Cranky Old Fart
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Welcome to VU! :cheers:

I DIY so I can vape what flavor I want when I want it. Which is a good thing since I live in the repressive state of California. Food flavorings won't get banned and PG/VG have other uses as well. I have enough nicotine to last my life so I'm set.

I use strictly mechanical mods, no electronics to get messed up. Just need to keep them clean.

Lady Sarah

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Member For 5 Years
Welcome to Vaping Underground.

I DIY my juice, having purchased enough nicotine to last me the rest of my life before the ban. I use regulated squonkers, since I am not cozy with the thought of mechs right now. In a month and a week, it will be 10 years since I smoked my last coffin nail.

Bliss Doubt

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Member For 5 Years
...I was afraid to blow myself up.

Haha, that is exactly why I decided not to try making my own coils.

My all day vape is clove from Perfect Vape, but they won't ship to California.

You didn't say where you are, but if you're getting flavors you like from Vapetasia, I would say you're doing well. I couldn't order there because I vape 12 mg, and their max is 6mg.

Welcome to VU, and best of luck to you in a continuing journey, hazarded with nanny government interference.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Welcome to VU:cheers: glad to have you aboard
I mix my own too have since 2013
With all the regulations you practically have to crap a gold brick to get Nicotine, other wise I'd say mix your own (many tasty recipes in the recipe threads.
Just always check you politicians' views on vaping so you will know how to vote, they are the ones passin these crazy laws


Under Ground Hustler
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Welcome to the forum.:wave:
I used to love building coils, rewicking, and that sort of thing. Then it became more of a chore, not something I liked to do, but something I had to do so I kind of stopped building.

I have had a pod device that I had been using along with the mod so I continued with that.
Someone was very nive and gave me a Crown V2 with a whole bunch of extra coils quie some time ago. I've been using that on my mod as of late.

I'm still vaping away at the juice I bought when the vendors (ejiuce.steals and the other one, I forget the name now) started giving it away a few years back.
I was getting 99 cent & 50 cent bottles of eliquid plus had a 15% off code and free shipping over $60.

I bought a LOT. multiple times.
I'm not even 1/8 of the way though it all.
Hello everyone. I recently got back into vaping after having quit for a few months earlier in 2024, and started again in November - and this time around I searched around for a place with like-minded folk.

Unfortunately i was so confident that I threw away all my gear. So I started all over again. I first started vaping in 2015 - trying to quit smoking. A friend at the time who builds PCBs both for work and as a hobbyist convinced me to go the mech route. Turned out not being for me, which I knew at the time, but I let him talk me into it. He built a few coils for me but after that I didn't really know what I was doing and despite him teaching me, I was afraid to blow myself up. I totally understand the attraction to that sort of thing but I don't think I have the mind nor the patience for it.

When it comes to nicotine, I need it when I need it, and that time is right now. So on I smoked. Then came 2020. A friend had started vaping again a year before this after a hiatus, and told me "I don't know why you bother smoking still, just get a vape." So I did, in September. I started with a Uwell Crown IV, and moved on to other mods throughout the years. I quit smoking in November of 2020.

Last March I gave it up. I did so surprisingly without issue - I vape 3mg liquid - until a rough day at work in November (again with the Novembers) in which I decided to buy a pack of cigarettes so I could smoke one cigarette. After that, I would give it to a coworker who smoked. Next day, I found out she had quit. Should have tossed them, but I didn't want to "waste money" so eventually, I could not stop. So I bought a mod and this time I have no plans to quit.

Anywho I am getting long winded so I will say thanks for having me aboard and propose a question: What juice are you vaping right now? I am vaping Killer Kustard Honeydew by Vapetasia.
Which devices are currently considered the best for beginners?
(Which devices are currently considered the best for beginners?)
Are there safe alternatives to mechanical mods that provide good performance?
(Are there safe alternatives to mechanical mods that provide good performance?).
What type of coils are best for beginners so that I don't have to worry about safety?

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