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help me understand micro coils..


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So only your method works?


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I guess if I don't use the same methods that are required to send a modulated, high frequency signal cleanly through wire over long distances I won't get my heating element to maintain a stable temperature.
There is truth in what you say. There's also a lot of unnecessary bullshit and arrogance. All the name dropping, patting yourself on the back and laying down a bunch of techno talk about stuff that isn't relevant is kinda ridiculous. Getting butt hurt when someone calls you on it is more ridiculous. I guess you're accustomed to the intellect and censorship found at ecf.
You have a message worth consideration, but your delivery sucks. I just re-read your first post in this thread. I got two things from it. Arrogant and insulting.


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Since we are all on this microcoil kick, and some of us are wanting to show how big our nuts are, I started a thread in the "general discussion builders" tab. It's titled "Share your RTA build". I hope that maybe it might help out someone needing advice for what kind of build to throw on their RTA. Just simply post type of build, the type of RTA, and the device you're powering it with. Pretty simple thread.

*sidenote* - The thread is only intended for RTA's (rebuildable tanks) because there is a ton of stuff for RDA's out there.


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I'm sorry guys. I know I promised all of ya that I wasn't going to post in this thread anymore, this guy is just soo full of himself it kills me. If he would pull out some numbers and show me a significant difference in between his coils and a good hand wrapped coil I would reverse my opinion. Hell I might even agree with him.


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I'm sorry guys. I know I promised all of ya that I wasn't going to post in this thread anymore, this guy is just soo full of himself it kills me. If he would pull out some numbers and show me a significant difference in between his coils and a good hand wrapped coil I would reverse my opinion. Hell I might even agree with him.
Yeah I could see how he can definitely grind a persons' gears lol. I was just trying to make light of the conversation when I joined in the thread and he went on a rant towards me.

I guess if I don't use the same methods that are required to send a modulated, high frequency signal cleanly through wire over long distances I won't get my heating element to maintain a stable temperature.
There is truth in what you say. There's also a lot of unnecessary bullshit and arrogance. All the name dropping, patting yourself on the back and laying down a bunch of techno talk about stuff that isn't relevant is kinda ridiculous. Getting butt hurt when someone calls you on it is more ridiculous. I guess you're accustomed to the intellect and censorship found at ecf.
You have a message worth consideration, but your delivery sucks. I just re-read your first post in this thread. I got two things from it. Arrogant and insulting.

I agree with @BoomStick though; it's one thing to know your shit but what it really comes down to is how it comes across towards others, and how they may perceive it. We are all on this website because we have a passion for vaping, that's it. Game. Set. Match. Boom!


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That's what trolls do: they wind people up :) I must admit, it's taken me some time to realize he was trolling this here board. And God knows I've read a lot of trolls on the net, starting all the way back to the days of Usenet.


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Probably even further than that. I used to work as in fire protection when I was about 20 or so. Been dealing with his type for years. I guess as I get older (38 now), it gets to me more and more. I apologize for my ranting guys. This is exactly why I quit visiting forums ten years ago. Ya just can't get away from people like that.


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That's what trolls do: they wind people up :) I must admit, it's taken me some time to realize he was trolling this here board. And God knows I've read a lot of trolls on the net, starting all the way back to the days of Usenet.
If you, or anyone, has ever watched the show It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia then you would know that this reminds me of a part when Frank (Danny DeVito) is singing this song. The line he sings is: "You've got to pay the troll toll to get into this boy's soul". However, when he sings it it sounds like..."you've got to pay the troll toll to get into this boy's hole" LOL! So damn funny! So thank you @Giraut for reminding me of that lol


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You're welcome. Best to you and yours.


All chuck jigs ripped off from dark zero on ECF allow bending of the wire or forming (compression) not strain (Ften, tension). I evaluated quite a few such devices and methods but only the tried and true approach used in the comm industry for decades (pin vise winding) consistently produced the necessary lateral and longitudinal strain needed to induce the effect uniformly in a contact coil. And it could be reproduced easily by practically anyone including the disabled such as myself with motor control issues. Though many stable winds will fire center out typically a contact coil will exhibit disruptions (hot/cold zones) with irregular contact. And they are present with any formed (compressed) wind. These represent breaks in potential efficiency due to disrupted electron flow. More akin to a loose electrical connection. However, once cured by optimal contact and oxidation you would see a result you've obviously never experienced...that those who've demo'd the wind readily perceive and acknowledge.

(I take it back. There were exactly two who insisted otherwise.)

It's the majority opinion I'm relaying on this forum and others. So you see mike I'm only the messenger as a result of this study contrary to the rash conclusions drawn about me personally above. This isn't my preferred wind style and I'm sellin' no one's jig. Yes, there are a great many people who know this works and quickly.

So yeah, you can certainly tension using all manner of techniques but finding the right balance of tension consistently is problematical. I disagree with super_X_drifter on the practicality of using a gizmo but it does work. With greater difficulty for some of us. There are technical issues with adverse side effects of over strain to the wire by attempting to hand wind or with mechanical devices. I believe this is why the telecom industry wisely relied upon the pin vise as a tool for their linemen until modern day impedance matching plug-in modules were devised.

You're reading this and want to get your arms around that stable vape contact me on threads I've posted here or ECF.

Good luck all.

me, me , me.. I, I, I.. me, me, me.. Thats all you say.. toot, toot, toot..

Maybe you should head back over the ECF where they will appreciate you..

(insert some play on words about vices ... pin vices ... vice squad ... yeah. Its a stretch. But I'm sure there's a joke here somewhere dealing with it being a vice and a crime.)

Just for the sake of those who maybe waded through that shit-storm, you can do the same tension method with a any drill chuck.

Also for clarification that coiling jig concept that dark zero claims so proudly comes from the jewelry trade and probably predates a good chunk of our written history.

It is true though. Much better coil production and predictable outcome using a tension coil. Granted. But, FFS, the bullshit factor is way over the top.

Only other point is my Kanthal coils are supposed to last for months/years now? Again, BS. I live in a saltwater, highly farking corrosive environment and go through crazy amounts of acidic juices etc. Even assuming I built the prettiest, most perfect coil ever, tensioned tighter than an ECF mods asshole, it wont last very long here before it starts to have issues in the flavor or rot department. Why would I not replace it sooner? What dick measuring outside of pure machismo do I need to keep a coil around as a hobbyist/capable rebuilder? As mentioned, it only takes a few moments. Just in cleaning requirements alone from buring through 10-15 mils a day ...

Oooops. Wall of text.

TL;DR or edit at this point rather


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...It is true though. Much better coil production and predictable outcome using a tension coil. Granted. But, FFS, the bullshit factor is way over the top…

Thanks for the nod delpart. But some of what you say, I did not say. And that's how this got into such a cluster.

You can't build a reasonably effective tensioned microcoil with a puck, not easily. Otherwise, I'd be using one. Why I'm responding here. You are saying one wind's as good as another brother. And that's just not true or we none of us would be building so many and in so many ways. And this is the proposition I opposed and got slammed for. Oversimplification keeps people wasting time doing what came before the advent of the microcoil and tension. Milestones which catapulted vaping into the stratosphere this year.

And I ask you, who could be opposed to a new vaper being able to get consistent results quickly?

You see, it's them I'm writing for. The purpose of tension winding has been to expose new vapers and to encourage those learning to rebuild with a more efficient reproducible way to form wire. One which makes best advantage of human strengths. There are legitimate electrical efficiency deriving from the science involved. Nobody who appreciates the science disputes this, even yourself. And it is not a preference, style or variation of wind geometry. Introducing the mechanics and explanations on how to apply the principles, in various ways as I have done, has to do with helping new vapers quit and join our community.

No need to attack people, not my style; however, I do challenge ideas like all coils work alike. Yep. I'll own that one every time. No regrets.. In whatever manner I please. I haven't purposely been disrespectful to anyone but that uninformed notion.

Those who have read my stuff understand I encourage learning a reliable baseline using tension so that folks may evaluate results in an informed way THEMSELVES.

Tension is a tool. So is a resulting stable microcoil. Subjects I will keep writing about despite critics. For those who appreciate it.

Good luck all.



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This kind of crap really pisses me off.

@MacTechVpr is relaying actual scientific principals on how to efficiently wrap a good coil and there are idiots here dumping all over him. Regardless of whether or not you like his tone, the information he posts is sound and is an asset to those who care to set their own egos aside long enough to absorb.

Again, failure to communicate. There is far too much you implied. I'll keep it short and sweet.

I didn't say a puck would work to achieve your method. I said chuck for fucks sake. As in the grounding lead tool. Does not have to be the same fucking preferred hand tool you were beating people to death with. Your tone was making it come across as though this is the only way to achieve the best result and even Drifter's method is subpar with his fly gear and jig ...

So, I had to mention the chuck. Most people know what a gosh darn drill chuck is, what it looks like, how to retro fit one, where to find just a head replacement for their drill press at Lowe's etc. You know. While holding back from actually trolling your ass for being pompous and showing a messiah complex of sorts.

And yeah. I ranted about coil longevity to prove a point there cause I'm tired of people talking about perfect coil = longevity in examples when they go off. You implied much in your little rant there bud.

The dark zero thing or as I like to call it, who came to market with a stolen idea to vaping first, was brought up by you, in this thread, with the word "stolen" ... This speaks volumes to me in such a small space of text.

@Browncoat - Some ego mate, but sheesh there is a lot more being pushed out there. I love a good one trick pony. But what I have here is someone who is a being a prick even when someone says, "yup, yer right." He still attacks everyone. Or did you miss that?


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@Browncoat - Some ego mate, but sheesh there is a lot more being pushed out there. I love a good one trick pony. But what I have here is someone who is a being a prick even when someone says, "yup, yer right." He still attacks everyone. Or did you miss that?

All I see is someone giving a little bit of snark in return for what he's been getting. For the life of me, I can't understand what all this dick measuring is supposed to accomplish. If you think the guy is full of hot air, then put him on ignore and move on. This thread reads like a junior high after school special where 3 bullies are picking on the captain of the chess team.


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All I see is someone giving a little bit of snark in return for what he's been getting. For the life of me, I can't understand what all this dick measuring is supposed to accomplish. If you think the guy is full of hot air, then put him on ignore and move on. This thread reads like a junior high after school special where 3 bullies are picking on the captain of the chess team.
Snark in return? Snark in return? The guy's an asshole, plain and simple. He might have invented teleportation for I know, cant get passed the head up the ass attitude to care.

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