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Help please!


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What would be my best choices in vaping stuff as far as brands of equipment, brands of juice, etc. I think it will be easy for me to pick up. I've heard of people choking when they first started but I don't have a gag reflex so I don't think that will be a problem.[/QUOTE]

Now...... I can only suggest what works for me, I love the eleaf Pico and top it off to start with an easy tank and coil set up, right now I love the Isub tanks
Here's a picture
The Pico is the little black one way to the right.
Oh I like that. It looks kind of little and pocket sized.


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Ugh isn't that the truth. I'm 45 and found a chin hair. A fucking WHISKER!!! Yes gravity takes its toll. But then again I used to be almost 300 lbs and have been down to about 140 for quite a few years but only so much can tighten up when you started at the size of an elephant. That's what I like about truck driving. Compared to most women out here, I'm a goddess! Lmao!
I'm sure you're a goddess anywhere. We all are in our own ways. Y'all ladies shouldn't sell yourselves short. Everyone has body issues. Some just hide well, others depend on lighting and photoshop. Hehe


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Yeah me too. I can only fake fuel for so long before the truck behind me gets his panties in a wad and starts blowing the horn.


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Sorry, I didn't read every single post in this thread, but most. But as far as I am concerned, you are welcome here regardless of your profession. But it's not my forum lol.

Anyhoo, did you ever pick up a vape setup? What did you go with?

Personally, I think you should go with something small and cheap to start with, like an ego setup, since you're a non-smoker. And I would not go with a mod that you need to buy batteries for to start with either, an integrated battery would be better suited for you to start, IMHO.

However I will say this as I say it to all non-smokers looking to take up vaping. Don't bother starting up. Find the source of the stress that's making you want to smoke/vape and remove it from your life and find a good therapist to help if possible. Vaping, while it MIGHT be healthier than smoking, isn't healthy by a long shot. To be otherwise would not follow logic.
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Mike H.

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You know youre getting old when the misses asks you to come up stairs and make love and your response is "but honey I cant do both":giggle:


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Now that I think about it, I think it may be a good idea for you, LoverGirl, to look into newer options out there today that are cheap and easy to deal with for a newb who isn't a smoker (and assuming you're not looking to enter cloud chasing competitions.

Check out the eleaf iCare (box style) or iCare Solo (stick style). These are all in one units. No tank, the tank is built in. All you have to do is change the coil heads and fill with juice. These are better than the pod systems being sold because the icare allows for more control with the juice and what strength you can vape.

And if you like vaping and later on want to move to a more expensive box mod/tank system, no big deal. icare units are rather cheap. They are a small investment for a new vaper and from what I've seen in vids, they work quite well. Way better than the convenience store cigalike crap.


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Way easier said than done. :)

Life is hard. Addictions and drugs don't solve problems or alleviate stress. They just provide the illusion of stress relief...temporarily. It all comes crashing down sooner or later if not dealt with.


Member For 4 Years
Life is hard. Addictions and drugs don't solve problems or alleviate stress. They just provide the illusion of stress relief...temporarily. It all comes crashing down sooner or later if not dealt with.

"Hey, what did you do today to wind down and relax?"

"I went to go see my $250/hour therapist."

I see what you're saying, but don't take it to extremes. "Stress" doesn't necessarily mean things that drive you to therapy. Sex doesn't eliminate the cause of stress, either, but for that 3...erm, 30 minutes, it damn sure takes me away for a while.

By that rationale, one shouldn't drink a glass of wine or take a relaxing lavender bath after a long stressful day.

Like that other guy said, whatever floats your boat to feel better, even temporarily, do it. Just do it safely and try not to blow your face off. ;)

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


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"Hey, what did you do today to wind down and relax?"

"I went to go see my $250/hour therapist."

I see what you're saying, but don't take it to extremes. "Stress" doesn't necessarily mean things that drive you to therapy. Sex doesn't eliminate the cause of stress, either, but for that 3...erm, 30 minutes, it damn sure takes me away for a while.

By that rationale, one shouldn't drink a glass of wine or take a relaxing lavender bath after a long stressful day.

Like that other guy said, whatever floats your boat to feel better, even temporarily, do it. Just do it safely and try not to blow your face off. ;)

I'm sorry if I struck a nerve with you. I truly am. But my post was for LoverGirl. ;) If you want to keep vaping, go on. No one really cares. I know I will. LOL I was a smoker for over25 years.

But LoverGirl wasn't a smoker at all, so I think it's only proper to at least try to steer her away from a bad habit. But it's up to her. I gave her other options, too.

And if she's going to take up vaping or, say, ******, to relieve stress, I will say go with vaping, hand down LOL.

I didn't say anything wrong. If it bothers you, I can't help that and, again, I'm sorry it disturbs you.

Sent from my Etch-a-sketch v1981


Member For 4 Years
I'm sorry if I struck a nerve with you. I truly am. But my post was for LoverGirl. ;) If you want to keep vaping, go on. No one really cares. I know I will. LOL I was a smoker for over25 years.

But LoverGirl wasn't a smoker at all, so I think it's only proper to at least try to steer her away from a bad habit. But it's up to her. I gave her other options, too.

And if she's going to take up vaping or, say, ******, to relieve stress, I will say go with vaping, hand down LOL.

I didn't say anything wrong. If it bothers you, I can't help that and, again, I'm sorry it disturbs you.

Sent from my Etch-a-sketch v1981

It's all good.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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I'm with daddyrabbit. You know what therapists do, for all that money they're paid? URGE YOU TO FIND WAYS TO ALLEVIATE AND DEAL WITH STRESS. I'm sure they'd all love it if one of the ways you find is to pay a stranger beaucoup bucks to listen to your troubles, but I have much better things to do with my money. Therapists are great when you're depressed and need to find your way out of that hole. When you're stressed, there are far better and cheaper ways of dealing with it, than paying a stranger to listen to you.

And vaping is not addictive, unless one is vaping WTA. Vaping nicotine alone is NOT ADDICTIVE. And she didn't say anything about vaping nicotine anyway. Therefore, it's not an addiction, just a fun and potentially stress-relieving thing to do.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Now...... I can only suggest what works for me, I love the eleaf Pico and top it off to start with an easy tank and coil set up, right now I love the Isub tanks
Here's a picture
The Pico is the little black one way to the right.
Those are all great setups but might be a bit much for a novice vapor.
My honest advice would be an Aspire Zelos Kit.


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So everyone else can reveal their profession but I can't? Did you search Banshee and make sure she was a truck driver? Her name and pic are real? What about everyone else using a fake pic and name who have revealed their profession somewhere in this forum. Did you research them? Or is it just me and my profession because in your eyes it's out of the norm?

Who said you can't reveal your profession? Maybe I missed that post. Of course you can do so. But you're naive if you think that everyone is just going accept that as easily as saying you're a teacher or programmer. You're a porn actress. You fuck strangers for money. You can use all the euphemisms you want, but that is the definition in a sentence. Some people don't care, others do. This is not some LGBT, Politically Correct cluster fuck of a forum. If you want that shit, go to the ECF forum, they'll help you.

People give you shit, deal with it. You started the whole thing. You could have just posted saying you're a new vaper and you would have gotten all the help you needed. Not one person here gives a shit what others do for a living. YOU made the decision to tell us all that you fuck strangers for money. Deal with it and stop playing the victim.

I still think you're just a twisted sick fuck of a troll. But that's my opinion...too fucking bad if you don't like it.
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Maybe in 2009... but vaping is jusy a hobby for the vast majority of vapers nowadays
since most never smoked.

Absolute bullshit that you have just pulled out of your ass. Every vaper I've met so far is an ex-smoker. Do a poll asking what percentage of vapers we personally know are ex-smokers.


Diamond Contributor
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One of the douchiest, long winded comments I've ever read on here. So because she doesn't want to reveal her real identity to us she's a troll? What about you? What's your real identity? I know my face isn't orange with a huge T and my real name isn't Banshee. Does that make me a provocateur? Seriously... what a prick way to treat someone.

I have been known to give out my real identity & even home address on the Internet and Web. My name is Benjamin K. Badgley. I live roughly six miles East of Ripley, WV. As I said, I have been known to give out my name and address. Due to the current state of our world ... well, if you come to REMOVED you'll probably find me. Obviously, I still do give out my name and address.

The way I see it if someone nefarious has malicious intentions for me and they're desperate enough to make something, it'll happen no matter all the security in the world or not. I always see it too that there is ample access to more than quite a few various firearms, farming chemicals, animal traps, knives, bows, axes, hatchets, torches, chain saws, dogs, and the capacity for use of them all if need be, where I live.

The previous two statements noted, please do not misconstrue the intentions herein. I am not seeking confrontation nor am I attempting to intimidate anyone. I am simply conveying information for the sake of access to knowledge, it is given at face value. "Wherever you go, there is where you are." -- Chico Marxx
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Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
Maybe in 2009... but vaping is jusy a hobby for the vast majority of vapers nowadays
since most never smoked.

You still have a majority that have smoked as well. This argument can teeter totter on and on infinitely with no win or loss. Why bother?


Diamond Contributor
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I have been known to give out my real identity & even home address on the Internet and Web. My name is Benjamin K. Badgley. I live roughly six miles East of Ripley, WV. As I said, I have been known to give out my name and address. Due to the current state of our world ... well, if you come to 113 Station Camp Road you'll probably find me. Obviously, I still do give out my name and address.

The way I see it if someone nefarious has malicious intentions for me and they're desperate enough to make something, it'll happen no matter all the security in the world or not. I always see it too that there is ample access to more than quite a few various firearms, farming chemicals, animal traps, knives, bows, axes, hatchets, torches, chain saws, dogs, and the capacity for use of them all if need be, where I live.

The previous two statements noted, please do not misconstrue the intentions herein. I am not seeking confrontation nor am I attempting to intimidate anyone. I am simply conveying information for the sake of access to knowledge, it is given at face value. "Wherever you go, there is where you are." -- Chico Marxx
You might want to tone down the hostility a notch or 3.Oh and thanks for killing a fun thread.

"You know shit got really real when Snake is the voice of reason" - My Daughter Melissa.


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Now to find a vape shop in Montana.

Here's one and then a listing of some others. Please do not feel not welcomed here in the forum. I apologize if my abrasiveness, tilting of perspectives did read as being harsh. This is merely me and how my mind functions though, it breaks things down to simple forms and can re-frame perspectives like that. I connect all the dots as it were, or damn near all of them. I do some writing but nothing pro level yet really. I do a variety of things not pro level, as hobbies, or simply to dos. If you've heard of folks called polymaths, here I am. :) As a result of that and a mild touch of insanity from living, oft I forget others require me using diplomacy, more gentle expressions. Again, I apologize for that.

My wife calls me an insensitive bastard if that's any help getting a handle on me. She is my sadistic bitch and so for us life is alright. Agree you ought to stay away from cheap pen vapes. Aim for mid priced, $20 - $50 can fetch a decent kit to get you started properly. If and when you get to wanting to build your own coils there's many here to help with teaching that. I find it suits me best to build my own. It saves money and I can tune in a nice .5 to .7 (R) oHm on dual coils nearly in my sleep now. That range does not push my battery/ies so hard as to create a risk.

Speaking of risk, ... This article is what many here will dub fear porn, or propaganda, or both.

"When used and charged properly, those lithium-ion batteries pose no more of a fire risk than other products that use other similar batteries," said Gregory Conley, president of the American Vaping Association, a nonprofit group that advocates vaping as a way to help people stop smoking. "It is a remote risk that is almost entirely avoidable."
-- ( Emphasis mine, quoted for what I feel is accuracy & a very to the point view. )

If you see articles similar to that one, do not ignore them. Read them and remain objective in weighing them mentally. Many here will also point out that, yes by damn, there are lots of warning labels on these products. There's also what I call buttery rubbers to put your butters(batteries) in to ensure safe transporting. There's plastic battery cases as well. Folks are guided toward safety products and safe practices. Beyond that, what will happen, will happen. I mean, well, I've issue over some seeking to sue gun manufactures over people being murdered, or heavy metal groups being sued because teen age kids commit suicide and have listened to heavy metal. All in my view is you can teach safety, responsibility but you can't teach stupid despite what Common Core is attempting. I digress, going into curmudgeon land, better pass it off to @snake94115 . He'll tone it down. :)


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You might want to tone down the hostility a notch or 3.Oh and thanks for killing a fun thread.

"You know shit got really real when Snake is the voice of reason" - My Daughter Melissa.

Speaking of, ...

ETA: Just a minor note. If differing points of view, differing ideas kill conversation and discussion, then could a person not wonder about the conversation? Not trying to be confrontational with you here, merely, again, seeing a different point of view and considering it. It's just what I do. Need to go for a spell. Everyone run it slow.


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I'm sorry but you played your part in the whole thing too, going back and reading some of your responses, and yet now you change your mind and are playing the victim and call this a witch hunt? What did you really think would happen starting a thread like this, butterflies and rainbows? At times you were encouraging the responses you got.
Sorry but this is the wild wild west, we help if we can, but you won't find any tip toe'in
I do have to agree with Whiskey here. It's just basic common sense. The fact that you chose a beautiful woman's face for your avi is completely different than selecting a cartoon, an ass, a dog, etc. Only YOU did that. If it were a cartoon, etc, folks would have known it wasn't you. Usually, when someone has a human for an avi, it's that person. So, it was somewhat misleading and I don't think it should be a surprise that people wondered if you were a troll. Also, you did NOT say the pic wasn't you until someone searched and found it.
But, you are very welcome here and I hope now you will understand why some questioned your validity. Glad to have you! :)
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Oh, I also feel the need to say that @MyMagicMist , even though difficult to understand sometimes(some of the words he uses are quite large for my pea brain) , is a WONDERFUL, SWEET, KIND person. And, he is my friend.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Usually, when someone has a human for an avi, it's that person.
Usually yes.Although I have used several pics as an avatar that were not of me including my friend Anton Szandor LaVey.

Yes he really was my friend.

If anybody is really interested here is an old pic of me below.

Just Me-3.jpg

Just to clarify.That thing on my ear isn't a mole it is a Black Pearl Earring.


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Usually yes.Although I have used several pics as an avatar that were not of me including my friend Anton Szandor LaVey.

View attachment 78784
Yes he really was my friend.

If anybody is really interested here is an old pic of me below.

View attachment 78785

Just to clarify.That thing on my ear isn't a mole it is a Black Pearl Earring.
Wow! That's you snake? Coolio!


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Who said you can't reveal your profession? Maybe I missed that post. Of course you can do so. But you're naive if you think that everyone is just going accept that as easily as saying you're a teacher or programmer. You're a porn actress. You fuck strangers for money. You can use all the euphemisms you want, but that is the definition in a sentence. Some people don't care, others do. This is not some LGBT, Politically Correct cluster fuck of a forum. If you want that shit, go to the ECF forum, they'll help you.

People give you shit, deal with it. You started the whole thing. You could have just posted saying you're a new vaper and you would have gotten all the help you needed. Not one person here gives a shit what others do for a living. YOU made the decision to tell us all that you fuck strangers for money. Deal with it and stop playing the victim.

I still think you're just a twisted sick fuck of a troll. But that's my opinion...too fucking bad if you don't like it.



Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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What's WPA?
And what do you mean vaping nicotine is not addictive?

It's wTa, not wPa. It's Whole Tobacco Alkaloids.

As for the non-addictiveness.... ohh, have YOU got some reading to do.

That last link in that list is where I FIRST ran across the idea, that nicotine is no more addictive than caffeine -- which is to say, not terribly. Addiction and dependence are NOT the same thing, not by a fucking long shot. Do the reading.


Sir Kadly

Squonk 'em if you got 'em
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Oh, I also feel the need to say that @MyMagicMist , even though difficult to understand sometimes(some of the words he uses are quite large for my pea brain) , is a WONDERFUL, SWEET, KIND person. And, he is my friend.
Pea brain? Not true sweets.:)

As for Magic, his brain does tend to work differently than most. Nothing wrong with that at all, but it does mean that he can sometimes be difficult for people who don't know him to understand. And even on occasion people who do know him have taken offense where none was intended. I agree that it would be easy to take his post as hostile, but I have known him for some time and do not think he intended to make you feel unwelcome.

Sir Kadly

Squonk 'em if you got 'em
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And here I am this morning before coffee. hehehehehe
LMAO!!! But I know better. :blowkiss:

Wow you're super cute and way too damn young.
Yes, she is super cute. Even more so in person. And don't let her fool you, I have seen her before coffee, and she is still super cute then as well.;)

Dude I'm NOT young and that pic is kind of blurry!
And you aren't old either, no matter what you think babe.


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Well the fun in this thread has been bashed all to hell... it amazes me how some people can't let stuff go. They have to kick the dog over and over... but then again some people get a kick out of being an asshole. Saying something dickish and then ending with "but feel welcome" is the same as a backhanded compliment. If she's welcome, just say that. Why keep beating a dead horse? Fucking move on. :deadhorse:

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