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Herakles tank w/Aspire Atlantis coils burnt taste?

So long story short I got some Aspire Atlantis .5 ohm coils from the local vape shop and some Wookie Cookie 0mg juice. Maybe it is because I'm not familiar with Aspire tanks/coils but I started using the first one at 50w and then it tasted burnt, then I realized I didn't look up the recommended wattage and realized I kinda fucked up! So I installed the new coil and primed it to the best of my abilities and still after vaping on it, it is beginning to taste vaping and hurts my throat to beyond belief. My friend informed me that it is not suggesting to blow into the tank like I usually do so I stopped doing that and it helped for about one hit. I do constant fast hits and don't even know how to fix this before I mess up another coil. Any help appreciated!


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First maybe it is the way you vape. You said constant fast hits. How about not as constant and slower yet smoother hits.

Second depends on the juice you are using. Are you using a very sweet ejuice that can clog up your coils?

IMO Aspire coils are garbage except for the Clieto coils for the Clieto tank.

Third if you have a Kanger tank I recommend you get a kanger ceramic coil and try that. You can go as high as 70w and has great taste and can vape the sweetest juices where it would kill other coils. If your local shop sells them buy 1 for your Kanger tank if you have 1 to try out. I think you would be pleasantly surprised.

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Might also try lowering the wattage and raise it slowly until you find the sweet spot.

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