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so i wnat to know your recommend pg and vg rate in your all recipes.

I will be wating your reply :)

I like the extra sweetness and smoothness of max-VG, but you should use whatever ratio suits you and your vaping hardware best.
As the nic content increase,do the flavor percentage increase to allow for that is their a rule of thumb.
As I i'm get getting ready to start diy.


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As the nic content increase,do the flavor percentage increase to allow for that is their a rule of thumb.

I've never adjusted flavoring at all for different nic strength. If I had to do that for good flavor, I'd get some better nic.
Thanks for sharing the recipe HIC.

Its very good but for me at 50/50 vpg it lacks some sweetness. Will try to add more Vienna or maybe add 1% fa meringue.

Best regards


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Gah, I wanted to make this, ordered everything but somehow Catalan Cream didn't make it into my basket. Must've been a space cadet moment.

Air Blower

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Gah, I wanted to make this, ordered everything but somehow Catalan Cream didn't make it into my basket. Must've been a space cadet moment.
I didn't have the Vienna so just followed HIC's instruction to increase something else to 2%. I did that with the Catalan and it was bloody delicious!

This recipe is kind of like a caprese salad. Sometimes simple is better when using the best of ingredients. In this case, simple is just the best;)


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I didn't have the Vienna so just followed HIC's instruction to increase something else to 2%. I did that with the Catalan and it was bloody delicious!

This recipe is kind of like a caprese salad. Sometimes simple is better when using the best of ingredients. In this case, simple is just the best;)
Cool, I have everything else but catalan. I think what I'll try, is increase the other ones by .5% each, instead of doubling one of them. But, I am definitely going to order the catalan! (along with probably 12 others lol)

Air Blower

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Cool, I have everything else but catalan. I think what I'll try, is increase the other ones by .5% each, instead of doubling one of them. But, I am definitely going to order the catalan! (along with probably 12 others lol)
FA Catalan is something I always keep in stock. It just works so well with so many things that I use it when I'm stuck and am never disappointed with what it adds.

I like the idea of increasing the other flavours by 0.5%. Please let me know how it works!


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FA Catalan is something I always keep in stock. It just works so well with so many things that I use it when I'm stuck and am never disappointed with what it adds.

I like the idea of increasing the other flavours by 0.5%. Please let me know how it works!
Yeah, I thought I had ordered it, but apparently not. HIC notes that this is a shake & vape, so I may make it tonight!


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This flavor is freakin' amazing. I could ADV this stuff in two tanks. Made it without the Catalan and doubled up on the Vienna. Next order, I'll be getting catalan and trying it with that to see which I like better. Hot damn!


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I made this up a few night ago and vaped it the next morning. And ended up immediately cleaning my tank and now have had this as my adv for the past couple of days. This stuff is freaking amazing. Thank god for the genius that is HIC. Thanks alot for another great recipe man.

I'm not crazy, my mother had me tested.


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had this as my adv for the past couple of days. This stuff is freaking amazing.

FA Tiramisu and FA Espresso are both just magic for DIY, assuming you like coffee. Nothing else like them! As long as you use them with a light hand, they're very easy to mix with.


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Again, thank you HIC for this recipe. I was a little scared of the boldness when smelling it - but it's such a perfect reproduction of a tiramisu. And, if I may add, the scents left in the room when vaping this reproduce perfectly the smells you have when a tiramisu arrives on a table. Really good. thanks again.
I'm betting you're an amazing cook as well !


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Hi Hic
Long time follower on the other site, stopped smoking 4th May this year, having read through and through your recipes i finally took the plunge into DIY.
You have as i have read inspired alot of folk to get into DIY including me now.
The above recipe i have made at your 4% flavour and i enjoyed it, that 4ml went fast. Made another 4ml at 5% and wow wow wow lol.
All i can say is this is great and i have now made 30ml 30/70 pg/vg 6mg nic.
Thanks so much for all your dedication and hard work i have joined this forum to follow you and the gang and hope to join in on the Flavour Art topic.
some time soon been lurkin long enough.
4th of may is STAR WARS DAY! AND THAT'S TODAY BRO! Happy 2 years of no cigs to you bro!


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I have been lurking for a while, ordered flavors (thanks HIC!!) and this was my first recipe. I was very excited - I like creamy vapes so I thought I would love this and I really, really wanted to love it but...grrr... I don't! I used 2% Vienna Cream since I didn't have Fresh Cream (which I swore I had ordered...). I'm mixing by weight (was a baker in a former life) and shook everything well beforehand. I think .5 % Tiramisu and 1% Vienna Cream would have worked better for me as the vanilla is way overwhelming. I'm getting chocolate and alcohol (vanilla - your notes are right on about this one!). In any case, I'm wondering how I can mellow what I have left out/lighten it up/sweeten it perhaps?

This site is great. Thanks in advance!


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I have been lurking for a while, ordered flavors (thanks HIC!!) and this was my first recipe. I was very excited - I like creamy vapes so I thought I would love this and I really, really wanted to love it but...grrr... I don't! I used 2% Vienna Cream since I didn't have Fresh Cream (which I swore I had ordered...). I'm mixing by weight (was a baker in a former life) and shook everything well beforehand. I think .5 % Tiramisu and 1% Vienna Cream would have worked better for me as the vanilla is way overwhelming. I'm getting chocolate and alcohol (vanilla - your notes are right on about this one!). In any case, I'm wondering how I can mellow what I have left out/lighten it up/sweeten it perhaps?

This site is great. Thanks in advance!
Did you add Catalan Cream?

I'm not crazy, my mother had me tested.


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Did you add Catalan Cream?

I'm not crazy, my mother had me tested.

Yes - I followed the recipe along with the suggestion of doubling down on 1 cream if you don't have all 3. I just read his notes on Tiramisu and I should have used less. I also should have doubled down on the Catalan Cream instead. I followed the recipe without even smelling the flavors beforehand! Had I done so I would have definitely cut it in half. Vienna Cream and Tiramisu are both VERY strong. This really is like cooking! Lesson learned. I was hoping to hit a home run right off the bat - oh well. I am looking forward to making more mistakes though...

Do you have any suggestions for what I could add to mellow the chocolate flavor?


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Yes - I followed the recipe along with the suggestion of doubling down on 1 cream if you don't have all 3. I just read his notes on Tiramisu and I should have used less. I also should have doubled down on the Catalan Cream instead. I followed the recipe without even smelling the flavors beforehand! Had I done so I would have definitely cut it in half. Vienna Cream and Tiramisu are both VERY strong. This really is like cooking! Lesson learned. I was hoping to hit a home run right off the bat - oh well. I am looking forward to making more mistakes though...

Do you have any suggestions for what I could add to mellow the chocolate flavor?
Well Fresh Cream is what mellows it, but maybe like you said could try raising Catalan by .5-1%, but I wouldn't go higher than that myself.

I'm not crazy, my mother had me tested.


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Ok. I feel like an idiot and rightfully so. I just realized what I did wrong with this recipe. I didn't use a calculator - I did the math myself....enough said? I used 10% Tiramisu (!!!!!!!!), 20% Vienna Cream (!!!!), 10% Catalan Cream (!!!!!). Wow! No wonder it tasted REALLY BAD and no wonder I had to change the O rings on my tank this morning!!! LOL Instead of thinking in %, I was thinking - ok 10 ml total, 1 part flavor 1, 1 part flavor 2....I'm glad I figured that out because I've been looking forward to trying out HIC's recipes. They all sound really good and most likely are, unless, of course, you failed math 101 and you're an idiot like myself! lol (Please tell me I'm not the only who has done something like this their first time around).

I realized the error of my ways when today I decided to just make my own quick blend of pineapple, banana and coconut. After I mixed it and I looked at the amounts I wrote down it suddenly hit me that 1ml of 10ml = 10% and NOT 1%!! My recipe: 6g base, 2g pineapple, 1.5g banana and .5g coconut. Can anyone tell me how I can make that vapeable without making 100ml of the above. Add a percentage of that to a base I suppose - but how much?

The reason I didn't use a calculator is because I'm on a Mac and I can't seem to find a decent one compatible, not to mention one that will take into account using a pre-mixed base. I hope someone can help me there. Is there one out there???

Sigh....glad no one can see me blushing in the corner with my dunce cap on...


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Ok. I feel like an idiot and rightfully so. I just realized what I did wrong with this recipe. I didn't use a calculator - I did the math myself....enough said? I used 10% Tiramisu (!!!!!!!!), 20% Vienna Cream (!!!!), 10% Catalan Cream (!!!!!). Wow! No wonder it tasted REALLY BAD and no wonder I had to change the O rings on my tank this morning!!! LOL Instead of thinking in %, I was thinking - ok 10 ml total, 1 part flavor 1, 1 part flavor 2....I'm glad I figured that out because I've been looking forward to trying out HIC's recipes. They all sound really good and most likely are, unless, of course, you failed math 101 and you're an idiot like myself! lol (Please tell me I'm not the only who has done something like this their first time around).

I realized the error of my ways when today I decided to just make my own quick blend of pineapple, banana and coconut. After I mixed it and I looked at the amounts I wrote down it suddenly hit me that 1ml of 10ml = 10% and NOT 1%!! My recipe: 6g base, 2g pineapple, 1.5g banana and .5g coconut. Can anyone tell me how I can make that vapeable without making 100ml of the above. Add a percentage of that to a base I suppose - but how much?

The reason I didn't use a calculator is because I'm on a Mac and I can't seem to find a decent one compatible, not to mention one that will take into account using a pre-mixed base. I hope someone can help me there. Is there one out there???

Sigh....glad no one can see me blushing in the corner with my dunce cap on...
So you have an android phone?

I'm not crazy, my mother had me tested.


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No - an iPhone. Am I correct that I can use a calculator that's assuming I need to mix and just ignore the PG/VG ratios and only look at the flavor ratios? Total noob! (obviously)


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Ok, first you need to know what ratio of vg/pg your mix is. A 50/50, 60/40, and all on. I'm assuming it is a 50/50 mix. Then how much juice you are make. There is a mixing program called E-Juice Me Up. It's downloadable. If I remember right there is a Mac version of it and I think it has a mix by weight feature. I hope that helps. Please let me know if I'm right about there being a Mac version of that program too. I'm curious to know for sure.

I'm not crazy, my mother had me tested.


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It's 50/50. I'm making 10ml. I just tested my theory and it seems to have worked. I'm pretty sure E-Juice Me Up doesn't have a Mac version.


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Hmm. I went looking on Google and couldn't find a thing. Plenty for android and Windows but not Mac. I wish I could have been more help.

I'm not crazy, my mother had me tested.


Member For 5 Years
Thank you Sir for this delicious master piece. I hardly ever vape desserts, but this one is hard to resist. It may even go with some of my tobaccos - Maxx Blend for one. Perhaps even with Royal.
Last edited:


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Now that I have a decent calculator (and did a LOT more research) I made this and it was great. Since it was HIC's recipe I had a very strong suspicion it was user error the first time around.

I also made HIC's Sugary Almond Apple Tart. It's still steeping and smells heavenly - like a bear claw. I. can't. wait. (but I will).

HIC - please write a book!! You are amazing! (I couldn't believe it when I read a post where you said you are not a good cook - something about burning boiled water?) No matter what you charge people who are serious about DIY (and it's no secret there will be many more soon) would be willing to pay whatever. Here's a working title: "The DIY e Liquid Recipe Bible". Same approach as America's Test Kitchen "The Best Recipe" where not just the what but the how and why are offered in abundant detail. I bought a few of your recipes (those transactions that posted at 2 or 3am last night were mine :) and will be buying more but how lovely it would be to have all your wisdom in one big fat book. I'm sure I'm not the first (nor the last) to ask (beg) you to do this.


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I still keep this in my Alleria as part of my daily rotation. It was my first HIC mix and the 2nd mix I ever did and have loved it for almost 5 months straight LOL. Keep up the great work my friend.

I'm not crazy, my mother had me tested.
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I like the extra sweetness and smoothness of max-VG, but you should use whatever ratio suits you and your vaping hardware best.
Speaking of vaping hardware, I remember you mentioning somewhere that you like using tanks. What tanks are your favorite, and do you usually go with max VG? I have trouble with most tanks and max VG juices :/


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Speaking of vaping hardware, I remember you mentioning somewhere that you like using tanks. What tanks are your favorite, and do you usually go with max VG? I have trouble with most tanks and max VG juices :/

I'm not into chasing shiny new vape equipment (would rather spend time mixing), so I'm about the last one to ask about hardware. Simple eLeaf GS tanks are my current preference. The flavor I got from temp control didn't impress me, so I don't even bother with that.

I used to use PG but went max-VG when I found PG worsened by tinnitus. I add a little water to thin it - about 10% works fine for me with GS tanks (in summer temps).
Hello HIC thanks for the recipes this is will be my first try DIY mixing, before that can i ask you, if i don't have FA fresh cream can I sub it with another FA flavor like marshmallow or another TFA flavor, because I'm From Indonesia, in my country is hard to find FA vendor with complete flavor line than TFA, sorry for my bad grammar, thank you. :)


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Hello HIC thanks for the recipes this is will be my first try DIY mixing, before that can i ask you, if i don't have FA fresh cream can I sub it with another FA flavor like marshmallow or another TFA flavor, because I'm From Indonesia, in my country is hard to find FA vendor with complete flavor line than TFA, sorry for my bad grammar, thank you. :)

Sure, you can use FA Marshmallow instead! If you have a favorite TFA cream flavor, one that's fairly neutral or vanilla-like, that would also work fine (but might require up to twice as much).


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I have been mixing this recipe for almost a year and I still love it. This was my first recipe and I expect I'll be mixing this for years to come still.

I'm not crazy, my mother had me tested.


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1% FlavourArt Vienna Cream
1% FlavourArt Catalan Cream
1% FlavourArt Tiramisu
1% FlavourArt Fresh Cream

Shake 'n vape!

If you don't have all of these Cream flavors, just use more of one of the others. Extra Vienna adds a sweet, creamy vanilla; extra Catalan adds vanilla, cinnamon, and caramel;

1.5% FlavourArt Vienna Cream
1.5% FlavourArt Catalan Cream
1.0% FlavourArt Tiramisu

:vapemail: Got my FA Tiramisu today. 1-hr bath + shake. Tried this on a fresh coil/ wick. Fantastic!
I didn't have the Vienna so just followed HIC's instruction to increase something else to 2%. I did that with the Catalan and it was bloody delicious!

I did the same as I ran out of Vienna Cream (I pretty much put it in all of my recipes).

I added around 0.5% FA Cappucino and 1% FA Caramel and had to boost the flavour concentration to 10% because I got so much used to these flavours.


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I missed seeing this recipe until yesterday, but I was intrigued, so I mixed up a small batch (60ml). I have to say, I'm IMPRESSED! For only having 4% flavor, it's really nice, and I loaded up a tank right after I mixed it. Even with my most favorite flavors, they're usually a bit on the bland side 5 minutes after mixing. By the next day they're pretty good, but this one is good right from the get-go. Thanks, HIC! I have another "favorite" juice now! LOL!
had to boost the flavour concentration to 10% because I got so much used to these flavours.

10% was still a bit blend so I boosted it to 12%. Bad idea. Horrible bitter taste, completely washed out flavour. I remade it to 6% and I can taste the flavours again. It's a bit muted but I'll try it again on 7% tomorrow. I'm still getting used to my Vandy Vape Berserker MTL RTA so the coils and the wicking could play a big role in the flavours.
Out.Bloody.Standing. I've had this in my faves for ages, and was lacking one ingredient I kept forgetting to grab. SO thrilled I did, finally! I'm a 100% VG vaper, and even on day 2 I'm twitterpated over this one. No doubt it will continue to get smoother and creamier as it steeps. Not sure if anyone out there remembers Virgin Vapor? I'm going back 11 or 12 years, so maybe not, but in the pre sub-ohm days, this little shop online did these fabulous mixes with highest quality organic flavors she could find. It's long put of business, I think, but the proprietor was a true vapecraft artisan, just outstanding. Anyway, she had this flavor "Kona Coffee Milkshake", and for the last decade I've been hunting something similar. I have a hard time with coffee and chocolate vapes, and just never found anything similar, till now. This is so reminiscent of that flavor! Always reminded me of a Jamocha Milkshake. Anyway.. you literally made my year with this one! Thank you!! And since I clearly have zero patience for steeping, about to mix up 300 mls of this fab blend! ADV, ATW!!!

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