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Hiya, folks...

A. Nuss Braun

Member For 4 Years
Member For 3 Years
Member For 2 Years
Member For 1 Year
Sorta new, sorta not. Couldn't re-initialize my acc'.t, so Anus B. has passed on, unable to remove the alt account, started a new one. Greetings to all, semi-familiar, and nu-tu-me. Don't ask fer any websites...find 'em yerself, I did. Still in Springflock, new job, marginally-better, slightly closer, and MUCH less likely to make me down a fifth of fireball, every two days, to forget the state of the mill. Currently using a Tantra, with a Youde Gladiator, with the RDA section holding two five-wrap coils of 24-guage Kanthal, with a reasonably tough battery. Sold my Hex, got a Zero knock-off, needing a new 518 screw, BADLY. Have three Kanger tanks, w/V2 parts fer reserve, along with my MiniStick, set-up for 16650 batts. Spare Gladiator, it's GOOD.

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