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How do i build coils properly?


In my defence, I was left unsupervised ^^
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Parallel Resistors - 1/Rt = 1/r1 + 1/r2 + 1/r3... etc etc

1/rt =1/r1 + 1/r2 so 1/x = 1/.2 +1/.2
1/.2 (= 5) + 1/.2 (=5) =10
1/10 = 0.1 ohms

Boom, now you are parallel resistorised up.

To hit .15 you need 2 x .3 ohm coils in parallel or a similar combination.

Ignore anything about series, if its a velocity desk you are wiring parallel. You need a floating post in the middle to wire in series :p

Ahh fair enough good catch turtles

Edited my earlier post ;)
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Parallel Resistors - 1/Rt = 1/r1 + 1/r2 + 1/r3... etc etc

1/rt =1/r1 + 1/r2 so 1/x = 1/.2 +1/.2
1/.2 (= 5) + 1/.2 (=5) =10
1/10 = 0.1 ohms

Boom, now you are parallel resistorised up.

To hit .15 you need 2 x .3 ohm coils in parallel or a similar combination.

Ignore anything about series, if its a velocity desk you are wiring parallel. You need a floating post in the middle to wire in series :p
Ok i guess i will be doing this parallel. Any good youtube video for doing this? Since i bought prewired


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I thought this was series, i assume you guys mean the same as me v12-rba? And i guess 5 wraps is more than enough ? I figure this would be good
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As i found out, more wraps causes more heat. Also increases the resistance. This coil i found is suitable and should work just fine :) Many thanks for all the help as i now know the difference between a parallel and series. Happy vaping, and this is going to be so exciting!


In my defence, I was left unsupervised ^^
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Edit Removed other content not really relevant for regulated device
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At least don't fire it until you have placed the RBA on the mod to check the resistence and its reading it ok no shorts etc and don't go below 0.15 ohms if you can .... serious try using steam engine there are guide notes below each section or tell me the materials you are gonna buy, the coil type you want and target resistence you want I'll put some pics in here for you
Thanks for caring about my safety. I will check the resistance once the atomizer is onto the 310. I tried to learn about ohms law but i did not understand the formula. Its just a big talk about how electrons work :D Also tried the wrapper but did not figure out the millimeters and such. Im aiming for a parallel build so 0.15 ohms like the original coil that comes with the non RBA version. So basicly 60 to 190w range. Im using kanthal to be able to dry burn once it gets dirty for reuse. I will also be aiming to use 100%vg as im no fan of pg.

The materials list looks like this
4 - Authentic Sony US18650VTC4 3.6V 2100mAh
4 - Authentic Samsung INR18650-30Q 3.6V 3000mAh, alrady have this. Will only use those batteries in emergencies.
1 - Demon Killer Staple Staggered Fused Clapton Pre-Coiled Wire 0.30ohm
1 - Authentic Wismec Reuleaux RX 300W TC VW APV Box Mod
1 - Silicone Sleeve
1 - Authentic Smoktech SMOK TFV12 Cloud Beast King Tank Clearomizer (RBA Version)TFV12-RBA COIL
I alrady have cotton :)
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You might find 100% VG in a tank doesn't wick fast enough and may result in burnt hits.


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You might find 100% VG in a tank doesn't wick fast enough and may result in burnt hits.
I have actually had a suspision of this. But higher wattage and dual should handle 100%vg. Saw someone writing it :)


In my defence, I was left unsupervised ^^
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Ok I get that ... I'll put it in a picture form for you

Ohms = Resistence (R)
Amps = Current (I)
Voltage = (V)

In the triangle below how you read it depends what you want to lock in as you starting point you want to get to 0.15 ohm resistence the relationships are as follows:

Resistence (R) is Voltage (V) divided by Current (I)
Current (I) is Voltage (V) divided by Resistence (R)
Voltage (V) is Current (I) times Resistence (R)


This is what it looks like in a pic imagine that your coil is a pipe with water running through it (current or amps in your case) ...
The guy (ohm) with the rope pinches the pipe (adding more wraps etc to your coil) now it's harder for the water to get through he is the resistence ...
The voltage is the pressure pushing the current through

Now the tighter the rope (or higher in ohms) the resistence the less water can get through...
At the same time if the guy with the rope stays at the same resistence and you increase how much pressure the voltage guys pushes the more water you get out...

This is ohms law in a nutshell and thier relationship with each other


Below is the bigger wheel bringing power into the equation (wattage) it's just the interaction between the three above to give an output of energy which show the rate these guys consume energy going about thier jobs ...note different symbols are used to denote the properties... the relationships are spelled out below


Regulated devices work differently to Mechs, instead of their current draw being the highest at full charge, its the highest at low charge because the mod is still trying to deliver the wattage you set. A regulated. mod will protect you to a large degree but the higher the wattage the more current drain as you head towards low charge. Now as far as resistance goes it’s not all the relevant for regulated devices...the current draw from batteries is on a separate circuit (I have posted more info on how this all works in the help section)

For mechs though resistance is of upmost importance and shouldn’t be taken lightly. Current drain will be at its highest at full charge. The battery or cell(s) will deliver everything they got straight to the coil (the coil is the resistor in a mech)..... as voltage reduces so does the power and so does current drain.

Choose batteries with a suitable CDR either using a mech or regulated device (continuous discharge rating of 20 or above since you mod is using more than one battery) to safely cover the 35.59 amps in here
forget about capacity or all the other bollocks on batteries CDR it the most important stat cover this with good batteries from LG, Sony, Samsung ...once covered then attempt to get one with higher capacity as well

Read below link for battery safety - I personally use SonyVTC5a betteries
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In my defence, I was left unsupervised ^^
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Going on from this 190 watts is a lot for those stock dual coils you are going to be using won't want to push those claptons more than 120w ;) start at 70w and work up until you reach somewhere you like


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Going on from this 190 watts is a lot for those stock dual coils you are going to be using won't want to push those claptons more than 120w ;) start at 70w and work up until you reach somewhere you like ....try putting in 120w in that steam engine link I gave you above (locking in the resistence at 0.15 and lock wattage in as a secondary) watch the other values (voltage and current) being revised down

see you now have less to cover ...putting your mod and batteries under less strain everyone's a winner :)
Wow, i have to say thanks for your explanation of ohm. I did like that one picture very much, made the post even funnier :D I still need to read it a couple of times, but looks like the resistance is there to avoid too much volts into the coil. Looks like i will learn more once i have achieved more experience. And yes, i will start as you say with 70W and carefully going up. Looks like 300w is too strong and is just an option to have incase batteries become more volts to actually work stable at 300 watts. 300 watts sounds to crazy for me now though:)

Luckily those VC4 have a discharge rating of 30, and they were cheaper. I will however buy vtc5 aswell in my next order. But for now, 124 dollars were alot of the monthly budget to me :)

Also bought an ohm reader and a pair of ceramic tweezers. And if the ohm meter jumps like crazy i will rewire again and not fire until it has stopped jumping.

Also i must not forget to wire it parallel. That means one wire plus and negative in two of the holes, and the other wire in the two other empty holes.
Hitting the streets with this awesome build is going to be killer.!!


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Wow, i have to say thanks for your explanation of ohm. I did like that one picture very much, made the post even funnier :D I still need to read it a couple of times, but looks like the resistance is there to avoid too much volts into the coil. Looks like i will learn more once i have achieved more experience. And yes, i will start as you say with 70W and carefully going up. Looks like 300w is too strong and is just an option to have incase batteries become more volts to actually work stable at 300 watts. 300 watts sounds to crazy for me now though:)

Luckily those VC4 have a discharge rating of 30, and they were cheaper. I will however buy vtc5 aswell in my next order. But for now, 124 dollars were alot of the monthly budget to me :)

Also bought an ohm reader and a pair of ceramic tweezers. And if the ohm meter jumps like crazy i will rewire again and not fire until it has stopped jumping.

Also i must not forget to wire it parallel. That means one wire plus and negative in two of the holes, and the other wire in the two other empty holes.
Hitting the streets with this awesome build is going to be killer.!!
The coil is a resistor the ohms level dictates how fast the current flows through it and back into the battery, to low ohm will cause the batteries to over heat and vent which usually causes a boom and trip to the hospital variabke wattage mods have safety features for that but its important to use solid reputable devices as crappy ones will fail and most mods will not tell u if ur batteries are are out of balance which will cause 1 to carry more of the load and potentially cause battery failure

Sent from my LG-LS997 using Tapatalk


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Fyi sony batteries are the most contourfited batteries on the market so you might want to go with a solid distribution company like liionwholesale or learn the physical characteristics of the batteries your gonna use

Sent from my LG-LS997 using Tapatalk


In my defence, I was left unsupervised ^^
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Wow, i have to say thanks for your explanation of ohm. I did like that one picture very much, made the post even funnier :D I still need to read it a couple of times, but looks like the resistance is there to avoid too much volts into the coil. Looks like i will learn more once i have achieved more experience. And yes, i will start as you say with 70W and carefully going up. Looks like 300w is too strong and is just an option to have incase batteries become more volts to actually work stable at 300 watts. 300 watts sounds to crazy for me now though:)

Luckily those VC4 have a discharge rating of 30, and they were cheaper. I will however buy vtc5 aswell in my next order. But for now, 124 dollars were alot of the monthly budget to me :)

Also bought an ohm reader and a pair of ceramic tweezers. And if the ohm meter jumps like crazy i will rewire again and not fire until it has stopped jumping.

Also i must not forget to wire it parallel. That means one wire plus and negative in two of the holes, and the other wire in the two other empty holes.
Hitting the streets with this awesome build is going to be killer.!!

VTC4 batteries have a CDR of 23 not 30 but only have a capacity of 2100

those 30q batteries you listed should do you they have a 20CDR much better capacity on them as well as long as using more than one which you are in that mod

Never go by what's on the wrapper of the battery check out Moochs battery reports and buy from reputable companies
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Ok lets say i have 2 batteries on 20CDR. Would that be 40 amps both togheter? I just tried to put in the stats u gave me into ohms law and it gave me a result of 35 amps. and how much does voltage come into the picture? I guess 5.43 voltage is not much at all since in this case i have 2 batteries at 3.6voltage each. I will however use 4 batteries. i feel like im starting to understand this pretty good now :)

Does someone know if its possible to do the tfv12 triple deck parallel also? I want it to be 0.15 ohms there to on all three. Does this also require 0.30ohm for it to be 0.15ohm or is this different since it three coils ?


In my defence, I was left unsupervised ^^
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You need to know how the mod is wired for calculating how the batterieswill be used ...most mods work on a series basis as a general rule of thumb but always look it up...on regulated mods you will always be limited by the chip and onboard regulator anyway but it helps to use batteries that won't put the mod under strain


Connecting in Series
When connecting your batteries in Series you are doubling the voltage while maintaining the same capacity rating (amp hours) and CDR value of one battery. Example below

Connecting in Parallel
When connecting in Parallel you are doubling the capacity (amp hours) and CDR while maintaining the voltage of one of the individual batteries.

Important notes: Don't use two different chemistries when connecting batteries.

Always use married batteries I.e bought together always charged and used together, otherwise voltages will be different, but more importantly the charge rates will be different and the capacities may be different, thus resulting in a shortened life span.

Match capacities. When connecting batteries in a pack you should try to match the capacities as much as possible to avoid discharging one battery quicker than another. A pack operates at a combined voltage so your one cell that discharges quicker will likely discharge deeper than it may be able to recover from.

The RX300 you mentioned at the beginning of this thread is a little different ....I believe it uses both of these I.E uses four batteries but are wired in a way that uses series and parallel (2 on each side)

So taking a 20CDR battery with a 3000mah capacity fully charged at 4.2v as an example

You'll have 40CDR, 6000mah, 8.4v best of both worlds I could be wrong on this though so hoping @SirRichardRear can verify what I'm saying here ;)


AKA Anthony Vapes on Youtube
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Ok lets say i have 2 batteries on 20CDR. Would that be 40 amps both togheter? I just tried to put in the stats u gave me into ohms law and it gave me a result of 35 amps. and how much does voltage come into the picture? I guess 5.43 voltage is not much at all since in this case i have 2 batteries at 3.6voltage each. I will however use 4 batteries. i feel like im starting to understand this pretty good now :)

Does someone know if its possible to do the tfv12 triple deck parallel also? I want it to be 0.15 ohms there to on all three. Does this also require 0.30ohm for it to be 0.15ohm or is this different since it three coils ?
I made this video which should answer most of your questions. If not let me know and I'll be happy to assist ;)
and here is the info form the description
Stay safe out there vapors!
I wanted to talk about safety and how to understand your device and how to calculate the amp draw on your batteries
Remember to always pick good batteries based on Moochs Rating not whats on the wrapper!

Moochs Recommend Batteries

Always Use married Batteries! batteries that are the same exact ones that were purchased together, used together, and charged together at all times for devices that take multiple batteries

best options from his list (18650)
20 amp = Samsung 30Q
25 amp = Sony VCT5a
30 amp = Lg HB6
Buy from legit sites only like and
Don't buy batteries off ebay or amazon!

Regulated Device Formula for Battery amp Draw
P(watts)/V(nominal voltage)=I(amps)
typical safety measure is 75 watts per 20 amp battery for regulated devices with

For unregulated/mech mods
use ohms law calculator
for series use voltage 8.4 and current as your batteries CDR rating
for single battery use voltage 4.2 and your current as your batteires CDR
for parallel use voltage 4.2 and one batteries current times 1.5 (example a pair of 30 amp batteries would be good for 45 amps because 30 times 1.5 = 45)
General rule 30 amp batteries lowest safe resistance
dual series .28
dual parallel .09
single battery .14
General rule 20 amp batteries lowest safe resistance
dual series .42
dual parallel .14
single battery .21
General rule 25 amp batteries lowest safe resistance
dual series .34
dual parallel .11
single battery .17


AKA Anthony Vapes on Youtube
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You need to know how the mod is wired for calculating how the batterieswill be used ...most mods work on a series basis as a general rule of thumb but always look it up...on regulated mods you will always be limited by the chip and onboard regulator anyway but it helps to use batteries that won't put the mod under strain


Connecting in Series
When connecting your batteries in Series you are doubling the voltage while maintaining the same capacity rating (amp hours) and CDR value of one battery. Example below

Connecting in Parallel
When connecting in Parallel you are doubling the capacity (amp hours) and CDR while maintaining the voltage of one of the individual batteries.

Important notes: Don't use two different chemistries when connecting batteries.

Always use married batteries I.e bought together always charged and used together, otherwise voltages will be different, but more importantly the charge rates will be different and the capacities may be different, thus resulting in a shortened life span.

Match capacities. When connecting batteries in a pack you should try to match the capacities as much as possible to avoid discharging one battery quicker than another. A pack operates at a combined voltage so your one cell that discharges quicker will likely discharge deeper than it may be able to recover from.

The RX300 you mentioned at the beginning of this thread is a little different ....I believe it uses both of these I.E uses four batteries but are wired in a way that uses series and parallel (2 on each side)

So taking a 20CDR battery with a 3000mah capacity fully charged at 4.2v as an example

You'll have 40CDR, 6000mah, 8.4v best of both worlds I could be wrong on this though so hoping @SirRichardRear can verify what I'm saying here ;)
as far as the quad regulated mods go like the rx300 it is indeed a series-parallel configuration.
so using 20 amp CDR batts would give you (nominal voltage wise)
7.4 volts and 30ampCDR (50% more amp drain in parallel for a safe value) so 220 watts on any build would be a safe limit to use on a quad mod with 20 amp CDR and for battery life you would get 44.4kw/H with a samsung 30q


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This pic illustrates PERFECTLY why I can't hold the formula for Ohm's Law in my head for more than about 5-10 seconds at a time -- because none of the letters used in the various formulas have ANY relationship to the actual words that I understand! The only one I can actually remember is R, for resistance. The one for amperage is by far the worst: amps, current, I...? No relationship whatsofreakingEVER. So thank god for, because without it I would truly be up a creek. Or have a lot more diagrams taped to the wall (other than the ones converting ml to oz!).



In my defence, I was left unsupervised ^^
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This pic illustrates PERFECTLY why I can't hold the formula for Ohm's Law in my head for more than about 5-10 seconds at a time -- because none of the letters used in the various formulas have ANY relationship to the actual words that I understand! The only one I can actually remember is R, for resistance. The one for amperage is by far the worst: amps, current, I...? No relationship whatsofreakingEVER. So thank god for, because without it I would truly be up a creek. Or have a lot more diagrams taped to the wall (other than the ones converting ml to oz!).


I'm the same Andria they are more for a read and have an appreciation of it not remember it by heart steam engine FTW


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Hi guys! Long time since i have had a question here

Im thinking of buying the Wismec Reuleaux rx 300 and tfv12 atomizer. I currently have some 3.6V batteries

I know how to apply new cotton and such, but how do i get a proper wire for my build? I want to use the dual coil or triple coil deck.

I dont have any knowledge when it comes to OHM and steamengine so could someone just make a simple build for me? I just want to know the OHMS i need and buy some prewrapped coils of it.
I want it to be a kanthal wire since i want to dry burn it. I will most likely try out 300W, but not like consistently since i have alot of nicotine. I think i will most likely stay somewhere between 100-230 watts

Thing is, i dont want to learn about OHMS i just want to vape and be happy.
There are always someone having discussions about Ohms and not giving the proper knowledge to it
Mt advice to you is to do what everyto you is
Hi guys! Long time since i have had a question here

Im thinking of buying the Wismec Reuleaux rx 300 and tfv12 atomizer. I currently have some 3.6V batteries

I know how to apply new cotton and such, but how do i get a proper wire for my build? I want to use the dual coil or triple coil deck.

I dont have any knowledge when it comes to OHM and steamengine so could someone just make a simple build for me? I just want to know the OHMS i need and buy some prewrapped coils of it.
I want it to be a kanthal wire since i want to dry burn it. I will most likely try out 300W, but not like consistently since i have alot of nicotine. I think i will most likely stay somewhere between 100-230 watts

Thing is, i dont want to learn about OHMS i just want to vape and be happy.
There are always someone having discussions about Ohms and not giving the proper knowledge to it
After reading through this thread my advice is for you is just quit vaping if you didn't use it to quit smoking like many of us here. Find another pastime.

Your just simply too fucking incompetent when it comes to adhering to basic common sense with regard to vaping safely.

I smells a troll tho..


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You need to know how the mod is wired for calculating how the batterieswill be used ...most mods work on a series basis as a general rule of thumb but always look it up...on regulated mods you will always be limited by the chip and onboard regulator anyway but it helps to use batteries that won't put the mod under strain


Connecting in Series
When connecting your batteries in Series you are doubling the voltage while maintaining the same capacity rating (amp hours) and CDR value of one battery. Example below

Connecting in Parallel
When connecting in Parallel you are doubling the capacity (amp hours) and CDR while maintaining the voltage of one of the individual batteries.

Important notes: Don't use two different chemistries when connecting batteries.

Always use married batteries I.e bought together always charged and used together, otherwise voltages will be different, but more importantly the charge rates will be different and the capacities may be different, thus resulting in a shortened life span.

Match capacities. When connecting batteries in a pack you should try to match the capacities as much as possible to avoid discharging one battery quicker than another. A pack operates at a combined voltage so your one cell that discharges quicker will likely discharge deeper than it may be able to recover from.

The RX300 you mentioned at the beginning of this thread is a little different ....I believe it uses both of these I.E uses four batteries but are wired in a way that uses series and parallel (2 on each side)

So taking a 20CDR battery with a 3000mah capacity fully charged at 4.2v as an example

You'll have 40CDR, 6000mah, 8.4v best of both worlds I could be wrong on this though so hoping @SirRichardRear can verify what I'm saying here ;)

Wow many thanks, i just learn more and more. Amps, voltage and ohm makes more sense in my head to now :) So parallel is basicly plus on plus and negative on negative? It makes sense to me that they share voltage equally. Something i dont understand is how the wire can work without being connected to the negative. But i guess it is because - and + are different connections and a +- connection would amplify because they are not equal ? And i have a suspicion i bought the wrong wires, i thought normal wires could be used parallely.:(

Are the positive and negative on a velocity always marked? Or can i presume that positive connections are always on top, negatives on bottom?

However i guess these are good parallel wires

Here is the one i was stupid enough to buy before thinking about a parallel wire

And yes, i was thinking about having same batteries before i even was thinking of buying the mod. It just gave sense into my head. Guess i can put those samsung 25r on the shelf now. Samsung 30q and vcr4 here we go !!:D

And kingpin, you are my favourite vaping teacher! All that good share of good information is awesome.! I hope other beginners can use this as experience aswell. :bliss:

To you others that think im to lazy to learn. I am not lazy i just didnt feel like i could ask forums where there are experts to read my newbish questions and so i thought it was easier to just go the easy way, and not learn anything. I have seen in other forums that people have so many different meanings about building and didnt care for awhile to ask anyone. I am however more than enough motivated to learn more about this.


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This pic illustrates PERFECTLY why I can't hold the formula for Ohm's Law in my head for more than about 5-10 seconds at a time -- because none of the letters used in the various formulas have ANY relationship to the actual words that I understand! The only one I can actually remember is R, for resistance. The one for amperage is by far the worst: amps, current, I...? No relationship whatsofreakingEVER. So thank god for, because without it I would truly be up a creek. Or have a lot more diagrams taped to the wall (other than the ones converting ml to oz!).


Yup it is not really needed to learn the formulas as steam engine calculates it. However i changed the ohms in the calculator and seems like the formula is right. More ohms = less amps and more voltage. Gives more sense to me now :)


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as far as the quad regulated mods go like the rx300 it is indeed a series-parallel configuration.
so using 20 amp CDR batts would give you (nominal voltage wise)
7.4 volts and 30ampCDR (50% more amp drain in parallel for a safe value) so 220 watts on any build would be a safe limit to use on a quad mod with 20 amp CDR and for battery life you would get 44.4kw/H with a samsung 30q

I hope 4 batteries on 20 amps each is not going to be any amp overpower on the 0.15 ohm parallel coil. I¨ve heard someone telling people to not do this, but i guess it is okay since it is regulated mod? It is however how kingpin says it is, never to trust the regulated mod.

And damn, if i could use 220 i must have atleast a triple coil build. Sucks that the tfv12 triple deck has melting insulators. Smok did not put PEEK insulators in them


In my defence, I was left unsupervised ^^
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I hope 4 batteries on 20 amps each is not going to be any amp overpower on the 0.15 ohm parallel coil. I¨ve heard someone telling people to not do this, but i guess it is okay since it is regulated mod? It is however how kingpin says it is, never to trust the regulated mod.

And damn, if i could use 220 i must have atleast a triple coil build. Sucks that the tfv12 triple deck has melting insulators. Smok did not put PEEK insulators in them

Don't get confused between what I meant with mod being wired in series and parallel that is entirely separate to the coils ...this was about how the mod draws current from the batteries and delivers it around the circuit - when it comes to batteries and the draw on them from devices Sir Richard has far more knowledge than I do so refer to his judgement over mine on this aspect
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Don't get confused between what I meant with mod being wired in series and parallel that is entirely separate to the coils ...this was about how the mod draws current from the batteries and delivers it around the circuit

Coils are just coils they act as a resistor in all of this ...they can be mounted in parallel or series but a velocity style (2 post deck) is parallel which means if you run 2 dual coils it halves the resistence of one coil I.e 2 x 0.5 resistence coils mounted as parallel will come out at 0.25ohms

Aha i get it! So it is not needed to buy parallel wire because the velocity deck has the possibility to do so. I guess parallel wires where used before the time decks got parallel.

Then i guess it is safe to go with the 0.30 non parallel wire and just connect it parallel 0.15 ohm.

And ohh my goosh 0.15 ohms is a sweet spot for the 100-200 watts range. Really dont need more than 2 batteries for this since amps and volts are very regulated at this point.

a parallel velocity wiring would be like this i guess. File example uploaded


  • Drawing.jpeg
    26.3 KB · Views: 14


In my defence, I was left unsupervised ^^
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Aha i get it! So it is not needed to buy parallel wire because the velocity deck has the possibility to do so. I guess parallel wires where used before the time decks got parallel.

Then i guess it is safe to go with the 0.30 non parallel wire and just connect it parallel 0.15 ohm.

And ohh my goosh 0.15 ohms is a sweet spot for the 100-200 watts range. Really dont need more than 2 batteries for this since amps and volts are very regulated at this point.

a parallel velocity wiring would be like this i guess. File example uploaded

Wire is wire? You mean coils yeah and how you mount them? And yes like your pic

0.15 is good for dual coils on that mod wouldn't go below that though personally ...there really is no need to go to 200w honestly you'll burn your cotton before you get there you'll find dual fused claptons coming out at 0.15ohm sweet spot will be anywhere from 75-110w start lower get to a vape your happy with

These pre made coils that say they go up too massive wattage for the most part are a load of bollocks just cause they say they can doesn't mean they are a pleasurable experience take the TF-T8 coils I vape those below the recommended wattage because they vape better there ...get to know your mod and building first before pushing boundaries I would say


AKA Anthony Vapes on Youtube
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I hope 4 batteries on 20 amps each is not going to be any amp overpower on the 0.15 ohm parallel coil. I¨ve heard someone telling people to not do this, but i guess it is okay since it is regulated mod? It is however how kingpin says it is, never to trust the regulated mod.

And damn, if i could use 220 i must have atleast a triple coil build. Sucks that the tfv12 triple deck has melting insulators. Smok did not put PEEK insulators in them
I think watching this video I made would help out alot.

Sent from my SM-G935V using Tapatalk


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I think watching this video I made would help out alot.

Sent from my SM-G935V using Tapatalk
You suppose you can stop fucking self promoting your god damn channel all the fucking time? I've seen it a half dozen times just this week.

Fucking quit it.


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Wow..I just read a whole bunch of fukkin scary.
Asking questions about building coils that have a reasonable ohm resistance would warrant reasonable answers but asking questions about a retarded build like .15ohm, knowing nothing about what could happen if that build fails. Someone is in a hurry to show off to the buddies that he can flatten a city block with 1 stupid move. People like the OP are the new wave of vapers that is exactly why vaping is getting hit so hard...uneducated, pushing the limits and basically don't care as long as there is a CLOUD. I dunno... but if the OP gets a smart brain cell to move to the front to snap some stupid out, maybe a little bird will knock some sense into him or the doctors will give a lobotomy while he's recovering from the explosion.
YAYYYYY... we get to read another vaping incident in facebook a trillion times over, blamed on vape gear when in reality like all the other vape failures its USER ERROR, UNEDUCATED or those who are just plain stupid.


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This pic illustrates PERFECTLY why I can't hold the formula for Ohm's Law in my head for more than about 5-10 seconds at a time -- because none of the letters used in the various formulas have ANY relationship to the actual words that I understand! The only one I can actually remember is R, for resistance. The one for amperage is by far the worst: amps, current, I...? No relationship whatsofreakingEVER. So thank god for, because without it I would truly be up a creek. Or have a lot more diagrams taped to the wall (other than the ones converting ml to oz!).

The letter symbol I stands for the intensity of the current, or intensité de courant as it was called by French physicist and mathematician André-Marie Ampère. :)


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The letter symbol I stands for the intensity of the current, or intensité de courant as it was called by French physicist and mathematician André-Marie Ampère. :)

Yeah I knew it had something to do with French.. which I don't speak. I'd remember it a lot better if it referred to an ENGLISH word.



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Intensity isn't and English word? :D

Sure, intensity is. And it doesn't have a thing to do with amperes. Apparently "ampere" is also a french word, since it was a french guy's name, so using "ampere" instead of some PHRASE from a foreign language would have made a LOT more sense.



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Sure, intensity is. And it doesn't have a thing to do with amperes. Apparently "ampere" is also a french word, since it was a french guy's name, so using "ampere" instead of some PHRASE from a foreign language would have made a LOT more sense.

But "ampere" is the unit of measurement for the intensity of the current. They could have picked the letter symbol A (for amperage, just like V stands for voltage), but didn't... because in the U.S. everyone knew who Volt was, whereas Ampère wasn't that well known there so amperage would have been too confusing, yet they wanted to show their respect to the French guy because the U.S. guys knew the importance of Ampère's law was significant enough to make themselves look ridiculous if they didn't show him their respect in some way, and, because both intensité and intensity start with an I...


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I asked SRR to post this mate not self promoting if invited to do so?
And you knew he had a vid YOU thought would be helpful, yet you didn't post it.

What's IRRITATING to me (and many people on the forum) is the narcissism. He never links other videos, just his own. He doesn't just do it on this forum either. He is in more that one place, spending his day acting like some kind of "guru". While a few people may be enamored with him, acting star struck, most actually are laughing at him. He is acting foolish. The dude wants to be a vape personality, which he'll NEVER be acting like this.

I am usually supportive of anything people want to do, to build themselves. Starting a business, a channel, whatever it is. This dude however, is like some bad sales call that is in your face. Even though you tell him you aren't interested, he just keeps giving you the sales pitch. Except you can't hang up the fucking phone. Many of us are tired of the sales pitch. I'm NOT subscribing to a shit channel, and I'm not giving him one more view.

Making YouTube a paying gig is not in his future. So then what's the point of muddying up the forum with more SPAM posts?

There is a reason he got the name SirSpamsAlot.


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Yep ... what difference does it make whether I post it or he does? ...your beef not mine
Gee. I don't know....

When I try to help someone, and I know of a video that would help, I post it myself. I don't just tag someone and ask them to drop in their spam and leave. But then, I'm not desperate to make internet "friends" either. :D


In my defence, I was left unsupervised ^^
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Gee. I don't know....

When I try to help someone, and I know of a video that would help, I post it myself. I don't just tag someone and ask them to drop in their spam and leave. But then, I'm not desperate to make internet "friends" either. :D

Where is your helpful content or is this the extent of it?

Oh wait hold on ....Think I found it ?

Last edited:


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And you knew he had a vid YOU thought would be helpful, yet you didn't post it.

What's IRRITATING to me (and many people on the forum) is the narcissism. He never links other videos, just his own. He doesn't just do it on this forum either. He is in more that one place, spending his day acting like some kind of "guru". While a few people may be enamored with him, acting star struck, most actually are laughing at him. He is acting foolish. The dude wants to be a vape personality, which he'll NEVER be acting like this.

I am usually supportive of anything people want to do, to build themselves. Starting a business, a channel, whatever it is. This dude however, is like some bad sales call that is in your face. Even though you tell him you aren't interested, he just keeps giving you the sales pitch. Except you can't hang up the fucking phone. Many of us are tired of the sales pitch. I'm NOT subscribing to a shit channel, and I'm not giving him one more view.

Making YouTube a paying gig is not in his future. So then what's the point of muddying up the forum with more SPAM posts?

There is a reason he got the name SirSpamsAlot.

Sure you can hang up. There's an Ignore button for a reason...



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But "ampere" is the unit of measurement for the intensity of the current. They could have picked the letter symbol A (for amperage, just like V stands for voltage), but didn't... because in the U.S. everyone knew who Volt was, whereas Ampère wasn't that well known there so amperage would have been too confusing, yet they wanted to show their respect to the French guy because the U.S. guys knew the importance of Ampère's law was significant enough to make themselves look ridiculous if they didn't show him their respect in some way, and, because both intensité and intensity start with an I...

Well, back then, French was THE language to know, if you were educated. That is no longer true; English is now in that position. And, there is no REASON to need to know Ohm's Law or what all those mysterious letters stand for, since there is now Not really sure why you keep arguing this, given that fact; arguing at me is not going to mysteriously gift me with an understanding of the french language. It's hard enough to remember formulas when they're in the correct language with letters that correspond properly to familiar words; trying to remember a formula in a foreign language is not going to happen.



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Well, back then, French was THE language to know, if you were educated. That is no longer true; English is now in that position. And, there is no REASON to need to know Ohm's Law or what all those mysterious letters stand for, since there is now Not really sure why you keep arguing this, given that fact; arguing at me is not going to mysteriously gift me with an understanding of the french language. It's hard enough to remember formulas when they're in the correct language with letters that correspond properly to familiar words; trying to remember a formula in a foreign language is not going to happen.

I'm not trying to argue about anything. When I was 14 this particular mystery had made me curious so that's when I decided to ask my physics teacher if she could explain, and that's all there is to it.
I have a few questions I am gettinga vgod pro march mod and I have been researching about ohms law and battery safety and I'm curious to know what wires I should build my pro drip RDA from. I would prefer a dual build and to be safe I know my LG brown battery's are 20A so I don't want to go below ~0.3 ohms so if I buy a preinstalled coils to build on I need two 0.6 ohm coils so they come out to 0.3 ohms together ? Or two 0.8 so they come out to total dual coil ohms of 0.4. Also I don't have a ohm meter soils how accurate is it if I use my Alien Smok 220 to check the coils ohms since it's regulated and will tell me if I set it up as a new coil. Please help me fellow vapers !!!


In my defence, I was left unsupervised ^^
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I have a few questions I am gettinga vgod pro march mod and I have been researching about ohms law and battery safety and I'm curious to know what wires I should build my pro drip RDA from. I would prefer a dual build and to be safe I know my LG brown battery's are 20A so I don't want to go below ~0.3 ohms so if I buy a preinstalled coils to build on I need two 0.6 ohm coils so they come out to 0.3 ohms together ? Or two 0.8 so they come out to total dual coil ohms of 0.4. Also I don't have a ohm meter soils how accurate is it if I use my Alien Smok 220 to check the coils ohms since it's regulated and will tell me if I set it up as a new coil. Please help me fellow vapers !!!

for that deck half the resistance so build for two 0.6 ohms coils if you want it to come out at 0.3 dual coils

Yes you can use your alien although it is worth picking up a resistance reader at some point with a fire button as well because I’m not sure if the alien has a static reading of resistance after introducing the atty to the mod, so you might well need to screw on and off to check it as you go

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