Let me know how you like the Mini Book, I was looking at them for a while. The IPV Mini's, hold their value online at A LOT of places, so when I find one for $40 or less, its mainly a Black one. I STILL keep a look out though, and for many other mods.
I have the Silver IPV Mini 2 as I heard the other colors chip off, but I baby mine anyway.
You MUST be a VERY smart shopper!!! Man, I feel like iv been paying WAY too much now lol
Just reading back a bit in this thread... as a matter of fact, I LOVE!!!!!! that miniBook, I seem to use it more than any of my other mods now. It's *almost* too small for my hand, but the thickness of it body helps to offset that. It's got great handfeel; that enamel on it is soooooo smooth, and really tough too; I vape at least 50% of the time with my left hand, so my wedding ring bangs it, but after having been in regular, near-constant use since May 31, there's not a mark or a scratch on it anywhere. WIN! Sigelei makes good shit! In fact, I just ordered a black one, from Sweet-Vapes, who still has the black and white models, on sale -- not as cheap as it was at vaporbeast, but not bad at all: $25.95.
Can't say enough good things about the miniBook. I don't use TC personally, but it's got that, though I think it's only intended to support nickel and titanium wire, it might operate stainless ok too. Does just loverly in wattage mode with Kanthal; and any who vape low-wattage, it does seem to step down very nicely, and I haven't heard any of that so-dreaded rattlesnake sound, though I did sometimes hear that from my sig Zmax.
Oh, it also comes with a silicone sleeve, if you like to use those; I don't, mine's in the drawer, but who knows, I might wanna use it at some point.