Member For 3 Years
I'm struggling to get to .25ohms no matter what I do. All my builds end up at the .15 range and per ohms law I should be no lower than .17 but I'd like to be closer to .25ohms myself. I have 24g stainless steel and kanthal as well as 22g stainless steel and I'm not sure what to do. Is there a good number of wraps I should aim for? I always thought more wraps made it go up but I'm at like 9 wraps each coil 24g stainless steel and end up at .15 on my Kennedy 25. I understand Ohms Law but what I don't seem to understand is what gets to a desired ohm, like what wires work best, thickness, type of metal. I just can't seem to get it down. Can anyone give me some good guidance?