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How to remove flavour taste on tank?


Member For 3 Years
Member For 2 Years
This is like a general question, I just got a Serpent Mini (LOVING IT!) and been using the same juice, a blackcurrant juice, for two days. After that, I used another different juice and there's a tiny hint of the flavour (blackcurrant) when I vape it :eek:

Any way to remove it? All I ever did was just wash it with water and thats it, I heard that soaking it in water might help, but I never did that and yes, I know I can just try instead of being lazy and asking you guys but I just want to know, who knows there might be a different way to remove it. This applies to all tanks tho, not just this Serpent Mini.. Cheers in advance! :thanks:
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Washing the tank and the drip tip should get rid of any lingering tastes, I have a sonic cleaner that does a great job at cleaning all my tank parts.


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Vape Media
Member For 5 Years
i had a flovr stuck in my tank
i actually boiled it to finally get rid of the taste


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I've washed and scrubbed with dish soap, soaked in a mild solution of baking soda, some flavors are tough. I have a really small bottle brush, scrubbed out chimneys, the entire tank, too. Some flavors are tough. If you can't get it to go away, more times than not, they vape away.


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As @Whiskey mentioned, an ultrasonic cleaner does an excellent job in cleaning tanks and RDAs etc., it's the easiest for lazy people (including myself :)). It's also good to remove machine oil from brand new atomizers. Otherwise, a soaking bath in a water with a little vinegar solution might help. Boiling might damage the O-rings!


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I use vodka sometimes and since we got it the sonic cleaner


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In my experience with the serpent mini, the flavor can sometimes really stick in the airflow control area at the bottom.

I have yet to get the ring off, but a good soak can help a lot. That soak can be in anything from vodka to boiling water.

I found that I had to give this area some extra effort to really get the flavor out though. If I just washed/boiled it with the rest, I could still taste old flavors (grape in my case).

So, wash the whole thing using the great suggestions in the thread, then do it again for just the AFC base. Some flavors stick like glue in that damn part.

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