So i got the crius v3 for xmas
am not a builder.
i built a few coils on a kanger subtank rba with very limited success. BUt decided its time I am able to build my own coils and not rely on prebuilt coils.
SO I got a crius base don the multiple good reviews to learn on.
First build I tried was using some pre made SS 316L Clapton wire - 2x26ga core 32ga wrap
That took a lot of work to get anything with enough resistance to fit! I finally got 2 5 wrap coils with a 1.97ish ID to fit, read and fire.
It was reading in at just at .1 ohms and fluctuations kept making my koopor plus think the ohms were too low to fire.
But when it did fire -OMG the flavor was OFF
i was using my ADV which is
fa peach
fa white peach
fa fresh cream
fa mango
fa vanilla (whichever one is handy)
fa pear
All I could taste with this build was peach, and it was metalic and chemically tasting. PLUS it was just too dam hot.
SO i decided - Ok maybe a clapton with such a low ohm is not my thing. I do seem to prefer cooler vapes usually - and maybe this deck just aint big enough to handle this clapton wire and make coils that are high enough in ohms - SO LETS GO SIMPLE
I used 28ga SS 316L
made 2 simple 10 wraps coils with 2.5ish ID
ohms were reading around .5
i dry fired them. pinched them with ceramic tweazers made them nice and tight contact coils.
but 1 coil would heat up a lot faster then the other. But no hot spots. Just one coil heated faster then the other, like 3 times faster.
I made several more coils and kept getting the same results.
I finally got 2 heating up close to the same and tried it.
wicked it with rayon
juiced it up and the flavor was off.
there was this taste undelrying in the vape i can not described. it wasnt,burnt,chemical,oil,metal or anything else, just an off taste.
as for the juice - still my ADV described above
i could taste the peach and mango, but not the cream and vanilla. it was an OK flavor, but not as full as the same juice on my crown .5 coils and that weird taste was there
about a tank or so of this and that weird taste disappeared( i think or i got used to it), and the flavor was improving
i could not take this build past 40 watts without it being burned tasting. Which makes no sense to me since i can run a .5 crown coil at 55 all day long and even higher
So after trying this build out on and off all day, i decided - somethings just not right - i am going to try again.
so i made 2 new coils (28ga SS 316L 10 wraps 2.5ID)
installed them
pulsed and pinched ETC ETC
both were firing the same now both heated the same and from the middle to the legs.
ohms read at .54
I decided to use some konga cotton i had laying around
my ADV tastes ABOUT the same as the crown -i could taste the vanilla and cream with the peach and mango
I went through half a tank with only 2 or so dry hits
switched to my Apple DIY flavor and it tastes spot on (same as in my crown or maganus)
Ive gotten 2 dry hits in about a tank
I can run this one above 50watts with no issue
So as I type this im pretty proud of myself figuring this all out and feeling more confident in making my own coils
1. To those who have used both rayon and cotton - does rayon often give an off flavor or a very DISTINCTIVELY different flavor then cotton?
2. Is it possible my rayon needs cleaned or something - if so HOW?
3. am I right in my thinking that this tank is not well suited for a beginner to try and get a good clapton build in? and would i be best off getting something else to experiment with claptons? if so what other tanks would you suggest? Or what tips can you offer to get claptons in this tank?
4. is there any way to fix the issue i had when 1 coil is heating much faster then the other, besides just making new coils?
5. does rayon effect how high you can fire it? I cant figure out why the first 28g build would be burnt above 40 watts so any thoughts are appreciated here?
6. as i've been typing im getting semi dry hits off this build now. my juice is max VG.has anyone else experienced this issue and how do I fix it? It just seems like the wicking cant wick this juice quite fast enough. do i need to use less wick, more wick or something?
im sure ill have more questions later but lets start here TYIA
am not a builder.
i built a few coils on a kanger subtank rba with very limited success. BUt decided its time I am able to build my own coils and not rely on prebuilt coils.
SO I got a crius base don the multiple good reviews to learn on.
First build I tried was using some pre made SS 316L Clapton wire - 2x26ga core 32ga wrap
That took a lot of work to get anything with enough resistance to fit! I finally got 2 5 wrap coils with a 1.97ish ID to fit, read and fire.
It was reading in at just at .1 ohms and fluctuations kept making my koopor plus think the ohms were too low to fire.
But when it did fire -OMG the flavor was OFF
i was using my ADV which is
fa peach
fa white peach
fa fresh cream
fa mango
fa vanilla (whichever one is handy)
fa pear
All I could taste with this build was peach, and it was metalic and chemically tasting. PLUS it was just too dam hot.
SO i decided - Ok maybe a clapton with such a low ohm is not my thing. I do seem to prefer cooler vapes usually - and maybe this deck just aint big enough to handle this clapton wire and make coils that are high enough in ohms - SO LETS GO SIMPLE
I used 28ga SS 316L
made 2 simple 10 wraps coils with 2.5ish ID
ohms were reading around .5
i dry fired them. pinched them with ceramic tweazers made them nice and tight contact coils.
but 1 coil would heat up a lot faster then the other. But no hot spots. Just one coil heated faster then the other, like 3 times faster.
I made several more coils and kept getting the same results.
I finally got 2 heating up close to the same and tried it.
wicked it with rayon
juiced it up and the flavor was off.
there was this taste undelrying in the vape i can not described. it wasnt,burnt,chemical,oil,metal or anything else, just an off taste.
as for the juice - still my ADV described above
i could taste the peach and mango, but not the cream and vanilla. it was an OK flavor, but not as full as the same juice on my crown .5 coils and that weird taste was there
about a tank or so of this and that weird taste disappeared( i think or i got used to it), and the flavor was improving
i could not take this build past 40 watts without it being burned tasting. Which makes no sense to me since i can run a .5 crown coil at 55 all day long and even higher
So after trying this build out on and off all day, i decided - somethings just not right - i am going to try again.
so i made 2 new coils (28ga SS 316L 10 wraps 2.5ID)
installed them
pulsed and pinched ETC ETC
both were firing the same now both heated the same and from the middle to the legs.
ohms read at .54
I decided to use some konga cotton i had laying around
my ADV tastes ABOUT the same as the crown -i could taste the vanilla and cream with the peach and mango
I went through half a tank with only 2 or so dry hits
switched to my Apple DIY flavor and it tastes spot on (same as in my crown or maganus)
Ive gotten 2 dry hits in about a tank
I can run this one above 50watts with no issue
So as I type this im pretty proud of myself figuring this all out and feeling more confident in making my own coils
1. To those who have used both rayon and cotton - does rayon often give an off flavor or a very DISTINCTIVELY different flavor then cotton?
2. Is it possible my rayon needs cleaned or something - if so HOW?
3. am I right in my thinking that this tank is not well suited for a beginner to try and get a good clapton build in? and would i be best off getting something else to experiment with claptons? if so what other tanks would you suggest? Or what tips can you offer to get claptons in this tank?
4. is there any way to fix the issue i had when 1 coil is heating much faster then the other, besides just making new coils?
5. does rayon effect how high you can fire it? I cant figure out why the first 28g build would be burnt above 40 watts so any thoughts are appreciated here?
6. as i've been typing im getting semi dry hits off this build now. my juice is max VG.has anyone else experienced this issue and how do I fix it? It just seems like the wicking cant wick this juice quite fast enough. do i need to use less wick, more wick or something?
im sure ill have more questions later but lets start here TYIA