@vuJim I agree with you 100% that because of where the seepage occurs it seems unlikely wicking is the issue. whenever mine has leaked...it comes form bothe where your seepage does and through the afc holes.
MAYBE and this is a big maybe with almopst the rightw icking it leaks but not so much and that little bit some how runs between the afc and jfc becuase theres not enough to push it past that point to the afc. SO MAYBE once again a big maybe, the seppage between afc and jfc is a leak due to wicking issues but its such a small leakage that air flow and deck design divert the leaking juice into that area instead of out the afc holes. like the air intake through the afc is actually diverting teh leaking juice. Im not sur eif Im explaining what Im thinking well, but I think you are smart enough to know what i mean.
being the noob i am and having only used a kanger rba deck a few times, this is really my first deck ive worked with and my lack of knowledge heloed me do something taht is a little different then the norm and thats whats needed for the tank to work properly. so i got lucky. I still have no clue.
NOw I have a new question for all..
so I got the koopor plus with this thing
my build is
10 wrap contact 28g SS 316L 2mmish ID
i run it in power mode at around 44w. anything more and its burny tasty almost dry hit tasting.
SO i thought to myself...lets try SS TC finally.
And Im having no luck with this thing. I set the TCR to 88 which is what steam engine says 316l is
I set it to normal
i set it to dual coil
i take 1 hit its fine
regardless of temp
i take a second hit and its burny dry tasting
by the third hit its nasty..i cant tell if its just burny tasting or its dry hitting. And the weird thing is on the koopor plus
when you are in TC mode
and hit the fire button it actually displays the temp it thinks the coil is. and my temps not even getting to 400 and it it feels hotter then an ni200 coil set to 572 on my d2 or 3li
so anyone having luck with a crius in tc mode with a ss 316l build...if so what tcr are you using and what type of build.
i did read that some people say you ave to use spaced coils for this to work, but I just dont know.