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I Need a Plan to Help a Friend Kick Nicotine


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Hey, everyone!

I'm pretty new to Vaping, having only just bought my first setup the other day. It's actually not even here yet! I myself am not addicted to Nicotine; I bought the Vape to try and curb my sweet tooth, keep from eating when I'm bored and not hungry, and keep from drinking so much (I mean liquid in general, not booze; water, soda, etc).

A friend of mine who IS addicted to Nicotine tried to switch to Vaping not too long ago and didn't stick with it; he said it wasn't working. However, when I looked into what he was using, I found out why; it's a Blu e-Cig. I talked with him about getting into like I am (buying a setup that's actually good), but he's skeptical.

What I want to do is go to him with a plan in hand to help him out; a schedule, if you will. I was thinking I could have him record how many cigarettes he smokes in a week, total up approximately how much Nicotine that is in a week, and then figure out which level of Nicotine he should have in his juice. Then every few weeks (maybe every month) he can drop to a lower level of Nicotine in his juice until he's eventually free of addiction!

The point of this topic is to see if any of you can help me out with this. Have you or someone you know gradually weened off of Nicotine while Vaping, and if so, how did you do it? Was it planned out, or "played by ear," so to speak? If I don't come to him with a plan, he might not want to go for it...

Thank you! :)

Before anyone asks, yes; he does want to quit smoking. He's talked about it for months and months now, but just keeps procrastinating. I want to help him.


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1. You actually want to drink loooots of water when you vape; it dehydrates you and is part of why smoking is bad for your teeth. You shouldn't vape to drink less water.

2. I've never seen these sorts of plans work. A blu or something is great so someone can see they don't spit out toxic fumes, but if he seems unsatisfied then bump up to something better -- whatever it takes to stay off the stinkies. People differ wildly about what starting mg to use, and I've seen it go both ways. So basically:

a) get something effective yet not too expensive -- people will suggest $50 setups but it's not necessary in terms of bang/buck

b) don't drop 24mg on someone smoking 4 ultralights a day, yet 6mg might not make them feel satisfied

c) if they get off stinkies and want to start lowering their dose, great! do it gradually -- they may chain-vape for a bit until their body resets, or may just have something come up and lose interest and no more nicotine (quitting vaping seems easier than quitting smoking, anecdotally)

There's a limit to what you can do without yourself and vaping becoming associated with being annoying, like a vegatarian or *shudder* a vegan.


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Thanks for the reply, [USER]DrunkenBatman[/USER]!
I wasn't aware that Vaping could dehydrate you, so thanks for sharing that with me! Allow me to clarify though... I'm taking up Vaping primarily to curb my insatiable sweet tooth, my frequent snacking, and the habitual chewing of the inside of my cheeks and bottom lip.

As a Diabetic, I drink a lot of Crystal Light and Diet Sunkist. Sometimes I'm opening a can or mixing a glass when I'm not even thirsty though, haha. It's like my mouth needs to be busy or something. So, I just want to cut back a bit, not stop drinking altogether. Thanks for the information though!
He said he doesn't like the taste of the Blu. I imagine cigarettes taste worse, but whatever, haha. :p
If he got a nice simple setup like mine (an Eleaf IStick and an Aspire Nautilus Mini) he'd probably be a lot happier!

The reason I want to see about how much Nicotine he takes in every day is to see what MG he should start with in his juice.
Obviously it's not an exact science; I'm just looking for some rough guidelines.

Even if he can't or won't kick the Nicotine altogether, at least he could start Vaping full-time to stop killing himself.
He's talked a lot about quitting or switching to Vaping; as his friend, I feel I need to help him commit.


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It's the thousands of other chemicals in cigs that cause the addiction and cancer, not the nicotine. Nicotine by itself is pretty harmless and not much different from caffeine. Both have similar effects on the body and similar withdrawal symptoms. Although I'm pretty sure people get far more caffine in their body then nicotine simply because it is far easier to obtain. Coffee, soda, and chocolate are obviously easier to buy and consume then cigs.

As for switching from smoking to vaping, the way a coworker got me to switch was he just kept talking about it and he seemed to be enjoying it a lot. He would get real excited talking about the mods, the coils, the conventions and the flavors. He didn't pester me or bug me at all, it was just just general conversation in the smoking area at work. I was considering giving up cig's already so he was pretty much adding fuel to the desire. After a month or two, I decided to give it a try and haven't had a cig since.

I went from 2about 2 packs of NewPort 100s a week to vaping 6mg liquid a week.
Starting to buy 3mg liquid now though since I'm now using rebuildable atomizers and they are far more efficient at delivering the nicotine.


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I don't doubt he didn't like the taste of the blu, Drum...LOL
I think the set up you have would be great for him with a tasty juice in the tank!!!!!
He can experiment with the nic Mg until he reaches what is just right for him:)


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Definitely start out with something simple like what you are getting or even an eGo battery with a tank. For me though, I was back and forth between dipping (nicotine) and vaping because I just simply didn't enjoy the airflow I got out of the tanks. It wasn't until my brother hooked me up with one of his old mech mods and RDAs that I finally quit dipping all together. For me, I love the airflow, flavor, clouds, and the ability to tinker or customize what you are using to your own preferences.

I wouldn't suggest starting him on mech mods and drippers though, due to the huge learning curve you have to overcome first. Have him get a simple battery (maybe even a VV so he can mess with that), a tank, and a couple different flavors and let him try it out for a bit. If he enjoys it, great! If he doesn't enjoy it but seems to like the flavors and notices that he hasn't craved a cig as much, then maybe suggest researching a mechanical mod and RDA.

As far as the mg level goes, a pack a day smoker of lites would be around 12 or 18mg juice. At a pack a day I'd say he could handle the 18 mg as long as he didn't chain vape it all day long. However, nic level differs person to person, so if he gets a huge head buzz and/or headache, he could drop down in nic and if he is still craving cigs and isn't getting any side effects from the nic, he could raise the nic level.

If you end up going with an eGo and tank, I have a Word document for beginners that I made for my girlfriends dad when I gave it to him if you'd like me to send it to you. Just PM me your email address and I'll do just that!

Happy to help and good luck to both of you!


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I was once a two pack per day smoker. I'm 46 and had been smoking since 17. On November 23 2013
I bought an ego style kit with two batteries and two top coil clearomizers and a 30 ml bottle of 24 mg nic
tobacco flavored juice. I shocked myself when I cut my smoking in half over night. from forty to twenty
smokes per day in 24 hours. (I didn't expect it to work so well). By the tenth day of vaping, I was only
smoking three cigs per day and I wasn't enjoying them anymore. A couple days later I decided I wouldn't
smoke anymore, and put my top-o-matic cig injector, tubes and tobacco up on a shelf.

I had done it with so little effort I was astonished!
A switch had clicked in my mind and I viewed vaping as superior to smoking.

I spent a few months reading and watching everything vape related I could find on the net. I wanted to
know the whole story of vaping past and present. At first I didn't know how far into the hobby/collecting
side of vaping I would go, and worried a little that I'd become obsessed. In January I started playing with
re-buildable drippers, genesis tanks, and mechanical mods. I realized I was having fun and embraced
my new obsession. By March I'd become an rda/mechanical freak, heheh, and I still am. ;)

I thought I wanted to get to 0 nic for much of the year, and had slowly lowered my nic levels to 2mg.
After a couple months at 2mg I realized that I was only cheating on my lowering nic levels quest by
chain vaping the juice and going through 10 to 15 ml per day. Now, I'm back up to 3mg/ml and I
no longer want to get to 0 nic. I just want to enjoy vaping and do what I can to keep vaping around
for everyone else.

It's so rewarding to see others stop smoking and start vaping. It's hard to show smokers the light and
have them see the same light you do. It's as though they have this love they feel will be betrayed and
anything in the way is a threat to it. If you care about them, keep supporting them. ;)

Good luck Drums
Last edited:


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I know this has been said before.


You should do that anyway but you really need it with vaping or soon your tasty E-Liquids will taste like cardboard.


It's VG/PG not PG/VG
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Id'e say start with no less the 18mg since he's a skeptical one (even though i wouldn't even consider blu as e-cigs).
I wouldn't even consider lowering the nic levels before he sticks with it.


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Id'e say start with no less the 18mg since he's a skeptical one (even though i wouldn't even consider blu as e-cigs).
I wouldn't even consider lowering the nic levels before he sticks with it.
I agree to probably start with 18mg (if he smokes a pack or near a pack a day) but I disagree with not lowering mg level before sticking with it. Yes I agree if it doesn't effect him at all, but if he gets headaches or light headed he will need to go down in mg.


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Wow! This got a lot of great, detailed replies; awesome! :D
My replies will be in red, inside each quote box so as to save space and maintain organization.
It's the thousands of other chemicals in cigs that cause the addiction and cancer, not the nicotine. Nicotine by itself is pretty harmless and not much different from caffeine. Both have similar effects on the body and similar withdrawal symptoms. Although I'm pretty sure people get far more caffine in their body then nicotine simply because it is far easier to obtain. Coffee, soda, and chocolate are obviously easier to buy and consume then cigs.

Is it really the other chemicals that cause the addiction? Or do you mean that, while you do become addicted to the Nicotine, you become much more addicted to the various other chemicals within the cigarette?

As for switching from smoking to vaping, the way a coworker got me to switch was he just kept talking about it and he seemed to be enjoying it a lot. He would get real excited talking about the mods, the coils, the conventions and the flavors. He didn't pester me or bug me at all, it was just just general conversation in the smoking area at work. I was considering giving up cig's already so he was pretty much adding fuel to the desire. After a month or two, I decided to give it a try and haven't had a cig since.

Yeah, that makes sense. I don't think I've gotten to the point of pestering him though; I've only briefly mentioned it to him a time or two since he tried using the Blu e-Cig that he bought. When I've gotten a plan together and present it to him along with my new Vape, if he's resistant I'll let it be rather than pester.

I went from 2about 2 packs of NewPort 100s a week to vaping 6mg liquid a week.
Starting to buy 3mg liquid now though since I'm now using rebuildable atomizers and they are far more efficient at delivering the nicotine.

That's great, man! Congratulations! :)

I don't doubt he didn't like the taste of the blu, Drum...LOL
I think the set up you have would be great for him with a tasty juice in the tank!!!!!
He can experiment with the nic Mg until he reaches what is just right for him:)
Are they really that bad? The Blu e-Cigs, I mean. I used to smoke when I was a young kid, and it's hard to imagine a worse taste than cigarettes. :p

Definitely start out with something simple like what you are getting or even an eGo battery with a tank. For me though, I was back and forth between dipping (nicotine) and vaping because I just simply didn't enjoy the airflow I got out of the tanks. It wasn't until my brother hooked me up with one of his old mech mods and RDAs that I finally quit dipping all together. For me, I love the airflow, flavor, clouds, and the ability to tinker or customize what you are using to your own preferences.

I wouldn't suggest starting him on mech mods and drippers though, due to the huge learning curve you have to overcome first. Have him get a simple battery (maybe even a VV so he can mess with that), a tank, and a couple different flavors and let him try it out for a bit. If he enjoys it, great! If he doesn't enjoy it but seems to like the flavors and notices that he hasn't craved a cig as much, then maybe suggest researching a mechanical mod and RDA.

Yeah, I didn't plan to recommend he start with anything that's too advanced, as it could be too complicated and deter him from Vaping altogether. A simple setup like the one that I bought (which actually just came in the mail today) would be a much better starting point. From there, if he enjoys it and wants to see what else is out there; he can! If not, and he'd rather continue on with the simple setup; he can do that as well!

As far as the mg level goes, a pack a day smoker of lites would be around 12 or 18mg juice. At a pack a day I'd say he could handle the 18 mg as long as he didn't chain vape it all day long. However, nic level differs person to person, so if he gets a huge head buzz and/or headache, he could drop down in nic and if he is still craving cigs and isn't getting any side effects from the nic, he could raise the nic level.

I don't believe he smokes lites, but I'm not 100% sure either. I also don't think he smokes a pack a day, but again; I'm not 100% sure of that either. I'll need to get some data from him before we can all effectively devise a plan. What you said makes perfect sense though!

If you end up going with an eGo and tank, I have a Word document for beginners that I made for my girlfriends dad when I gave it to him if you'd like me to send it to you. Just PM me your email address and I'll do just that!

Happy to help and good luck to both of you!

If he does with an eGo, I'll certainly send you a PM for that document! Thanks! :)

I was once a two pack per day smoker. I'm 46 and had been smoking since 17. On November 23 2013
I bought an ego style kit with two batteries and two top coil clearomizers and a 30 ml bottle of 24 mg nic
tobacco flavored juice. I shocked myself when I cut my smoking in half over night. from forty to twenty
smokes per day in 24 hours. (I didn't expect it to work so well). By the tenth day of vaping, I was only
smoking three cigs per day and I wasn't enjoying them anymore. A couple days later I decided I wouldn't
smoke anymore, and put my top-o-matic cig injector, tubes and tobacco up on a shelf.

I had done it with so little effort I was astonished!
A switch had clicked in my mind and I viewed vaping as superior to smoking.

That's awesome! What a great example of a success story, man! To go from smoking two packs a day down to less than three individual cigarettes a day in just ten days is phenomenal! :D

I spent a few months reading and watching everything vape related I could find on the net. I wanted to
know the whole story of vaping past and present. At first I didn't know how far into the hobby/collecting
side of vaping I would go, and worried a little that I'd become obsessed. In January I started playing with
re-buildable drippers, genesis tanks, and mechanical mods. I realized I was having fun and embraced
my new obsession. By March I'd become an rda/mechanical freak, heheh, and I still am. ;)

I basically did the same thing once I started my first topic here on the forum asking for help as a beginner. I stayed up all night and into the late morning reading articles, watching device reviews on YouTube, searching around the Internet for reliable retailers and good deals on a nice setup, etc.

I'm shocked at just how deep Vaping can go, and how involving of a hobby it can be! There's this nagging feeling in the back of my head that I'm going to end up eventually spending quite a bit of money on it. ;) :D

I thought I wanted to get to 0 nic for much of the year, and had slowly lowered my nic levels to 2mg.
After a couple months at 2mg I realized that I was only cheating on my lowering nic levels quest by
chain vaping the juice and going through 10 to 15 ml per day. Now, I'm back up to 3mg/ml and I
no longer want to get to 0 nic. I just want to enjoy vaping and do what I can to keep vaping around
for everyone else.

That's something that my friend (Justin is his name) mighj end up wanting to do as well. Which is fine by me, honestly; there's nothing inherently bad about being addicted to Nicotine. So, if he's unable to or simply doesn't want to kick the Nicotine, at least, I hope he'll start and stick to Vaping full-time.

It's so rewarding to see others stop smoking and start vaping. It's hard to show smokers the light and
have them see the same light you do. It's as though they have this love they feel will be betrayed and
anything in the way is a threat to it. If you care about them, keep supporting them. ;)

Good luck Drums

I agree completely! I hope to bring Justin, as well as my aunt Annette into the light and switch them to Vaping instead of smoking! Thanks, man. :)

I know this has been said before, but DRINK LOTS OF WATER!

You should do that anyway but you really need it with vaping or soon your tasty E-Liquids will taste like cardboard.

Thanks for the reminder / information! :)

I agree to probably start with 18mg (if he smokes a pack or near a pack a day) but I disagree with not lowering mg level before sticking with it. Yes I agree if it doesn't effect him at all, but if he gets headaches or light headed he will need to go down in mg.

You read my mind, Ben! 18mg may be a good starting point, but if he starts head-rushing like a teenager smoking his first cigarette on the playground, he obviously needs to drop to a lower level. On the other hand, if he starts chain-Vaping like a fiend he needs to jump to a higher level.

Find out what he smokes and how much he smokes.
With that info, we can do a better job at suggesting a nicotine level.

FYI, Bulk E-Juice will totally customize the nic level in your liquid beyond what is in the drop down menu. You just gotta ask.

Yeah, I'll get that information to you guys as soon as I can!

Is Bulk e-Juice a retailer / website?


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Is it really the other chemicals that cause the addiction? Or do you mean that, while you do become addicted to the Nicotine, you become much more addicted to the various other chemicals within the cigarette?

Kinda complex.
Studies have been done with other nicotine based items (like gum and patches) and found that these items do not result in a nicotine addiction. Lab rats were given just nicotine and went about their daily lives, not trying to obtain more when it was offered. It was found that nicotine, in it's pure form, was only mildly addictive.

However, cigarettes contain many other chemicals. Some of these chemicals have MAO Inhibitors which are commonly found in Anti-Depressant medications prescribed as a *last resort* because of side effects and bad interactions with other drugs and foods. They work by changing the chemicals in your brain to make you happier. Nicotine is found to release Dopamine, MAOIs prevent the body from eliminating excess Dopamine and other chemicals. The result is a prolonged good feeling. It was found that lab rats given Nicotine *and* MAOIs made an attempt to obtain more nicotine. Simply put, the other chemicals in cigarettes result in your body becoming far more susceptible to developing a nicotine addiction.

Bit more in-depth if your interested, most this is just part of research I did about other stuff long ago, so may not be accurate: When your brain chemistry is altered artificially (in this case, Nicotine and MAOIs resulting in increased Dopamine), the body automatically attempts to fix it. After a period of time, the brain forms a balance with the new added chemicals and the ones used to clean them up, in other words, your body gets used to it. When you stop providing those extra chemicals, the excess chemicals produced by your body result in the headaches, etc that make up withdraw symptoms. There is no longer a balance and your body is telling you it is lacking the chemicals you were providing, you have developed an addiction.


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Would be better if that "HAPPY HOLIDAYS FROM THE UNDERGROUND!" message was replaced with that 'last chance to vote' thing so it wouldn't need to be posted everywhere.


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Kinda complex.
Studies have been done with other nicotine based items (like gum and patches) and found that these items do not result in a nicotine addiction. Lab rats were given just nicotine and went about their daily lives, not trying to obtain more when it was offered. It was found that nicotine, in it's pure form, was only mildly addictive.

However, cigarettes contain many other chemicals. Some of these chemicals have MAO Inhibitors which are commonly found in Anti-Depressant medications prescribed as a *last resort* because of side effects and bad interactions with other drugs and foods. They work by changing the chemicals in your brain to make you happier. Nicotine is found to release Dopamine, MAOIs prevent the body from eliminating excess Dopamine and other chemicals. The result is a prolonged good feeling. It was found that lab rats given Nicotine *and* MAOIs made an attempt to obtain more nicotine. Simply put, the other chemicals in cigarettes result in your body becoming far more susceptible to developing a nicotine addiction.

Bit more in-depth if your interested, most this is just part of research I did about other stuff long ago, so may not be accurate: When your brain chemistry is altered artificially (in this case, Nicotine and MAOIs resulting in increased Dopamine), the body automatically attempts to fix it. After a period of time, the brain forms a balance with the new added chemicals and the ones used to clean them up, in other words, your body gets used to it. When you stop providing those extra chemicals, the excess chemicals produced by your body result in the headaches, etc that make up withdraw symptoms. There is no longer a balance and your body is telling you it is lacking the chemicals you were providing, you have developed an addiction.
That's some awesome information, man! I never knew ANY of that, and I'm actually glad that you told me (I like to know things :p)!


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I already voted, dammit! ;) :D

Go answer my question in the Help Section. :p


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Lmfaorotf. That's why I love this forum. Its hilarious!

Sent from my LGL35G


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okok, I just voted.

Vaping Underground is now only 14 votes below Dr Crimmy for Best of 2014


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Here's a bit of an update.

Tonight, my friend placed an order from Vape NW for the iStick and a Mini Nautilus just like what I have!

I was over there all day today and we switched back and forth with it all day and night while I was there.
When he wanted to use it he'd throw his Kanger Aerotank on it and Vape it a few times.
He's using some generic juice that's 14mg, 100% PG and mimics Marlboro Red tobacco flavor.

All in all, he was thoroughly impressed. He was getting much better vapor production and flavor with the iStick.
I'm not sure of the model, but he's got a Kanger eGo style device; non VV / VW, obviously.
It barely puts out any vapor at all, even with a deep, long hit. That's why it wasn't satisfying his cravings.

Along with the iStick and the Mini Nautilus he picked up some 12mg, 70vg/30pg Cyber Liquids "Supernova."
He's also planning to get one of the sample packs from Vape Wild in 12mg, 50vg/50pg; 6 flavors, 10ml each.

Not bad, eh?! I'm glad I was able to inspire him down the road to getting off of Stinkies! :D


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When, i started to kick nic, I started at 12mg and vaped that for a month, then for a week mixed in 6 mg then for 2 days back to 12 then for the next week mixed every other day between 3mg and 6mg after 2 months I can now say I vape a steady 3mg and 0 at any given time


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Here's a bit of an update.

Tonight, my friend placed an order from Vape NW for the iStick and a Mini Nautilus just like what I have!

I was over there all day today and we switched back and forth with it all day and night while I was there.
When he wanted to use it he'd throw his Kanger Aerotank on it and Vape it a few times.
He's using some generic juice that's 14mg, 100% PG and mimics Marlboro Red tobacco flavor.

All in all, he was thoroughly impressed. He was getting much better vapor production and flavor with the iStick.
I'm not sure of the model, but he's got a Kanger eGo style device; non VV / VW, obviously.
It barely puts out any vapor at all, even with a deep, long hit. That's why it wasn't satisfying his cravings.

Along with the iStick and the Mini Nautilus he picked up some 12mg, 70vg/30pg Cyber Liquids "Supernova."
He's also planning to get one of the sample packs from Vape Wild in 12mg, 50vg/50pg; 6 flavors, 10ml each.

Not bad, eh?! I'm glad I was able to inspire him down the road to getting off of Stinkies! :D

GREAT job Drums, That is so AWESOME!!!!!!:):)


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When, i started to kick nic, I started at 12mg and vaped that for a month, then for a week mixed in 6 mg then for 2 days back to 12 then for the next week mixed every other day between 3mg and 6mg after 2 months I can now say I vape a steady 3mg and 0 at any given time
Thanks for the info! :D

GREAT job Drums, That is so AWESOME!!!!!!:):)
Thanks! I couldn't agree more. :D


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Honestly, if a person isnt 100% willing in their own minds to quit NOTHING will help. For me, I vape 90% of the time, but I still smoke. It's just my way of doing it. I started vaping only as a boredom thing until I found some juices I REALLY liked. After a few months now I still smoke, but only maybe 2 cigs a day, and I generally only smoke a quarter of one at a time. For your friend who is having some issues with vaping in place of smoking, maybe he should use it as a way to REDUCE the amount he smokes rather than to QUIT for now. It worked for me just though I'd share.


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I was a heavy smoker for 50 years and it took me just over one month to get off cigarettes. Have not had one in 15 months. I came up with a 5 week plan to stop. First thing I did was stop smoking and only vape at work. Smoked like crazy before and after. Did this for 2 weeks until I was comfortable with it. I still went to the smoking area to vape as that was where my friends were. A lot of our smoking is habitual. We do things and then smoke during or after them as that is what we always did. Once I got comfortable with not smoking at work, I started removing some of my habitual times. For instance, after dinner I had to smoke so I started vaping after dinner while still smoking at other times. I kept doing this until the last thing left was the first smoke in the morning. That was the last thing that I removed. Worked for me but everyone is different.

The thing that I started to realize is that there is two parts to smoking; the addiction to nicotine and the habit of smoking. I almost believe that the habit of smoking is more difficult to overcome than the addiction to nicotine. Smokers love the act of smoking. Since I quit, I have gone from 24mg down to 6mg. Each time I reduce it, I do not notice the difference and have had no problem with dropping the amount. I will soon be dropping down to 3mg.

I have my doubts that I will stop vaping when I hit 0 mg as I now love the act of vaping. I do not miss smoking and cannot ever see myself starting it again. That statement would have flabbergasted me 16 months ago.

Another important thing to me was that I had to find a tobacco flavor that I liked. That was difficult. I ended up making my own. To this day, I only vape the one flavor.


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Honestly, if a person isnt 100% willing in their own minds to quit NOTHING will help. For me, I vape 90% of the time, but I still smoke. It's just my way of doing it. I started vaping only as a boredom thing until I found some juices I REALLY liked. After a few months now I still smoke, but only maybe 2 cigs a day, and I generally only smoke a quarter of one at a time. For your friend who is having some issues with vaping in place of smoking, maybe he should use it as a way to REDUCE the amount he smokes rather than to QUIT for now. It worked for me just though I'd share.
He seems really excited about getting his Vape in the mail though, so it's a good sign!

I was a heavy smoker for 50 years and it took me just over one month to get off cigarettes. Have not had one in 15 months. I came up with a 5 week plan to stop. First thing I did was stop smoking and only vape at work. Smoked like crazy before and after. Did this for 2 weeks until I was comfortable with it. I still went to the smoking area to vape as that was where my friends were. A lot of our smoking is habitual. We do things and then smoke during or after them as that is what we always did. Once I got comfortable with not smoking at work, I started removing some of my habitual times. For instance, after dinner I had to smoke so I started vaping after dinner while still smoking at other times. I kept doing this until the last thing left was the first smoke in the morning. That was the last thing that I removed. Worked for me but everyone is different.

The thing that I started to realize is that there is two parts to smoking; the addiction to nicotine and the habit of smoking. I almost believe that the habit of smoking is more difficult to overcome than the addiction to nicotine. Smokers love the act of smoking. Since I quit, I have gone from 24mg down to 6mg. Each time I reduce it, I do not notice the difference and have had no problem with dropping the amount. I will soon be dropping down to 3mg.

I have my doubts that I will stop vaping when I hit 0 mg as I now love the act of vaping. I do not miss smoking and cannot ever see myself starting it again. That statement would have flabbergasted me 16 months ago.

Another important thing to me was that I had to find a tobacco flavor that I liked. That was difficult. I ended up making my own. To this day, I only vape the one flavor.
That's an awesome story, man! Thanks for sharing it! :D

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