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I think vaping has hooked me, but also saved me.


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Hi people. You probably might of read 'my story' which explained about my alcoholism, I was also a drug addict too at certain points, I have 'beaten' that one 3 times (Opiates were my downfall).

Now, I am constantly on this website, and constantly looking at new mods to buy. This does not aversely affect my money, I can still live comfortably with family and pay my way, but I have been here 4-5 Months, I have already purchased 6 mods, Although the Sig 50 was for the fiancee after the 30 I gave her 'broke' (It started firing at minimum power no matter what. I put it back in its box to RIP after taking it apart, repairing a few things I could visually see, but still no luck.

After about a month in its box, It hit me. I had not tried switching from PWM to DC and back. I tried that, and guess what? Its bloody out of that box like dracula on a blood bank, and working perfectly. I think switching the modes somehow 'reset' something in the chip, and I have had no further problems) So I now have the 30 and she has the 50, as she wants to eventually get into drippers, so I think she will appreciate them 20 extra watts.

I am learning something new almost daily, I even own my first mech (It is good, but battery life DOES suck. There is a few I like the look of though, so may just get them for display/occasional use.

With the mods out now, I see no reason, apart from £/$, to get a mech and not go regulated. Most of the new ones fire down to 0.1, even lower, and in a way, that does not matter as much anyway.

Building low was just to get more power, on a regulated you just press a button with a + or - , to go up or down, you do not have to build to the power you want. I currently have a 0.6 in the mech for around 32 watts and below. If it was perfect, it would be 35, but it is a few watts short, I am using single coil, and I think through the cycle it goes from around 32 at its highest, down to around 25, before a massive, quick drop off.

People said it would be obvious when to change, them people were correct.

I did not use nicotine, but after buying some for my fiancee (Over 3 weeks smoke free with the vape, well I say 3 weeks she did have 5 puffs of a cigarette, but I said don't take that as a failure, you are doing great, and she is still vaping instead of smoking, with no Withdrawals!)

She was a very light smoker, and really just wants her mods to work. So she is currently using a nautilus mini I gave her with a SIg 50 I bought for her birthday, well I gave her the 30 W as a side present, but when it 'broke' I bought her a 50 watt, as I knew she wanted to quit, and as it was a present I felt I should replace it, (Not a cheapskate BTW, I did buy her a main present of a Orient automatic watch which cost over £100), I gave her the nautilus, RSBT2, sig 30, and a new mutation x V4 for another gift, as she made many comments she was going to buy one, so I thought well I have enough, why not give her what I started on?

I DO now use nicotine, after trying her vape with the same flavour as mine. BOOOM it was times 10. I use between 1MG to a maximum of 3 MG, depending on throat hit required, I am not worried about addiction as I do not believe nicotine in pure form to be highly addictive, I believe it to be highly addictive in cigarette/rolling tobacco with added chemicals.

Even if It was addictive, I was using my vape so much you would think I WAS stopping smoking, but I was just enjoying flavours. I am a high risk of developing dementia/alzheimers, so I think the nicotine, in a safe device, is a good, not bad, idea.

Back to the addiction. I have a 7th mod coming, this time a dual battery SMOK Xcube 2, should be with me tomorrow. I got the blu-ey silvery one, only one that was in stock, but the one I actually wanted. All my others are black and silver, apart from the mech, which is brass.

Learning about vaping has kept me occupied though, and with something to do.

I believe without this, I see it as a hobby with juice making and coil building, as well as vaping, I would be back on the brown pinning it up again.

I think my drug addiction was boredom, my alcoholism I know what caused it, severe anxiety. It helped stop that. Hangover caused anxiety. So drink more. BOOM.

Vicious circle there, nearly died last year when I went to hospital with liver failure, had a large alcohol withdrawal seizure which left me brain damaged (I am not wheelchair bound or anything, thank who ever there is out there, as they explained after a brain scan I was lucky. Very lucky.)

Some people who have the type of seizure I have for that long end up weeing into a bag drooling in a wheelchair the rest of their lives. I told I was very lucky, although there is some damage. Luckily I kept my intelligence for the most part, what has been affected is my memory, and also I am quicker to act, say impulse buy, anger, all emotions can happen immediately.

I think I am addicted to vaping.

But it is better than the alternatives I KNOW I would be on.

if it was not for vaping occupying me, and darts, I have taken up the game, and have actually got quite good. For some reason I also collect them, I am up to 11 sets of tungsten darts, some not cheap such as Unicorn phase 5 and 6's, But the dart that suits me best is a 18 Gram (Lightweight for steeltip) reg dragon penetrator straight barrel.
Not the short fat bombers, although if I am playing bad, I go back to the bombers, where they are heavier, they are more forgiving of mistakes (26 Grams). I have found the set that suits me now though, then the second best, then the third best. My best are the penetrators,only 5.6MM thick so can group them together, second the phase 5's, but they are 8MM bombers, so hard to get three in the treble (I have hit 14 180's since starting in march, not too bad :p ), and my third best set are a phase 5 copy called eagles, they are black like the phase 5's I have, but have a silver back section with more grip. I am a rear gripper. My thumb rests on the main grip, mr forefinger on the rear grip, and they feel made for me.

If they was not so fat I would use them as my main dart.

Anyway, I think vaping has, and will, Continue to save me. This message is getting long, but one near final aspect.

The tech to learn, the juice making to learn, the mods and chips that run them, trying new mods, I even Enjoy batteries! Learning what each battery does, I know them by number code, my family is sure I have a form of autism, they all say Conan, its not normal how much you know about this, but in a good way. This is all down to members here.

And also, my final message. Stay away from ******. I promised myself as a kid as we all do 'I will never do drugs' well, when you get older that changes.

At my lowest I was hanging around with alcoholics and smackheads who thought it was normal to have a can of special brew at 7 in the morning, like me (Special brew is a fairly cheap UK beer, but is 9%, where as normal beer is around 5% and thats a pretty high one, normal is around 4%. As you can guess, it is the alcoholics choice in beer.)

Thats how I got into the drugs as well. I thought I wanted death, but when death come I knew I wanted to live.

I owe everything to whoever created the 'Ecig' and the first 'Mod'.

I believe I would of joined some of my old 'Friends' who overdosed and be dead otherwise.
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Silver Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Member For 3 Years
I am glad that vaping has been good for you! It's a great hobby for so many and successful in distracting the chase w chasing juices flavors etc I can only see positives on so many levels for vaping and so many people who Vape are in recovery!!

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Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I am glad that vaping has been good for you! It's a great hobby for so many and successful in distracting the chase w chasing juices flavors etc I can only see positives on so many levels for vaping and so many people who Vape are in recovery!!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Im glad you also called it a hobby.

I did say to one of my friends vaping was a hobby, he said I don't see how that is one, when I explained everything to him such as juice making, coil building, and the tech side of it he agreed it was also a hobby.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Vaping saved me. It's a hobby/obsession as well. Only person I have met that don't like vaping is my Friends wife, (but she don't like me anyway). So far I have been able to live with that. :cool:

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