Yup I agree that one does lol look like a grenade !! my wife actually thought it looked cool when I came across one of those the other day !!
Noticed a lot of good advice here & valid recommendations for starting out kits. Also noticed subtle hints that a newbie vaper needs to do some research and exploration. This was all very good advice & suggestions.
I want to point something out to the original poster. There are many of us seasoned vapers who take umbrage with brands like Blu ecigs. This is justifiably warranted too.
Brands like Blu ecigs are brands what belong to big tobacco corporations, or big pharmaceutical corporations. Many of us have woke up to a realization that big tobacco does not care about its consumers beyond milking away their money. It is big tobacco which lobbies the U.S. government to over regulate a new industry, consumer life choice to use nicotine or not yet to enjoy vaping.
If you're a newbie to vaping you might consider looking up CASAA , SFATA and read about volunteers which were already setting up self regulation within the industry & lifestyle. People gladly stepped up to help protect others and to provide help to others looking for a means of safely quitting big tobacco. They still do as evidenced herein.
People genuinely desire helping other people with vaping & remaining as safe as possible while vaping. These people helping are at times literally saving a life, or two. It was these people, not any government, not any politics, not any religion, not any race, only these caring and compassionate people that got the ball rolling and started creating standards for vaping, for manufacture as well as consumption.
They did this freely, offered up free time in order to help other people. You like the Blu brand ecig, fine. Understand though people here in this thread offered a range of suggestions.
Again, people caring and taking time, expressly for the benefit of another person and doing so freely. How does drawing on that Blu brand ecig feel knowing you're in essence slapping these people in the face by using a big tobacco product? And no, I'm not saying you cannot or that you need to feel guilty over using such a product.
I myself have a few Mark 10 kits, which are made by big tobacco. They were coupon kits and are kept back as last resorts. My point though is as someone coming into vaping, please take your time and learn about vaping, the act of it as well as its culture.
Thank you for reading & please run 'er slow.
As an (almost ) ex-smoker I give my hard earned money to tobacco companies anyway so, if they're offering what I understand to be a healthier alternative I don't understand the issue with purchasing? Maybe I will as time goes on but for now I just want to stop experiencing some of the health implications of my habit.
At the moment I'm happy with the vape i'm using and, as and when I advance, I'll no doubt find the one which suits me best. Thanks to everyone for your help. It's really appreciated
So, if BT has added many chemicals to KEEP you addicted to their products, why would you think what they offer is truly a safer alternative?