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Impact of electronic-cigarette refill liquid on rat testis.


Under Ground Hustler
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Why the fuck would a scientist think that injecting a rat in the nut sack with eliquid would have any possible real world value?

I guess if a guy were to fall down by accident with a syringe full of eliquid.... Fuck!!! that doesn't work either since human nuts differ from rat nuts.

The fucking public health hacks who use our tax dollars via federal grants to shoot up rats in their ball sacks with eliquid are the ones who are NUTS - 5150
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Member For 4 Years
<sarcasm> But...but...but...the rats nutsack rotted and fell off! That e-liquid stuff is evil! If it kills the nads when directly injected, it must be awful for the public health...</sarcasm>


Evil Vulcan's do it with Logic
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Why the fuck would a scientist think that injecting a rat in the nut sack with eliquid would have any possible real world vale?

I guess if a guy were to fall down by accident with a syringe full of eliquid.... Fuck!!! that doesn't work either since human nuts differ from rat nuts.

The fucking public health hacks who use our tax dollars via federal grants to shoot up rats in their ball sacks with eliquid are the ones who are NUTS - 5150
These are the same people that have a multi-million dollar program to study cow farts and cow burps as part of global warming.


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Member For 4 Years
That's the last time I shoot up e-juice in my gonads :eek:

Seriously though, injecting anything in somethings nuts is gonna cause a reaction.

Meeting at lab
tech 1: "What should we do this week?"
tech2: "Let's inject our nuts with ejuice!"
tech1: "Fuck that, let's give it to rats first"
tech2: "Oh yeah, that's prolly a good idea."
tech2: "Then we can publish some useful results."
tech1: "Not really. But I hate those stinking rats!"


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Member For 4 Years about a waste of our money. They should have just injected themselves. Poor rats and poor rats' nuts.


Evil Vulcan's do it with Logic
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<sarcasm> But...but...but...the rats nutsack rotted and fell off! That e-liquid stuff is evil! If it kills the nads when directly injected, it must be awful for the public health...</sarcasm>
Think of all the young teen boys who are going to shoot eliquid into their testicles for a high! Think of the Children!



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I wish our tax dollars may use to research for ecigrates/vaping to prevent that crape smoking habits and Save millions of smokers (and their families)

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk


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i remember, back in '64 or was it '65...
ranch hands and me were out on a mustang round up, bitter cold it was that february...or was it january.
anyways, the boys and i were huddled around the campfire, wind howling...snow against the face felt like pin pricks...
we was drinkin' a bit that night. old henry, he knew i couldnt handle the hard stuff, he kept passing the jug my way...
wasnt long before i was missing margaret. missing and lamenting pretty little margaret...pretty little margaret or was it lily...
anyways, the story as it was told to me years later...
old henry got the notion to take my syringe, the syringe i filled my tank with, and inject my nut sack with some eliquid, alot of eliquid...20 or so ml the story goes.
all those ranch hands who smoked thought it would be fun, so they egged ol' henry it hank (hee hee hee) do it, dooo it.
woke up, cold, hung over...and as i recall a mighty itchy ball sack. some horse linament would fix that. didnt really notice the swollen nut sack, size of a grapefruit, as i recall. just figured it was from the cold, and the wind, and passed out all night without any pants.
kind of a blessing all these years later...
was about a week or so and my nut sack just up and fell clean off...couldnt have any children after that...
just hung it on a fence post in northern new mexico...
been vapin' 6mg ever since...that 24 mg shit is rough on the body i tell ya.
wonder what happened to margaret or was it lily...

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