Here I sit in the thirsty state of Indiana, AKA, Vaping Hell. For about a month now, the available range of e-liquids to vapors have been dwindling faster than Thin Mint Girl Scout Cookies at a menopausal support group. This is an absolute nightmare for flavor chasers like myself. I would go to the local vape shops like pavlov's dogs, salivating at the sight of the open sign in their door. Now that the Senate bill 538 has taken effect, politely referred to as , finding an e juice company that is "legal" to ship to Indiana online is like playing Where's Waldo after having your eyes gouged out.... too much? I need a little help here!! No one seems to know the names of the E-juice lines that are "legal" to ship here in Indiana. They always want to list out the manufacturers, Because that's gonna do me a lot of good. If I google the manufacturers, I wind up with LESS information than I did before. So, how 'bout it. Does ANYONE have a list of e juice lines that are available to us poor bastards left to dry out here in Indiana??