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Is this wire safe?

What's up guys. Long time lurker first time poster. Anyways I ran out of kanthal. I had recently however recently torn apart an old android phone I got for parts on craigslist for 20$. Anyways a spring for the sim tray fell out. Just for shits and giggles I wrapped it just like I would kanthal same wraps looked to be the same gauge I usually use (28) and to my supris it came out to the exact same resistance as my kanthal coils. Now my question is. Is it safe to vape do you guys think? Even just for the weekend until I get new kanthal Monday or Tuesday


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the main issue is confirming whether or not it would break down or if it could handle the load. some people with tc devices use craft wire for coils :D just saying. to each there own and be careful :D
the main issue is confirming whether or not it would break down or if it could handle the load. some people with tc devices use craft wire for coils :D just saying. to each there own and be careful :D
Well I'll try it a bit with low voltage. A few dry fires squeezing with tweezers it acted fine to me. It's not coated with anything either.


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the main issue is confirming whether or not it would break down or if it could handle the load. some people with tc devices use craft wire for coils :D just saying. to each there own and be careful :D
This, as well as not being sure exactly what grade of wiring you are using. This could be unsafe for inhaling into your lungs, especially if it starts reacting with ejuice in a hazardous manner.


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What's up guys. Long time lurker first time poster. Anyways I ran out of kanthal. I had recently however recently torn apart an old android phone I got for parts on craigslist for 20$. Anyways a spring for the sim tray fell out. Just for shits and giggles I wrapped it just like I would kanthal same wraps looked to be the same gauge I usually use (28) and to my supris it came out to the exact same resistance as my kanthal coils. Now my question is. Is it safe to vape do you guys think? Even just for the weekend until I get new kanthal Monday or Tuesday
If the wire is stainless steel (SS), it's no problem at all. I'm in the process of changing all of my coils to SS, due to the ability to use it in either power/watt mode, or in TC mode.


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Problem is no idea what it is. Could be plated wire, which I'd definitely have concerns about. Galvanized? Who knows. Short answer is if you don't know, why risk it?


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Having worked in the cell industry doing repairs.
I am going with NO. cut rate money saving parts often coated to increase durability, not to mention what ever funky fucky petrie dish of filth the cellphones pick up from handling.

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