Den nobuddy nos wut isa sayin'
Quick update - the Mohawk continues to kick ass and take names - been having to pinch flower buds off of it daily
The cigar strain is coming along well also, although it is further behind and thus smaller because it is younger. Also, it seems maybe getting a little too intense an amount of sun - am going to move it up to the lanai to see if cutting down on the sunshine gives it a boost. It also needs to be repotted, but food is definitely taking priority, making it hard to find time or a big enough pot for the cigar tobacco
It seems the Virginia doesn't like intense UV - it is still alive, but not exactly getting bigger. Also, it is in almost pure compost, may need to tone down the nutrients some
Wish I had more time to devote to this - didn't count on the world closing down and needing to prioritize actual food farming when this all began
At the time, was only doing spinach, tomatoes, lettuce and herbs mainly, and rehabbing neglected fruit trees - now it is balls to the wall food production and the tobacco, while still fun, is taking a back seat for sure
View attachment 161647 Mohawk
View attachment 161648 cigar
View attachment 161649 Isn't lilikoi outlandishly beautiful?