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Just put in a new atomizer - spitting a lot


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Member For 1 Year
Thanks! :D I did have a bit of a scare when I first put in my Nautilus with the BVC coils. I didn't realize with the ohm being 1.9 I had to turn the wattage way down. I had it at 30 and man, did I get a burnt hit! I turned it all the way down to 7, though, and now it's fine.


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Member For 4 Years
Oh I have done that before too, talk about a hot hit.....LOL, have to be careful, I have burnt out a few coils that way too


Member For 3 Years
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Member For 1 Year
Oh I have done that before too, talk about a hot hit.....LOL, have to be careful, I have burnt out a few coils that way too
I don't think I'll make that mistake again! XD I was really worried I wasted a brand new coil because it tasted so burnt, but it seems fine now that I've got it turned down.

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Believe it or not, I watched the whole video, and it was quite helpful!

Also, today has been great as far as vaping issues go. I solved my spitting issues with the Kanger tank. The coils were all flooded. I had to blow the shit out of them with a full force of my lungs about 5 times each, but now they all vape smooth with no spitting. That, and my Nautilus tank came early today! :D
AWESOME NEWS!!!! gotta love a happy vaper

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