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Kanger KBOX ???

I need some help, please!! I am curious about graduating to a mod, and wondering if the Kanger KBOX would work for me. Unfortunately, I just don't understand the terminology. The KBOX says it's 8 to 40 watts, and I am completely confused... would I be able to vape the way I like? is 8 watts the same as what I use now? (Clover 2600 at 3.8, with various tanks) Sorry if this is a dumb question... and thanks in advance for some HELP!


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I think you should be alright and like it, you will need a couple 18650 batteries and charger for it and start at the lowest voltage until you are at where you like it.
Here's mine with a Kanger subtank


Teresa P

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The KBox with a good sub tank will blow that Clover out of the water, you'll love it! (And I still have one of those Clovers, was my favorite battery at one time with nearly two days on a single charge..:))

State O' Flux

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I just don't understand the terminology. The KBOX says it's 8 to 40 watts, and I am completely confused... would I be able to vape the way I like?
40 watts will, depending on the wire gauge (and a few other variables that you probably won't encounter at this stage of your vaping life)... support down to around 0.4~0.5Ω net resistance.


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The Kbox is a fantastic, simple variable wattage mod. You will not be disappointed. However, Whiskey is right in that you'll need a couple 20 amp or better 18650 batteries and a decent charger. It would also behoove you to read up on ohms law or you'll fry the coils in the tanks that you used on the Clover.


The Road Warrior
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At that price VaporJoes is posting you'll want to buy two of them. They are good beginner's box mods. And it's always good to have a backup to make sure you've always got a mod handy and good to go. And as said above you'll need some 20 amp continuous drain batteries like Samsung 25Rs or LG HE2's/HE4's or something along those lines. I really like them personally.

On top of all the good things listed above about them there is two other things to keep in mind with them though...

they're not fully adjustable like most mods in the respect that instead of scrolling through the power options they are preset at 8,13,20,25,30,35, and 40 whats so like said above you'll probably want to keep it set at 8 or 13 watts for the tanks you're using on your clover as the jump from 13 to 20 is kind of a big one. And you'll want to be careful with it as it is not the most sturdy mod...they are not fragile but I've seen one go kaput from one waist high drop onto the kitchen floor. That kind of fall can kill any mod if it lands right, I just feel like the Kbox just isn't as sturdy as some other reasonably priced beginner boxes.

But they are great little boxes that are hard to beat for the price...just wanted to make sure you had all the pro's and con's to help make sure you make an informed decision.

With that in mind, in my humble opinions the pro's outweigh the con's by far and I think you'd be happy with the little guy :)


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I managed to score a couple for $12 each shipped last week (how can you not buy two at that price?) - I've only been putting one through the motions for a few days now but I'm loving it, both for the simplicity and for the chance to start using my unmarried batteries again since my mechs only seem to get any play a few days a month...I'm actually more impressed than I am with my iStick 50 I got a few days earlier, though the lack of fine-tuning ability isn't for everyone it works just fine paired with my leaky Subtank that I'm scared to put on the fire-prone iStick.


Member For 4 Years
The Kbox is amazing , simple to use , durable and has a great feel in the hand , I also bought a black one for 17.95 , will be here Monday. A great value and I recommend you get s subtank mini as an upgrade . You'll love it I'm sure

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Teresa P

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I managed to score a couple for $12 each shipped last week (how can you not buy two at that price?) - I've only been putting one through the motions for a few days now but I'm loving it, both for the simplicity and for the chance to start using my unmarried batteries again since my mechs only seem to get any play a few days a month...I'm actually more impressed than I am with my iStick 50 I got a few days earlier, though the lack of fine-tuning ability isn't for everyone it works just fine paired with my leaky Subtank that I'm scared to put on the fire-prone iStick.
Where in the world did you find someone giving them away for 12 bucks??


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Where in the world did you find someone giving them away for 12 bucks?? - new Chinese vendor, they're got a thread named something ridiculous like "boom boom the huge wave of favorable!" in one of the unlisted vendor promo sections. I've got a complete review up over there, not bad on service but the sales are spotty - they were doing Herakles tanks for $15 for a while, have had a couple other killer deals but they only last for a week or so and then prices trend toward typical/high for China...

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