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Good night
I'll be sleeping in late tomorrow.


Excellence In Service
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Couldn't sleep Win lol. Getting ready to go back to Hell LMAO ! It's going to get better though, gotta have hope ! Without hope there's nothing ! That being said..............Morning everyone ! Hope you have a good day ! :)


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mornin folks. bed time for me, but ill have a breakfasty earl grey cinnamon mini donut vape on my way out 'cause everyone else is having breakfast. have a good one all :)
That sounds yummy! One of my favorites is a cinnamon chai juice. Good stuff.

Scooter 72

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My turn you guys have just been winning to much

have a nice day


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Oklahoma let us ,that are registered as "other" vote in the democratic primaries.


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so, I'm attempting some new mixes...went to fill a 240ml bottle with vg to use to fill smaller bottles to test out new mixes.
Realized I was putting PG in it. Oh well. Finished filling it with VG. It's maybe 80% VG so figured, no big deal.

Started sampling some new mixes...ugh, tasted horrible.
Smelled perfect and tasted ok except it left a funny aftertaste in my mouth.
Each bottle was the same, had the main flavoring taste, with a funny aftertaste that stuck in my mouth.
Vaped some of the plain vg/pg mix and it was that.

wtf. is it normal for PG to actually change the flavor of stuff?
I've always mixed with just VG, before DIY, I always bought highest VG I could find.
Does it taste odd just because I'm not used to PG?
Honestly makes me worry about the stuff that I'm mixing to sell.


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I'm sure it would make a difference if you're not used to it. But I've never DIY'd..


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Do you all notice we are coming close to the 10,000 post mark here in this thread?
10K posts and no arguments or fights, this might be a new record for VU.


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That's why I don't post much in other places. Reading all the arguments gets old.


Excellence In Service
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so, I'm attempting some new mixes...went to fill a 240ml bottle with vg to use to fill smaller bottles to test out new mixes.
Realized I was putting PG in it. Oh well. Finished filling it with VG. It's maybe 80% VG so figured, no big deal.

Started sampling some new mixes...ugh, tasted horrible.
Smelled perfect and tasted ok except it left a funny aftertaste in my mouth.
Each bottle was the same, had the main flavoring taste, with a funny aftertaste that stuck in my mouth.
Vaped some of the plain vg/pg mix and it was that.

wtf. is it normal for PG to actually change the flavor of stuff?
I've always mixed with just VG, before DIY, I always bought highest VG I could find.
Does it taste odd just because I'm not used to PG?
Honestly makes me worry about the stuff that I'm mixing to sell.
Hey Z there's a bunch of DIY selfers on Whiskeys thread. I do know that having PG makes juice have more flavor and it gives more of a throat hit. Huck's a good one to talk to and a bunch of others. Don't be afraid to ask there's lots of people more than willing to help !
Most unfortunately I have to win now lol. Have a good night everyone !


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Do you all notice we are coming close to the 10,000 post mark here in this thread?
10K posts and no arguments or fights, this might be a new record for VU.
If I get #10,000 do I win?

Good night Breazy!


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You win EVERY time you post here.
But I think you should get a DOUBLE cheeseburger win for the 10k post.
But do you really want me to mail you one by way of USPS?


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You win EVERY time you post here.
But I think you should get a DOUBLE cheeseburger win for the 10k post.
But do you really want me to mail you one by way of USPS?
i dont know about anyone else, but i cant imagine the appropriate response to opening up the mail box and finding a burger in there. am i happy? scared? confused? is this thing poisonous? how old is it? is that bacon?


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i dont know about anyone else, but i cant imagine the appropriate response to opening up the mail box and finding a burger in there. am i happy? scared? confused? is this thing poisonous? how old is it? is that bacon?
Return to sender? Lol


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Would you like fries with that?


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McD fries expire about 10 minutes after you get them, they are only for eating on the way home with your burger.


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Well I'm beat so time to hit the sack, Good Night all and be good, I'll check back tomorrow my friends!:):cool::D

Scooter 72

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Oh jeez where are you. Oh well while I wait. Times for a win.

have a nice day

Scooter 72

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Do you all notice we are coming close to the 10,000 post mark here in this thread?
10K posts and no arguments or fights, this might be a new record for VU.
Oh we can start one by George. But let's go somewhere else to do it. Lol

have a nice day

Scooter 72

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Don't ruin my happy place mister.
You can go with us geez. Yeah I like it here but we sure can go somewhere else and start some shit then come back here. Lol

have a nice day


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No way. I enjoy the mellow vibe here. Have enough to deal with in the real world. You know that.

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