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Last one to post wins


Excellence In Service
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I'm back for a win ! Later than expected lol. Was watching Avatar at work then it got busy. Have a great day everyone !


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I'll have to have a talk with management.


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Go for it.
I just tried again and the bouncer said I couldn't go in because it's only for losers and I am the winner.


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These ads on tapatalk are driving me nuts. I was trying to figure out why bounty paper towels would want to win.


Excellence In Service
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Hey everyone ! Hope you all had a good day ! At work and I have to finish watching Avatar now before it gets busy. Long movie ! TTYL

Scooter 72

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Doing good friend thanks for asking. And how are you and yours

have a nice day


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My turn! 11 hours is long enough Breazy.


Excellence In Service
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Now my turn ! The shit hit the fan tonight real real bad at work and the kid got kicked out of rehab in Florida. Can't get much worse !


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I guess I killed the thread. ☹️
Killing this thread is akin to walking to Dalaran.


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Now my turn ! The shit hit the fan tonight real real bad at work and the kid got kicked out of rehab in Florida. Can't get much worse !
I hope you knocked on wood.
Been there done that and yeah things can get much worse.
I've put 2 kids through rehab.
Anyhow I hope things get better for you and yours...Cheers!


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Now my turn ! The shit hit the fan tonight real real bad at work and the kid got kicked out of rehab in Florida. Can't get much worse !
((Hugs)) hope things start going better for you soon Breazy. Hearing stuff like that makes me wish my kids would never grow up.


Gaming & anime watchin' lion here!
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Good (well hopefully) morning to you guys!


Gaming & anime watchin' lion here!
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Now to go win at life. :D


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Sometimes I come here to post something funny
Today I just came here to post something


Gaming & anime watchin' lion here!
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Posting something is always a good idea.


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Gaming & anime watchin' lion here!
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Gaming & anime watchin' lion here!
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And Nothing.


Excellence In Service
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Quick win ! Thanks guys for all the well wishes. I won't know if anything works out until tomorrow night. Have to get him to a plane in Florida then back up here and hopefully rehab in NJ. Everything has to go just right and those chances are two.......slim and none. But we keep trying like I keep trying to win lol !

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