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I got some pictures. I only have limited internet access right now. No picture uploads till the end of camp and I'm back home.
Did you know?
You can not run thru camp
You can only ran thru, because it's past tents.


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Ran is past-tense, it's only past tense after it has been done.

You wouldn't say:
"I'm going to ran thru camp"
"He will ran thru camp"
"You are not allowed to ran thru camp"
"You can not ran thru camp"

In each of these, "run" would be correct since it describes the action you will do, not the action you have already done :p


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Not "past tense"
Past Tents.


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I'm on vacation an I failed English classes..........WIN

Sent from my LG-D850 using Tapatalk


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Not "past tense"
Past Tents.

Actually, it is 'past-tense' :p

"The past tense is a grammatical tense whose principal function is to place an action or situation in past time. In languages which have a past tense, it thus provides a grammatical means of indicating that the event being referred to took place in the past. Examples of verbs in the past tense include the English verbs sang, went and was.

In some languages, the grammatical expression of past tense is combined with the expression of other categories such as mood and aspect (see tense–aspect–mood). Thus a language may have several types of past tense form, their use depending on what aspectual or other additional information is to be encoded. French, for example, has a compound past (passé composé) for expressing completed events, an imperfect for expressing events which were ongoing or repeated in the past, as well as several other past forms.

Some languages that grammaticalise for past tense do so by inflecting the verb, while others do so periphrastically using auxiliary verbs, also known as "verbal operators" (and some do both, as in the example of French given above). Not all languages grammaticalise verbs for past tense – Mandarin Chinese, for example, mainly uses lexical means (words like "yesterday" or "last week") to indicate that something took place in the past, although use can also be made of the tense/aspect markers le and guo.

The "past time" to which the past tense refers generally means the past relative to the moment of speaking, although in contexts where relative tense is employed (as in some instances of indirect speech) it may mean the past relative to some other time being under discussion.[1] A language's past tense may also have other uses besides referring to past time; for example, in English and certain other languages, the past tense is sometimes used in referring to hypothetical situations, such as in condition clauses like If you loved me ..., where the past tense loved is used even though there may be no connection with past time.

Some languages grammatically distinguish the recent past from remote past with separate tenses. There may be more than two distinctions."


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Would it help if I told you it was a joke?
Tents: a soft wall/roof shelter that people sleep in while in the woods.


Excellence In Service
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Hey Marcus ! I told you I'd mention you and put you in for a win lol. Hope your having a good time !


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Well, home from school.
Passed 2 of the tests, failed the last one. As did somebody else in the class

2 of the other guys in class got all 3 tests
2 other guys got 1 and failed 2


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Stupid mistake cost me that last test, the road test.

Had to make a right turn out of the parking lot, took it too wide, and my front drivers side tire bumped the curb.
Almost made it, was just a matter of inches too late in starting the turn.


Excellence In Service
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Awe that sucks ! You'll get it done I'm sure ! In the meantime I win for now !


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The other 3 that failed the driving portion got farther then me, but made worse mistakes.

One of them stalled the truck at a pretty easy intersection to go through, then missed a gear when trying to shift up through another intersection.
One of the other guys missed a gear when downshifting near the bottom of a downgrade right before a right hand turn at a Y intersection, couldn't get it back into gear and took the turn too fast and in neutral. Should have been at 15mph but took it at 35mph. He also failed the backing up test.
Other guy that failed the backing test got more then halfway through the road test but stalled the truck at a stop light ahead of railroad tracks on the highway.


Excellence In Service
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Damn ! Those guys shouldn't ever drive lol. The guy going down the hill in Neutrals lucky he didn't roll the truck !


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It's a route we often took when practicing.
It's not too steep a hill, maybe half a mile long, 35mph speed limit, 8th gear. At the bottom you need to slow down and downshift to get to 6th gear before making the turn at 15-20mph. He tried to shift into 7th while still going 35, panicked, and couldn't get it back into gear.


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I Toiled for almost 16 minutes to make a batch of Brownies. I can rest for 28 minutes. Then wait an Hour or less. Hot Brownies with Ice Cream.


Excellence In Service
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Good night ! I'll be in Florida for 3 weeks but I'll be watching ! lol


Still here! Just covered up with "life"
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I don't think this thread will ever end!


Excellence In Service
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Hey Z your up early to ! 20 minutes and I have to leave for the airport. See all you guys later.


Excellence In Service
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Waiting in the airport win!
Sent from my I Phone lol

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