Best for what exactly? The Samsung 30T is a 35A battery, whereas the Molicel P42A is only a 30A battery so battery safety plays a part, and, if you use a mech and you change cells early then the 30T is the better choice because it hits harder at the start. Even if you don't change cells early it still also depends, because, I actually chain vape (or almost) on a single 30T in a tube mech at .08 ohms so there's the relationship between elevated cell temperatures whilst putting the cell under heavier stress, and faster aging of the cell to also maybe want to consider in addition to battery safety (safety, which is part determined by the aged condition of the cells thus aging is more critically important especially due to it also diminishing cell capacity anyway in the first place), as you're not getting that much additional vaping time out of the P42A with such low resistance coil builds on a mech.
Further, just because you can buy the P42A from authorized vendors, doesn't also mean I can't figure out an easy (yet reliable) way to verify that each one of my 30T cells does indeed heat up noticeably slower than all my other cells including all cells with a CDR of only 30A. The 5A difference in CDR is just a dead giveaway so fakes are super easy to spot if you're an experienced mech user who knows a thing or two about batteries and who is familiar with how fast a battery heats up with a given coil build so, again, it depends. I buy batteries from a trusted vendor so I know that the vendor will always issue a replacement when I bump into fakes, and that the vendor will inform every customer immediately without hesitation as soon as fakes are discovered among cells already sold to customers.