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Liquid Community with price comparison & availability?

How do shop liquids?

  • I buy the same liquid at the same store

  • I test different liquids at the same store

  • I look for the best price at different stores

  • I like to try new liquids but look for the best price at different stores

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Hi folks,

I'm passionate about trying new liquids - in the last 12 months I've tried 20 different ones in my OXVA pod system. (Cold lychee from Nebelfee is my allday)

So my question to you is - how do you keep track?
Is there perhaps a website where you can write down (track) your experiences and new liquid discoveries and share them with others?

I'm an IT nerd ;)

There are countless stores, but the reviews are often not that helpful / clear. A price comparison or an overview of which store still has my beloved Nebelfee in stock would also be cool 🤑

How often do you try out new liquids? Do you always buy from the same store, or (how) do you compare prices?
Best regards


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
How often do you try out new liquids? Do you always buy from the same store, or (how) do you compare prices?

As you're asking, ... I normally use unflavored base juice. Keeping it simple I prefer maximum vegetable glycerin and 18 mg nicotine strength. Then, if I desire may pick up some flavors to add to the base juice.

In buying different stuff from different places I usually like to stick with a price of about $0.25 USD per ml of juice. That noted if the juice is a "special" mix with something I might want to try, may raise my price range to $0.45 per ml.

The base juice I use normally comes from Heartland Vapes and runs about $40/50 shipped, USD per 1 liter. That 1 liter can last me nearly a year or a bit more. I used to be Mt. Baker's Hawk Sauce addict, grew away from it though when I figured out using a base juice suited me the same.

Yes, I'll try new stuff but price is important, right along with trust. This is why I shy away from vaping stuff that is of the left handed path. Never can tell when some seedy element might put car battery acid into vaping juice, not worth that risk.

It's the same trust wise regarding plain old nicotine vaping. Know the vendor/s, pay attention to how they're selling, or not. If they aren't, look around vaping forums, you'll turn up why they aren't easily enough.

Think it really folds up into subjectivity, common sense. I'm probably wrong, nothing new.
:oops: WOW. Respect. That's pure. I vape since a year and step by step worked me through different flavours. In Germany we usually by in 10ml siced bottles. - tax ;)
But I also just vaped plain old NicSalt base ...actually not that bad and far cheaper than flavoured juice ;)


Cranky Old Fart
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Diamond Contributor
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I make my own. Depending on the flavors and amount of flavors used I can usually make 60ml for less than a dollar. There are thousands of recipes out there, even some of my own. So I can vape what I want when I want. I haven't bought pre-made ejuice in years.
Hehe, ok, fair. I am also considering going into the DIY direction.

You are from the USA, right? May I ask you what is the current social / political discussion around vaping & e-cigarettes?
As you guys are always a couple of years in front of us (disposable hype, then ban). I am just wondering what we have to expect next in Europe?
Currently, we still have disposables in many EU countries, but they are going to be banned (at least the ones with a disposable battery). But often you hear the term "Flavour ban".

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