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lookin for another tank


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do you have any experience with the silverplay, i was just looking into that one
It just came out a couple days ago, it's a brand new atty. I should have it soon, I ordered it as soon as they released it.

BTW there's a $10 off coupon code floating around for that VaporDna site it'll drop that Silverplay RTA to $29 bucks.


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Kind of digging the look of the Goblin - my first dripper was an Igo-L and I still love that little badass, seems like Youde is making some pretty nice stuff for us budgeted vapers! I think I may need to get one of these after watching this video.



Kind of digging the look of the Goblin - my first dripper was an Igo-L and I still love that little badass, seems like Youde is making some pretty nice stuff for us budgeted vapers! I think I may need to get one of these after watching this video.

i was looking into them, they definatly have a cool look to them, i may have to check one ou


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i was looking into them, they definatly have a cool look to them, i may have to check one ou

Yeah for $27, if it performs anywhere close to what he's saying in this I'll give it a go!

Jason Commerford

Member For 4 Years
I am looking forward to trying a Goblin as well. Just received my Aqua 2 and have not tried it yet. Has anyone tried a Erlkoenigin? There is a clone for about $22.00 on Fasttech.


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Just received amod/Mofoto Erlkonigin clone today -- and the flavor is kicking ass. Too early to fully assess but flavor seems quite close to my Magma RDA.


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I have the goblin RTA. It's a nice atty but I also have a silverplay RTA from vapordna which is a helluvalot better tbh. So good I bought a 2nd one.


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Silverplay is a game changer. I have foggers and billows but this thing is insane. Rocking 2x 26ga on 2mm 11 wrap (.65ohm). I have this running on Sigelei 100w @ 100w no problem (i think the volts top out on the sig). Also had this running on my dual series box at 8.4v (about 110w) no problem. Plenty of airflow to keep the vape cool. :) Only downfall is I need to refill the small 3ml tank quite often when vaping at these wattage's. Oh, and Max VG juice!


Silverplay is a game changer. I have foggers and billows but this thing is insane. Rocking 2x 26ga on 2mm 11 wrap (.65ohm). I have this running on Sigelei 100w @ 100w no problem (i think the volts top out on the sig). Also had this running on my dual series box at 8.4v (about 110w) no problem. Plenty of airflow to keep the vape cool. :) Only downfall is I need to refill the small 3ml tank quite often when vaping at these wattage's. Oh, and Max VG juice!
im more and more wanting one of these


im definatly wanting single coil ive decided for my mini ipv, besides the squape any other singles to be reccomended


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im definatly wanting single coil ive decided for my mini ipv, besides the squape any other singles to be reccomended

Yes, get the Erlkonigin clone by Amod / Motofo. The only way you will be disappointed is you're looking for deep lung hits and cloud chasing. Top fill, flavor and vapor are superb, nary a leak, and no more top heavy mods.
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Yes, get the Erlkonigin clone by Amod / Motofo. The only way you will be disappointed is you're looking for deep lung hits and cloud chasing. Top fill, flavor and vapor are superb, nary a leak, and no more top heavy mods.
i flavor chase but i do tend to take deep lung hits. would i be able to drill out for airflow?


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i flavor chase but i do tend to take deep lung hits. would i be able to drill out for airflow?

Constraint is through the top half of positive pole. The OEM sells an "open draw" positive pole that is 2mm. Can't check size on Motofo at moment. Thinking it looked smaller which may mean there's some room to drill. Here's a link by another user on topic.

Edit: Oh yes, maybe so. Look here.
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Constraint is through the top half of positive pole. The OEM sells an "open draw" positive pole that is 2mm. Can't check size on Motofo at moment. Thinking it looked smaller which may mean there's some room to drill. Here's a link by another user on topic.

Edit: Oh yes, maybe so. Look here.
hmm, the airflow still wont be up there with a lemo or orchid....


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If you're closing one air hole on Orchid with single coil builds, then air flow is same (2mm diameter). In this situation (i.e. single coil), Erl is giving me better clouds. Likely because Orchid deck limits coils to diameters <2.5mm while Erl build is currently 3.25mm diameter (both at 8w, 1.8 ohms, 28g A-1). While not a slouch, wouldn't categorize Erl as lung hitter or cloud chasing tank; rather all around winner with good flavor (i.e. approaching magma), good vape, zero leaks, good capacity, feather light, and top fill. Enjoy!
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If you're closing an air hole on Orchid with single coil builds, then air flow is same (2mm diameter). In this situation (i.e. single coil), Erl is giving me better clouds. Likely because Orchid deck limits coils to diameters <2.5mm while Erl is currently 3.25mm diameter (both at 8w, 1.8 ohms, 28g A-1). Though no slouch, I wouldn't categorize Erl as lung hit or cloud chasing tank; rather all around winner with good flavor (i.e. approaching magma), good vape, zero leaks, good capacity, feather light, and top fill. Enjoy!
i actually have my holes drilled out on my orchid, and that i run on duals on a mech real low, bout .11, but this one seems like a good out and about alternative, gotta give it a shot


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Silverplay is a game changer. I have foggers and billows but this thing is insane. Rocking 2x 26ga on 2mm 11 wrap (.65ohm). I have this running on Sigelei 100w @ 100w no problem (i think the volts top out on the sig). Also had this running on my dual series box at 8.4v (about 110w) no problem. Plenty of airflow to keep the vape cool. :) Only downfall is I need to refill the small 3ml tank quite often when vaping at these wattage's. Oh, and Max VG juice!


You can also use Kayfun tanks and chimneys (not the barrel though) if you break the pyrex or just don't dig the way it looks. @Taver13 If lots of airflow is one of your biggest criteria, then the Silverplay would be your best option IMHO.



You can also use Kayfun tanks and chimneys (not the barrel though) if you break the pyrex or just don't dig the way it looks. @Taver13 If lots of airflow is one of your biggest criteria, then the Silverplay would be your best option IMHO.
it definat;ly is one of my biggest criteria, so i think that its a good bet, does it have single coil capability?


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Subtank in RBA mode runs great on single coil :D Just saying :p


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Kanger Subtank is coming out with a 22mm and 18.5mm soon, I'd wait if your really want a Subtank.


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Though solid for me, don't want to oversell Erl to lung hitters. Take a look at this video to get an idea on vape production with Erl. Another choice might be Lemo but thinking I heard tales of leaking (could be wrong or build issues).


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I also have a Lemo and have been loving it!!! I would say my next purchase will be the Lemo Drop. I'm all about the flavor! This isn't a tank but I would have to suggest The Veritas RDA. I've only been using my Lemo and Veritas. The flavor on the Veritas is amazing! To me it's more of a tank than I dripper because I can vape for a while without having to drip and when I do I just stick my e juice bottle in the airflow hole, give her a little squeeze or two and I can vape for a good 20 or 30 minutes. It's ridiculous! Anyways, just a thought :) Happy hunting!


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i have heard many good things about the billow as well. thats one i have been strongly considering. The orchid is actually the most restrictive i would want to go in terms of airflow. i know the billow has tons of airflow, but i wonder how the flavor is compared to the orchid and the lemo. @chickenmonkey how would you say the flavor is
I dunno, I've heard that the billow has a lot of leaking issues from tons of people. Also, the general consensus is its great for clouds ,but flavor is just meh. Like compared to the Lemo its muted. I love clouds if I can get em, but my main pleasure from VAPING comes from vibrant in your face flavor, so I'm gonna pass on the billow. I've just recently found out about the goblin RTA by UD Tech, hearing incredible things about that one so I'm deffinitely thinking about grabbing one of those


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I like most things about the Billow....the finish is about the only turn off. What I plan on doing is to do a side by side against the Kayfun V4 as they seem VERY similar in design.
How do you see the kayfun v4 and the billow as similar lol they're totally different...


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I don't buff shit. Rinse dry, dry burn, wick, fill vape. Ahhh
Oops sorry, just got what you meant to buff the finish. Ha
I'm surprised that no one has mentioned the New Kid On The Block-the Kanger Subtank.
Checkout P.Busardo's review where he compares it to the Atlantis-and the Kanger proves a mighty tool.
I have a couple but both are still in transit so I'm only going on other folks recommendation-which, I agree, isn't really the point of the thread. All my RBAs have already been mentioned, though, so I threw this one into the ring.
I take it you haven't tried a +50 watt regulated device yet...? I was a sworn mech only user for years and always made fun of all the box mods, that is until curiosity just got too great and I broke down and picked up an IPV2S. Let me tell you, I'd never have believed anyone until I owned one for a couple days and now all my sad mechs are sitting on the shelf collecting dust. There's just no comparison to the battery life, the control over your Vape on the fly instead of having to do a whole new build to alter the Vape, and the consistent Vape instead of being a slave to wtvr the voltage is on your battery ATM. I'm telling you, the days of the mech are done, don't get me wrong, they'll always be around in some form, but they are not going to be the device most serious vaper's use, mark my words.


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I have the goblin RTA. It's a nice atty but I also have a silverplay RTA from vapordna which is a helluvalot better tbh. So good I bought a 2nd one.
I heard the opposite from the review I watched. What makes you say the silver play outdoes the goblin?

Pat Inman

Member For 4 Years
I've got the SilverPlay and am very satisfied. Outperforms my old Foggers by a mile - airflow is a little tighter than my drippers but I still get relatively easy lung hits. Cloud production is great, flavor maybe a touch less than dripping but that's likely my build: running 1 ohm because I was unsure about sub-ohm in a tank. Been Vaping it for two weeks and have no problems, no leaks, no dry hits.
My only gripe is the glass is at the top of the tank which makes it hard to judge when it's full. Point for the Youde Goblin.
If you're considering it, just buy one, I really think you'll like it


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My next tank is the joyetech Delta II it has a rebuildable head and juice flow control! I have mine on pre order. Im rocking the nautilus by Aspire right now and the air flow is great. But I have only seen good reviews for the Delta II.


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My brother has the Goblin and I have the SilverPlay. SilverPlay has significantly more airflow than the Goblin. Both are winners for sure. But SilverPlay, no doubt, can out perform the Goblin. Did an @ home cloud comp between them last night, same juice and same wattage, SilverPlay wins. Both have great flavor too. Both hit like a dripper and can run wattages over 70w if that's what you are looking for.


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Sully's bro w/ the Goblin. 2x 26ga 10 wrap on 2mm, 0.5ohms. He's right. Better airflow on the silverplay and wicking on his build. Mines content on my SIG 100+ @ 50 watts. Lots of priming and hissing as you go up. I'm gonna work on that. I have a build on my Billow right now that matches my lung hit style that I just can't beat. .3ohm, 8 wrap 2mm 26ga. Once I dialed the current build in on the goblin I was torn to decide between the two. Further build testing could leave the billow in the dust as the goblin's airflow is far superior. My $0.02.

Edit: goblin's tiny tank is way easier to fill than billow but its tiny size is an annoyance too.


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I have a Lemo Drop on the way and can't wait! I have a friend that has a couple and I also own the regular Lemo. While I do love my Lemo, the Lemo Drop just has better flavor and works better with thicker juices IMO. Flavor is incredible and vapor production is above average. I wouldn't say great on vapor production but it's pretty damn good. If you're a flavor junkie, or flavor chaser, then this is the tank for you! Holds 2.7 ml which is a pretty good amount for me. Also comes with a rubber plug for your fill hole if you don't feel like using the screw. Great tank!


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I have a Lemo Drop on the way and can't wait! I have a friend that has a couple and I also own the regular Lemo. While I do love my Lemo, the Lemo Drop just has better flavor and works better with thicker juices IMO. Flavor is incredible and vapor production is above average. I wouldn't say great on vapor production but it's pretty damn good. If you're a flavor junkie, or flavor chaser, then this is the tank for you! Holds 2.7 ml which is a pretty good amount for me. Also comes with a rubber plug for your fill hole if you don't feel like using the screw. Great tank!
Also, the build deck is like a kayfun but bigger.

Pat Inman

Member For 4 Years
I've got the SilverPlay and am very satisfied. Outperforms my old Foggers by a mile - airflow is a little tighter than my drippers but I still get relatively easy lung hits. Cloud production is great, flavor maybe a touch less than dripping but that's likely my build: running 1 ohm because I was unsure about sub-ohm in a tank. Been Vaping it for two weeks and have no problems, no leaks, no dry hits.
My only gripe is the glass is at the top of the tank which makes it hard to judge when it's full. Point for the Youde Goblin.
If you're considering it, just buy one, I really think you'll like it

Update: just rebuilt coils this morning to 0.6 ohm and flavor and clouds are much improved!


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I love just about everything with my Aqua 2. I don't like filling with a blunt syringe, but I can do it for this tank. The only thing that gets me is that it is finicky in the wicking dept. I hate that. It took quite a while to get it to wick right in single coil, but I got it. On suggestions I used the split wick method, and I closed off the hole with spare screw. Dual coil though, has been eating my lunch. I still don't have it right. Otherwise I love this tank. Once I get the wicking done correctly in dual coil, I will love it. So if you get one of these, be aware of that. I either get dry hits, or it floods, in dual coil. It is a 1.2 ohm build. I've tried cotton, and rayon.


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I would love to try a Silverplay. At this point though, I really appreciate a good single coil build, with excellent flavor. I did my first dual coil recently, and I can't say it is worth the extra effort at this point. Maybe I will change my mind.

Jason Commerford

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Kkay. I am in agreement with both of your posts. Aqua 2 is a great vape if you can get the wicking correct. But that is not easy. Too much tweaking for me. I also don't feel the results of the effort involved with dual coils produces a commensurate payoff. But that is just me. To be really happy with this whole vaping thing is a case of VAPER KNOW THYSELF, so I am currently purchasing and using only single coil setups. Dripping is something I do occasionally at home but not a great deal Should receive my Delta II today. Looking forward to that. Want to pick up an EK (3 mil tank) and a Kanger Subtank Mini as well.

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