i have the yellow nxjo 18650 battery, on the ohms i have no idea what it is, i have been trying to research it for about an hour now and it still doesn't make sense to me. as for build i believe its a dual coil
i stoped smoking cigarettes not to long ago, since my friend gave me a vape i haven't smoked a cig since then, im very new at this and im still learning
Ok bud...these are the smartest things I read so far...props for admitting you're new and need help....we've all been there and are here to help...but the "walk before crawl" statement above is advice well worth heeding. So is the thread linked in
@OBDave 's post. I assume you mean you have a yellow MXJO battery and not a NXJO as you said....and also, the patriot is a good starter atty to learn to build on but if it's got stock airflow holes on it then it won't blow the "waaayyy siiicckk cloouudsss Brah" that you're looking for. But it is a good atty to learn to build on and you can dual coil with down to about 26 gauge wire without problems.
First things first....learn ohm's law and buy an ohm's reader before you even think about wrapping a coil. It's fantastic that you're starting out with a regulated box mod like the Segeli because of all it's built in features and safeties but the ohm's meter on it won't read the same as an independent ohms checker and that should be your first thought...plus an ohm's meter can double as a building stand for your atty which makes it way easier trying to build and wick than doing it on top of a top heavy box mod...here is a link to an ohm's law calculator...
The reason why ohm's law is so important is because it is the math equation that related and identifies how much and how fast your battery needs to deliver a certain amount of power to get the desired performance out of your atty. The great thing about the Segeli 150 is it does this math for you as long as you have the correct batteries to power it with. All you have to do is set your desired power level and it will provide it. Now that being said....you have an alright battery two power it...I assume you have two because it takes two batteries to power the Segeli and the way it draws power from the Segeli you have two use to new batteries together and they have to be the exact same kind...you can't mix and match batteries with a mod like that...it can ruin both your mod and batteries if you do. You have to without exception have a matched pair of new batteries just for that mod...I recommend getting a couple pairs actually so you always have a set charged and ready. For that mod I recommend getting LGHE4's or the Samsung 25R's but that is my personal opinion....they are 20amp continuous drain rated batteries and will do the job up to 100 watts no problem and higher for short periods of time
What is a "continuous drain rating" you ask? That is a very good and important question....Put simply, the continuous drain rating is how fast your battery can safely dump the energy stored inside of it into whatever it is powering without overheating and venting/exploding. It takes a lot of power to power those regulated box mods and sub ohm builds and to be safe you need a minimum of 20 amps continuous drain rating if not higher to be safe...using batteries with lower ratings than that can be dangerous and some mods will even step down and limit how many watts it will put out to protect itself if you don't use the higher rated batteries depending on the chipset that is inside of them to make them work.
What is this "mAh" rating you ask? Another excellent and important question...the mAh or Milliamp hour rating is for how long you battery can drain at a given speed before it is dead. So if your have a 2000 mAh rated battery with a continuous drain rating of 20 amps that means it can deliver power at at a one amp drain for 2 hours (there is 1000 mAh in an amp hour so if you have a one amp continuous draw on your battery then it will drain 1000 mAh in one hour.) if you have 10 amp draw on a 2000mAh battery then it can deliver that charge for 12 minutes before your battery is drained.
So to recap....Continuous Amp Drain rating is how fast a battery can safely dump it's charge and the mAh rating is for how long it can do so before the battery is completely discharged.
Now...on to your atty...before you even think about building on it...get an ohm's reader, I can't say this enough....and once you have an ohm's meter and some 26 gauge Kanthal try and find a 2.5 mm drill bit or something around that size and wrap a single microcoil with seven wraps. It should give you about a 1.4 ohm coil. Why start with this one simple single coil? Because this will give you a base line to work with to help determine what kind of coils you want to work with and give you practice starting out....Kanthal and cotton is cheap...use lots, wrap lots, get a good feel for it before you start building super low and chasing "dem sikk clowwds broooh." when you install the coil on the atty make sure the screws are good and tight but that they don't clip the leads inside the atty post....the easiest way to have an atty short out is from this.....either a pinched lead from an overtightened screw or a screw coming loose slightly during the wicking process....both have happened to me but because I used my ohm's meter and pay attention I am able to catch it before it becomes a problem. Once you've tried that single coil, rip it out and chuck it and wrap two coils the same way and then try installing them....again, this will give you a base line simple dual coil of around .76 if done right and a starting point to figure out what kind of coils you want to build for yourself....watch as many rebuilding video's as you can on Youtube....start with simple microcoils and go from there....don't try and dive right in to a zipper coil or something like that...it's a good way to hurt yourself and the Patriot isn't designed to cope with things like that.
And then there's the wicking...that's the trickiest part. It's a delicate balance and a finess act. You have to use just enough cotton that there is a very slight resistance pulling it threw the coil but not too much. If you use too much cotton and it tries to pull the coil as well as you pull it threw then you are going to "choke" the wick and liquid won't feed properly to the center of the coil and you'll burn it out....if you use to little so that the cotton slips threw with no resistance at all then once you fire the atty the cotton can collapse inside the coil, again not filling the coil out causing it to not wick right and burn up. Again...cotton is cheap and it takes some practice to get right but once it clicks it is easy. Never, ever, ever fire a dry cotton wick...it will instantly catch fire and burn up...always make sure your cotton is good and soaked with e-liquid before you fire it at all....and when you put in a fresh wick and saturate it with e-liquid good and proper then you should pulse fire it a couple times and blow on the coil as you pulse it....this will help break in the new wick and get rid of that cotton taste most of us get from the first few puffs on a fresh wick.
Well, that other thread and this is a good starting point for you to work on if you really want to blow clouds. Look around and study up on Ohm's law and battery safety, I can't stress the importance of these enough...there is a ton of material here and on youtube, most of it is really helpful...some of it is just fluff but it's good for a laugh just the same....
Best of luck to yah bro and any questions don't hesitate to ask