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Married Batteries Question


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Member For 4 Years
Hello all,

I had a quick question about married batteries... I have two Snow Wolfs, both are v1.5's. One is a limited addition and there are a few upgrades to the chip but for the most part they are almost identical. In both mods I use married pairs of 25'rs that were all purchased at the same time. Can I use the same batteries between the two mods? I would like to be able to take extra batteries when the Wolf come out with me rather than lugging another wolf around.



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As long as they stay married and don't get mixed up ... yes. The point of married pairs is so the internal resistance is the same and the charge discharge cycles are the same. The batteries don't know or care what they power as long as there doing it together.


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As long as they stay married and don't get mixed up ... yes. The point of married pairs is so the internal resistance is the same and the charge discharge cycles are the same. The batteries don't know or care what they power as long as there doing it together.
That's what I figured but just wanted some affirmation. Thanks for clearing it up, @Angrygod50


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Member For 3 Years
Angrygod hit the nail.

Biggest worry is using a married pair from a box mod, and slipping one in a mech.

I have a metric fuck ton of batteries, and usually marry two pair per box, so I don't have any issues. Not everyone wants to deal with a pile of batteries though.

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