I am super attracted to this box, I think it's one of the best looking dual 18650 mods out there. So clean, so simple. How's it performing for you?
It performs just like a stacked 18650 tube mod, which is what it really is. Except the tubes are side by side and the positive and negative are connected at the bottom. I have a 26g .9 dual coil build in it, which draws about 9 amps @ 78 watts. The series mechanicals really seem like the way to go. You just have to change your mindset about low ohm builds.
For example, I built dual 24g coils at .4ohms. The coils would glow red the second you touched the fire button. I juiced it up and fired it. Way too friggin hot. it was drawing 21amps @ 176watts.
.8 to 1 ohm are my sweet spots for this series mech (at least with this atty). Great battery life, nice clouds, and excellent flavor. If you get one of these, just remember. This is a hybrid style series mech mod. You have to have an atty with a protruding contact pin. The Noisy Cricket is basically a stacked SMPL mod.
Heres an SMPL sitting next to it for comparison