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Microsoft joins forces with Pacific Control Systems for new IoT management system


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You can't cast a stone these days without hitting something regarding the Internet of Things, be it a product, story or cautionary warning. That last one seems to be the primary focus lately as people worry, in some cases unnecessarily, about the security of the devices being thrust onto the market.

Now one of the big players in the tech game is getting involved as Microsoft joins forces with Pacific Control Systems for an enterprise management system based on Microsoft Azure.

The system is called Galaxy 2021 and the companies claim it is "able to activate a wide range of intelligent services bearing both on both public and private sectors, including the provision of any such things as service, dynamic security, healthcare, hospitality, education, retail, transportation, infrastructure, and financial applications".

The two entities hope that Galaxy 2021 will be used to integrate capabilities such as data management, as well as a large variety of machines and systems, all utilizing the Azure platform. The aim is to deploy massive IoT services at an enterprise level.

"By offering a complete package including the IoT platforms based on cloud computing, large data analysis, a wide range of applications of the IoT, integration capabilities of the device, monitoring capacity , effective business processes and transfer of business skills, PCS allows telecommunications operators to seize the opportunities of the IoT at an accelerated rate", says Dilip Rahulan, Executive Chairman and Managing Director of PCS.

Both Microsoft and PCS are calling this the platform of the future, though it may be a bit early for such bold statements. One thing is clear, though, IoT is here to stay.

Photo Credit: Willyam Bradberry/Shutterstock


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