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Never knew what I was missing - RBAs


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Member For 4 Years
Good Morning everyone,

Okay, so I just started using my Subtank RBA’s the last week or two and I must confess, I definitely didn’t know what I was missing out on and why everyone loves RBAs / RDAs / and RTAs ( I don’t even know what the last two are or mean). The flavor profile is AMAZING, I'm using Japanese OC that I picked up from Amazon a while back. And when the flavor starts to dissipate, I just rewick the coil. Prior to using the ST RBAs, I would just buy coils when they were on sale and then try to re-wick them (painstaking and time consuming process).

Now that I’ve been playing around with the RBAs, I want to get some advice from you. I just saw that the Coil Master V3 is “on sale” on Ebay, per this morning’s link on the front page (can't get the link to work).

Now I will confess that I know nothing about building coils and have been thinking about buying the premade ST Mini coils:

This seems to be a good price for 20 premade coils. At the same time, I do want to start building my own coils and eventually upgrade to a better RBA tank. Again, not knowing anything about building my own coils, what the different gauges of Kanthal mean and what I should use is confusing me (but that’s why I’m asking you guys).

I’ve been vaping for almost a year now, my vapeversary is actually on Monday. I’m thinking it would be a good time to start building on my own and start saving some money in not having to buy coils.

Any help / advice would be appreciated.

As always, thanks in advance!


Evil Vulcan's do it with Logic
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Get the coilmaster, it makes creating your own coils really simple. Kanthal gauges get thicker and lower in resistance as the number decreases. For rebuilding your tank deck I suggest starting with 28 Gauge, or 26 Gauge. As you gain skills in rebuilding you can use thicker Kanthal such as 24 Gauge. The thicker Kanthal has less resistance so plan out what resistance you desire your coil to come in at. Use a calculator such as , Congrats on your upcoming vaperversary!


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Awesome, Thanks for your help / input. Just ordered the coilmaster!

Could you recommend some good websites to purchase the Kanthal?


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Building your own coils looks like its really hard, but it is easy with a little practice. When I started out I was rebuilding Kanger Protank coils, which are a PITA. I upgraded to a IGO-W to try building a dripper and it was SOOOOO much easier. Once you get the hang of the coil master it makes wrapping coils quick and easy. If you have an idea of what OHM coils you want you can use the coil tool above to figure out your build. If you have the funds I would order a roll of each ga kanthal in 24,26, and 28. These seem to be the ones that I use most often and see others using most often. The Kanger RBA's are very Kayfun like and easy to build on. Good luck in your building endeavors and happy vape anniversary.


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Building your own coils looks like its really hard, but it is easy with a little practice. When I started out I was rebuilding Kanger Protank coils, which are a PITA. I upgraded to a IGO-W to try building a dripper and it was SOOOOO much easier. Once you get the hang of the coil master it makes wrapping coils quick and easy. If you have an idea of what OHM coils you want you can use the coil tool above to figure out your build. If you have the funds I would order a roll of each ga kanthal in 24,26, and 28. These seem to be the ones that I use most often and see others using most often. The Kanger RBA's are very Kayfun like and easy to build on. Good luck in your building endeavors and happy vape anniversary.

Thanks for the reply @Oggy, I will definitely look into buying each of the suggested gauges of Kanthal. What size / length do you guys suggest that I buy, 25', 50' or more?

Okay, never mind. I see the difference in cost is minimal when going from 25' to 100', so I guess 100' would be the way to go.


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I always buy the 100 ft. I do alot of tinkering with builds and claptons and the wires still last forever.


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One last question. I was about to order the Kanthal but I just wanted to make sure that I'm ordering the correct stuff. Could you guys please verify these for me?

Kanthal A1 Resistance Wire (Even Gauges)28GA (0.32004 mm) 5.27 Ohms/ft Resistance A1 / 100' $4.15 USD

Kanthal A1 Resistance Wire (Even Gauges)26GA (0.40386 mm) 3.21 Ohms/ft Resistance A1 / 100' $4.75 USD

Kanthal A1 Resistance Wire (Even Gauges)24GA (0.51 mm) 2.04 Ohms/ft Resistance / 100'



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That's the right stuff and a good place to get it. If you're taking direct lung hits, I wouldn't use 28g or higher. Too thin. 26g works real well in the subtank rba. Also, if you are lung hitting, want to get into building (DO IT!!) and want your mind to get blown, try a dual coil rda with a simple 24g build. You won't regret it. If you think you were missing out by using pre built coil heads, a well setup and powered rda (rebuildable dripping atomizer) will make you consider shelving your sub tank. Good luck.


Bronze Contributor
Member For 4 Years
That's the right stuff and a good place to get it. If you're taking direct lung hits, I wouldn't use 28g or higher. Too thin. 26g works real well in the subtank rba. Also, if you are lung hitting, want to get into building (DO IT!!) and want your mind to get blown, try a dual coil rda with a simple 24g build. You won't regret it. If you think you were missing out by using pre built coil heads, a well setup and powered rda (rebuildable dripping atomizer) will make you consider shelving your sub tank. Good luck.

Thanks @BoomStick, do RDA's have tanks? My friend had a dripper and the only thing I didn't like about it was that you have to refill it every 5-7 hits, depending on how hard you it.

Also, I'm not sure what the difference is between mount and lung hitting, would you mind explaining? What I do is slowly breath in the vapor, then remove my vaping aparatus and then take a breath, so what would that be?

Thanks for your help bro!


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Drippers don't have tanks so they can be inconvenient to use at times, but the performance is worth it. Mouth to lung hits are like how most people smoke a cigarette. Fill up your mouth, remove cig/vape from mouth then inhale. Direct lung hits are when you inhale the vapor straight from the device to your lungs. If you're mouth to lung hitting, 26 or 28 gauge kanthal would probably be best and rda's would probably be a waste of time. If you're direct lung hitting, 24 or 26 gauge would be good for the subtank rba and rda's would be worth the hassle of dripping even if it was occasional use.


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There are 2 types of rebuildable atomizers.
RDA= Rebuidable Dripping atomizer
RTA= Rebuildable Tank atomizer

RBA= Rebuildable atomizer

RBA is used as a general term and can be used inplace of either RBA or RTA. With the rebuildable head your Kanger sub-tank turns into an RTA. To me RTA's have a better flavor over prebuilt coils. RDA's may not have juice capacity of a tank, but to me give the best flavor.

Once you get the hang of building then you can start trying different size wire, more or less wraps, and around different sized rods. You will learn to tailor your vape to the atomizer you are using and to what you prefer.


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I would go for the Coil Master. Pre-made coils are fine, but it doesn't give you the versatility of building your own. And with the tool, it is really easy(even for me...Lol) 26-28g is a good start for beginners, I prefer 26g because it's a little less springy.
Did you try your friend's RDA? If you love the flavor on the Subtank, a dripper is on a higher level. It may seem inconvenient, but with a deep juice well and a chuff style cap, dripping is well worth it. You just started to rebuild,so it's only a matter of time before you go that route, anyways.( we've all gone down that rabbit hole)
Another good option, is an RDTA (rebuildable dripping tank atomizer). Atomizers like the Aromamizer RDTA and the UD Belle. I don't know much about the Belle, since it's only pre-order for now. But I love the Aromamizer. Basically a RDA with a tank on top. The juice comes up from the bottom, sort of like a bottom fed. I use high-max vg, and get no dry hits. And nothing comes closer to the flavor of an RDA than this.
There are many great RTAs out there. My personal favorite is the Cthulhu.
I only mention these other tanks because I personally have found better flavor with them, then the Subtank. Plus, they are easier to build on. To me, the RBA on the Subtank is a PITA.
Anyways, Happy Hunting for that perfect build, and all the fun you'll have along the way.


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Member For 4 Years
Thank you all for the sharing your wealth of knowledge, I hope to have the Kanthal and Coil-Master by Friday, ordered both yesterday.

@dionysuskiss, I think you lost me about halfway through your reply. As you mentioned, I'll learn more as I start building and I'm sure you'l see me asking more questions on here.

Thanks again,


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Lol...Sorry, I got a little crazy. My point being is, just about everyone who rebuilds, tries an RDA at least once. If and when you do, you will again, be blown away by the flavor. Then you won't care if you have to drip in it every 7-8 pulls. They are easier to wick, than a Subtank, as well. So it's a trade off. Feel free to ask me about the other RTAs I mentioned.
Unrelated to the post, but I love you all. Just saying. Best site ever, first time actually feeling worth using an App for convenience to a forum.

Sent from Tapatalk.


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:) Thank you. I try my best to help, with what I have learned. I've only been vaping for 8 months, myself. So, it won't take long for you to figure this out.


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Good luck. I started off with the coil master & it makes building a breeze. It took me a few tries to get a good coil at first & seems like it took me forever, but now I can turn them out pretty quickly. After some practice, it will be nothing.


Bronze Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Hello All, Good morning!

Okay, so I received the Kanthal and my coil master v3 the other day, but I've yet to build anything. I'm super confused about where to start. What gauge do I use? How many wraps, what size the coil should be - 3mm - smaller or larger? What does the diameter have to do with the Ohm rating? I've never done this.

I'm building on my Subtanks, I have the Original (OG), mini and the Plus. I ordered and now have Kanthal in 24, 26 & 28. What would be the best to start with.

If you guys could point me towards a website or forum post that has all of this info, that would be great.

As always, thanks in advance!


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I use to help me configure coils before I build. There is also an app. Play around with it, using different gauges and IDs. The only thing you need to know is your target resistance. I personally like 26g the most.

Forgot...the larger the ID, the more wire you use,meaning more resistance.


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Okay, another question. I have an awful time trying to figure out the thickness of the organic cotton that I should use. I've got a pack of the Puff OC that I ordered from Amazon and is in a rectangular pad form. I saw on RipTripper's video, that he uses about 4mm in width and it looked like he used the full thickness of the cotton.

So how much to use for my Subtanks?



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It depends on the coil size. Rip usually says to eyeball it. I always had a problem wicking the Subtank( like I said, a PITA) It's going to take some trial and error. Did you watch his vid on the Pancake coil? I think that might be the best way to wick a Subtank coil.

Robert B

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You guys that use Steam Engine app? Please consider purchasing it instead of using the free version. It's only a couple dollars, and Lars (the author) is a great guy, produces a great app, and deserves the support.


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You guys that use Steam Engine app? Please consider purchasing it instead of using the free version. It's only a couple dollars, and Lars (the author) is a great guy, produces a great app, and deserves the support.
I did that... That way I can use it, when I'm offline.

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