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New RDA - Can't Decide


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...I think I'll be looking into a few more of them soon...
That's what I thought at the beginning too. I got from A FEW MORE to collecting RDAs. Currently I have 90. I have 1 Sapor V2 22mm and 1 Sapor V2 24mm on the way.

Hank F. Spankman

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For one reason or another, whatever RDA I get, I always go back to the Tugboat v2 lol


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Put some wide alien thing I got from Raymo in it. Looks like a perfect size build.


AKA Anthony Vapes on Youtube
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Put some wide alien thing I got from Raymo in it. Looks like a perfect size build.
thats gonna taste amazing. i recommend not closing the juice control at all and using the spit back drip tip


Bronze Contributor
Member For 3 Years
Well shit.

The copper pin is apparently very easy to strip. I switched mods earlier and the resistance was reading high, so I checked for shorts and let it sit for a half hour. Still high. I decided to try tightening the pin. I put the titanium posts in when I got it so I thought maybe I was being TOO easy when I put it in, and the damn thing turned out to be stripped. Maybe in the process of switching mods it was over tightened, the 510 pin on my eFusion Duo is pretty firm. Either way, this really really really sucks. I'm very cautious with my atties so this shouldn't have happened.

I'm going to email 528 about getting a replacement. In the meantime, are the copper screws for most RDAs interchangeable? I may be able to get one from a friend to use until I can replace it.


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TM24, Goon or G24 Seminole....The rest of them lack in some way, difficult to adjust/install or something needs fixing on them...
The Goon, G24, and TM24 are about the most perfect a 24mm RDA can get, the airflow/chamber size/ease of install and use. Options and accessories. Build room, rebuild kits....

There is a good reason I own about 5 of each and only a couple of most other rda's out there...

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