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I've been researching information about mods recently and I've decided to get the newer Tron version of the Joyetech VTC mini. I've also done a lot of reading on chemical composition of what makes up different types of coils and what-not, and I've decided to go with the CLR atomizers and replace the wiring with 316 stainless steel. I've also read the s-type tank for the Tron version is very similar to the Mega One tank that comes with the original VTC Mini kit. The only difference is the Tron tank is a little less durable and has touchy airflow control. So my big question (or two questions) is does the Mega One tank hold the CLR coils and is it compatible with the ss wire in the ss mode of the newer VTC Mini? Another one, is the Mega One tank compatible with 70w at that point or with any other atomizer and wiring? I've read it is only compatible for 60w.


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Just my opinion but i'd pass on the clr coils they look like a pita. Go for an rta its designed to be rebuilt and you'll get better flavor/clouds.

Sent from my LG-E980 using Tapatalk


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@Shark Vape

I plan on starting at 420° amd going up 5° every few hits to break in the coils until I find that sweet spot between 420-450°. I'll be doing 27w to start and kicking it up if need be (If I'm off on the wattage plz let me know). I definitely don't plan on going up to the 70w on the ss coils. I read about the 60w thing in the description of the original VTC mini kit that was 60w and came with the Mega One tank.
Now in regards to RTA, I can't find any RTA coils that are compatible with the Mega One or Tron tanks. I've done reading on crowns and aspires but they just don't spark my interested. I'm not worried about having to put in my own 316 ss wire and organic Jap cotton to make the flavor better which is why I want the CLR coils.
If there is a tank that is similar to the Mega One that does accept RTAs please let me know and I'll do some more research.

P.S. I just think replacing only the wiring and cotton in coils is absolutely necessary. You can clean the other parts and make it pretty much brand new every time you replace the cotton and wiring. If you don't dry burn your cotton it won't have any harsh effects on the atomizer material itself.

PPS. With that being said, buying CLRs and replacing the cotton and wiring is my best bet at this given point in time unless proven otherwise.


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@Shark Vape

I plan on starting at 420° amd going up 5° every few hits to break in the coils until I find that sweet spot between 420-450°. I'll be doing 27w to start and kicking it up if need be (If I'm off on the wattage plz let me know). I definitely don't plan on going up to the 70w on the ss coils. I read about the 60w thing in the description of the original VTC mini kit that was 60w and came with the Mega One tank.
Now in regards to RTA, I can't find any RTA coils that are compatible with the Mega One or Tron tanks. I've done reading on crowns and aspires but they just don't spark my interested. I'm not worried about having to put in my own 316 ss wire and organic Jap cotton to make the flavor better which is why I want the CLR coils.
If there is a tank that is similar to the Mega One that does accept RTAs please let me know and I'll do some more research.

P.S. I just think replacing only the wiring and cotton in coils is absolutely necessary. You can clean the other parts and make it pretty much brand new every time you replace the cotton and wiring. If you don't dry burn your cotton it won't have any harsh effects on the atomizer material itself.

PPS. With that being said, buying CLRs and replacing the cotton and wiring is my best bet at this given point in time unless proven otherwise.
Im just saying you'd prob be happier in the long run with a different tank. Exp if all your interested in is rebuilding. The tron or mega one clr heads will be a tight draw with a max watts of 24 and thats kinda pushing it. Some good single coil rta's are the wine and serpent. Also for dual coil the crius and bellus are good. I only really use ss in watts even though i dont have to. Temp is hyped imo

Sent from my LG-E980 using Tapatalk

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